Flag: El Salvador
Registered: September 5, 2022
Last post: June 7, 2024 at 7:17 AM
Posts: 703
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when are these ults gonna be fixed random shit like this is why this game will forever be a joke

posted about a year ago

that u?

posted about a year ago

this why csgo is better just pure skills no need for overpowered characters to make it fun

posted about a year ago

i make a comment on a thread that was enough to get you skrossi sheeps triggered lmao you got triggered and started replying sit down and hold the L

posted about a year ago

100t fans malding lmaoooo

posted about a year ago

won champions cryo has cryo won anything?

posted about a year ago

100t lost in the end 1 lucky ace and people getting pumped up only to lose the series

posted about a year ago

lost in the end

posted about a year ago

lost the series like i said show up in 1 match out of the whole tournament

posted about a year ago

lmao changing the topic now huh hold L buddy wasnt even talking to you in the first place

posted about a year ago

got lucky

posted about a year ago

shows up in 1 match out of the whole tournament

posted about a year ago

almost doesnt count that same team beat fnatic and sen in that same tournament

posted about a year ago

oh yeah it has nothing to do with people like you blindly overhyping players like skrossi spamming his name in every single game chat possible boosting their ego so much and when they lose a tournament instead of apologizing on twitter and shit like every other pro player out there he goes on to make stupid tweets about blocking others and then you wonder why people are talking about his behaviour on vlr? you give him crazy support but as soon as he loses he cant take a little criticism ? didnt have the same energy in the match keep boosting their ego by overhyping them

posted about a year ago

comedian winning it all he is thanos

posted about a year ago

csgo crowd more hype for skin cases than val crowds are in grand finals

posted about a year ago

myself and my gf

posted about a year ago

skrossi solos anyway

posted about a year ago

last time yall overhyped a player the whole indian esports scene turned into a joke with forsaken keep up with this energy and keep boosting their ego like i said they dont keep the same energy during the game while greater players stay humble

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

sponsors wont like deez nuts in their mouth

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

its a rare occurance congratulations

posted about a year ago

gambit vs kru was much better with so much more on stake lmao this is teams struggling to make playoff

posted about a year ago

you cared enough to reply about the biggest onliner lmaoooo

posted about a year ago

idc most overrated player biggest onliner fraud franchise player bench him lmao

posted about a year ago

can say the same about other player in this thread list why do people care so much about others too? or is it forbidden to call out tenz huh?

posted about a year ago

comedian diff he is thanos there's no stopping him they should all trying running away from him which is pointless in the end but thats the best they can do in the end everyone in this major will feel his wrath and beg for mercy as comedian stomps everyone and get that trophy without breaking a sweat

posted about a year ago

i used to buy half armor most of the time cuz 400 is so much cheaper than 600 more just for 25 hp which in the end is just not worth it imo someone just gonna run and gun u and u die but my friends wouldnt understand and start blaming me whenever the round ends so i stopped it

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

did i say i hate him? what i said is facts dude is the most overrated player and biggest onliner in the scene the thread is about players who dont deserve to be there.. there are players that deserve to be there more than overrated tenz. other pros dont seem to worry cuz if they say anything about him the casual tenz fanbois are gonna throw so much hate on them which would ruin their brand and rep

posted about a year ago

thats indians for you our people hype overrated players so much they get in their head get attitude n shit where was this energy during the game?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

comedian winning this major there's no stopping him he is thanos

posted about a year ago

i know both games have those guns but im talking about guns like vandal and phantom you gotta be accurate with those guns not moving counter strafing people in this game get rewarded for run and gun gets easy headshot while running not even stopping

posted about a year ago

tenz wins there but nt

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

losing gun fight is one thing im talking about rewarding people with kills for doing nothing run and headshots are so normal is this game it should be skill based not luck based if i get owned in a gun fight ill accept it when dudes just getting rewarded kills for free skill goes out of the window

posted about a year ago

idc thats good enough for me i got a life other than valorant

posted about a year ago

gun play in csgo is much more difficult people dont get rewarded run and gun headshots nearly as much as in valorant

posted about a year ago

yeah random run and gun 1 tap is skill issue? i hit immortal and stopped taking it seriously when others just get rewarded kills for free feels like made to get more casuals to play it

posted about a year ago

why is there so much run and gun in this game people just swing 1 tap you without stopping just random stuff happening that kills the mood doesnt happen much in csgo thats why i been playing csgo alot lately

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

got his team qualified for playoff unlike tenz getting benched then coming back struggling to beat a 0 - 7 team lmao biggest onliner and most overrated player ever

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

poverty org

posted about a year ago

tenz still better igl but he's ok

posted about a year ago

cuz our people are annoying and spam botk rossi whenever they can dont be surprised now he's getting hate its cuz of u guys

posted about a year ago

world champion letting fnatic noobs have a map before dominating the rest of the game easily

posted about a year ago
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