Flag: International
Registered: May 28, 2021
Last post: April 24, 2023 at 6:45 PM
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posted about 2 years ago

name checks out

posted about 2 years ago

crazy lineups from one side of the map to the other are great, but it wont be too hard for you if you've already kinda mastered the agent to kind of make it up on the go

posted about 2 years ago

but can he cosplay rem and dance in front of the camera for his audience?

posted about 2 years ago

op was literally asking based on the past performances from kennys in cs whether he'd be good oper, translated into valorant

we're talking about a guy who might transition from fps game to fps game, speculation is nothing outta this world, you need to understand that its due to happen, same as it happened with na pros back in the day when they made the switch, and yes, it did translate to some of them, and even made em better here than they were in csgo

as both games are obviously not the same but share similarities based on gameplay, it's not wrong to wonder whether a guy who played a role that also exists in this game would be good at it

posted about 2 years ago

as long as teamplay plays that role and you guys succeed at it, it aint really matter who gets the kill or the assist, you both share the merit

posted about 2 years ago

this is actually a great idea csgo implemented as u mentioned.
yes, this would definitely be great to have some people that share the language finally find someone who they can communicate with

posted about 2 years ago

yeah i feel you, tho its understandable riot would lean towards balancing agents in order to make them good when teamplaying, so it kinda sucks for lone wolves like you in this case.

imo the best possible solution is to find someone to duo w/ most of the time, that's gonna be the best possible move to have in europe, even if u have no irl friends who play val, just try to find some on discord or something

posted about 2 years ago

it is definitely one of the most important aspects of teamplay, hence why unfortunately you'll see so many european players in ranked just give up on the game early on, its very hard for a non-english user to communicate properly with their teammates, add another teammate that also does not know how to communicate in english and basically relies on cussing in their mother language and you have a complete L team

posted about 2 years ago

where tf is the rng ¿?

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

u missed the entire point by just reading the title

posted about 2 years ago

R-Click is far better than it used to be and it's more suitable for a quick peek. I would say L-Click is definitely something u cant use for urself, but I understand they intend for you to use it to help flash for other people rather than just urself

posted about 2 years ago

well nfl is definitely more watched in na generally speaking
probably outside of na very few individuals will actually know who brady is.

posted about 2 years ago

challengers was the most puzzled shit ive ever seen in esports, how many other qualifiers was there?
i agree on masters, easy format easy shit

posted about 2 years ago

seeing some years in here makes me actually believe i might be top 3 oldest users

posted about 2 years ago

To be honest, any other format rather than the one they using rn would be fine to me.
Right now it all feels like a qualifier to play the qualifier to qualify for the final qualifier that will lead to the one championship, which after that one in case u havent qualified already by winning the whole championship, u get another last chance qualifier to qualify for the mega final championship.

posted about 2 years ago

i understand your point, although that does not make jett's ult aoe at all, it's just sound cues to let you know something important is going on.
Popping Reyna's Empress gives a sound cue, that doesn't make it an AOE ability nor it actually is.

posted about 2 years ago

Well I personally don't like the comparison between Jett's ult and Reyna's. Jett's abilities kit is far bigger and wider than Reyna's, making Jett the better agent overall. Removing the recharge on Reyna's ult just makes her even weaker in comparison with other duelists.
Her ability kit is already weak, only getting strong when ulting making her depend solely on precision and aim.

posted about 2 years ago

based admins

posted about 2 years ago

I've said it in a couple replies #18 #19 but in my honest opinion the way-to-go is making jett's blades play out just like Reyna's Empress. Make it a timer and reset both knives and the timer after every other kill.
This allows the enemies to decide whether or not to let the ult run out of time or face it.
IMO this gives Jett a special position within the current meta and allows other players to decide not to take a peek.

posted about 2 years ago

honesty on top of everything

posted about 2 years ago

timer on jett's blades is the way to-go
how many other agents can carry with their ult on for as long as the round is being played?

posted about 2 years ago

well yeah but the aoe for raze's ult is as big as the universe in comparison with jett's knives

i would simply add a timer to it similar to Raze's and reyna's and sova's ult

posted about 2 years ago

as much as I feel like this is a fact about the map, the biggest problem i've got facing breeze is the incredible disadvantage you find when competing against OP players

i rarely play duelist as I love playing a more supportive/initiator kinda role, so it's pretty difficult to get ahold of those duels in such a one way map for OP vs phantom/vandal

posted about 2 years ago

that seems more like it, thanks number1_poiz_jettgod_fan

posted about 2 years ago

well the kyedae thing was from nov 2020 so if it aint happened til now its unlikely to happen.
I'd expect some bans and fines coming from Riot if they ever make an exclusive league/regular competition such as they have in League

posted about 2 years ago

i aint lost 3 ever after dodging... also never got a timer cuz i rarely dodge but yea

posted about 2 years ago

I mainly fill to be honest, but my most agent picks are sova, skye, sage n brim/omen

posted about 2 years ago

"HRTF provides “simulated surround sound,” allowing you to more accurately hear audio from all directions"

posted about 2 years ago

refresh rate will help u a bunch and will make the experience far more enjoyable and smoother.
it will not improve your aim nor movement mechanics tho

mostly i would say more refresh rate will help you gather more information on the screen than before

posted about 2 years ago

I feel you mens))

I love breeze as a map, but hate playing it in ranked.

posted about 2 years ago

while it does matter to have good/decent reaction time, it's not all about it
there's timing and aim involved in it, if hypothetically this one player is always right at where to aim and never or rarely ever has to flick, theres little to no reaction time involved aside from recognizing a target in front of you and shooting it.

Take nAts for instance, man is lurking like a 5head most of the time and catches a lotta enemies from the back. Does it involve reaction time? Well, yeah but not quite.

posted about 2 years ago

gl mens)) and hope to see you around sooner rather than later

posted about 2 years ago

i think we are mistaking reaction time with ranking up easy, aside from reacting accordingly u might as well need to aim right

posted about 2 years ago

i never really changed the default sound options for the game except for removing the main menu music, agent select music and etc.
what i did have to do with hyperx cloud II im currently using was not using the 7.1 sound feature, sound gets all weird and its kinda hard to tell where someone's stepping.

Might just be me tho

posted about 2 years ago

so long there's no 128tick servers for dm i doubt players will go there to do their usual warmup...
but at least that's something

the droppable grenades seems like a good addition

posted about 2 years ago

afaik it was cancelled long ago

posted about 2 years ago

bruv lemme be honest, if there is no vlr.gg equivalent to rocket league, maybe this is your one chance at making one

or pay someone else to do it

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

i think he would rather kill it first then cook it then eat it unless for some specific reason he decides not to eat such as being vegan

posted about 2 years ago

expected coming from the gaeman

posted about 2 years ago

rare W from justadude

posted about 2 years ago

i didnt even know this shit had an anthem tf

posted about 2 years ago

pansy was actually very good in csgo and i think she's doing fine in val, i understand u may or may not like it, but i'd rather have her cast val matches than league casters that really dont know much about fps aside from what theyve learned watching it

posted about 2 years ago

finally astralis_6_majors is here
u too mens))

posted about 2 years ago

"lmao a random guy on the internet says u're wrong lmao"

posted about 2 years ago

I feel like we are missing the real meaning of "scrim results don't matter". Usually saying that means that it doesn't matter the outcome, whether it was a victory or a loss, rather than how the opponent played, if they were always on top of you or whatever else. That does matter, as it does tell your team/teammates where you're gonna have to reinforce the team at.
If scrims didn't matter at all, then there would be no point in even playing them.

posted about 2 years ago

From my perspective, them dropping two maps in a series victory and losing a series 2 to nothing will make every other team highly believe they're more than capable of defeating SEN.
In my opinion, this feeling wasn't as big before Berlin, teams would go into matches thinking they were gonna surprise, but would end up being defeated. Now that they've proved gods can bleed too, it'll be a matter of time people start thinking of them as humans, and not so much as gods.

posted about 2 years ago

complete yikes

posted about 2 years ago
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