Flag: Venezuela
Registered: October 11, 2021
Last post: June 7, 2024 at 3:35 AM
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i agree i was not impressed at all with turtle troops they seem to me the worst in the league too many basic mistakes - although i feel DSG would be much higher when they face any other team other than the guard.

posted about a year ago

Sorry but anybody who thought he was going to play are dumb knowing the type of injury he has. i already did my pickem knowing he would not play so.. its all good i was impressed by talon in the last tournament even though they been not scrimming for too long.

posted about a year ago

he is a well know troll dont pay attention to that guy !! just ignore everything he says he just a baiter trying to get attention.

posted about a year ago

Yeah is just average. yesterday casting was not impressive at all today is a bit better but not that impressive and i agree with the breaks are so longgggg. ughh.

posted about a year ago

Asuna ?? did not that fraud choked and got carried by will at lan ?? what does that stats say ??

posted about a year ago

i agree babyj has inflated ego when he has not archieved nothing. No wonder teams dont want him.

posted about a year ago

who should be fired should be mwzera if he chokes again vs Good teams.

posted about a year ago

He focus on things outside of the game more deeply that other coaches in my opinion he is the smartest coach in the world.

posted about a year ago

sorry but what a dumb take this is DRX never struggle mechanically to any team in the world. Most their loses were by a small a margin and throwing leads.

posted about a year ago

sorry but why you are comparing yay to tarik ??

posted about a year ago

So what ? he is speaking facts some people like to hype players that have not done anything recently tenz is a good example of that.

posted about a year ago

i dont know why people bring the whole faze roster thing they have all the players scrimming for weeks now its not gonna make a difference when they reveal the last player.

posted about a year ago

GE but what have they show to conclude they will better than t1 ?

posted about a year ago

sorry but no i seen Beomjun play on stream he is shit his aim is very average to be in a top team. they should fix the issues they have i think when Carpe adapts to the game you will see a difference.

posted about a year ago

anyone with a brain know 100t just roster i bunch of guys wanting an easy paycheck then retired after.

posted about a year ago

these prize pool is just another way of saying this tournament is just for fun.

posted about a year ago

let him cook :)

posted about a year ago

Tell me one fragger igl who has won something important with his team ??

posted about a year ago

Dicey is good but he just playing with 4 guard stack so he can win more games so in my opinion the ranking is good but is influenced a lot by what players you are surrounded

posted about a year ago

goob job keep updating these scrimms because is posible i might change my opinion at some point before brazil aftr looking at the cumulative scrimms in total.

posted about a year ago

i read every single scrim post and my opinion from what i see this just speculation, M80 and the Guard are the one doing the best in scrims in total from all the information i have. Its good because it confirms the top 2 teams i had in challenger and those are m80 and the guard. These 2 teams in a good day can beat any NA franchised team

posted about a year ago

i think is posible since they said madrid i could be wrong.

posted about a year ago

they won champions bootcamping in europe why they would go americas ?? they will stick to what work and i agree with that mentality.

posted about a year ago

Source ?? give me the source that edg smashed all asian team because i think that you pulled that out your ass.

posted about a year ago

naa he is good he performed well in a lot of games just a few bad days but overall he was better that most the other players especially in the first qualifier.

posted about a year ago

dont compare that bum with prod because he is someone who never player a professional game until this qualifier very different things prod has much better ceiling.

posted about a year ago

this stewie is such a problem he always low on the kills aspect very little impact on his team. they should already kicked him after the first qualifer and find someone else.

posted about a year ago

who gives a fuck ?? he a big problems in the team and people should care about it that if someone else more competent was there they would qualified earlier.

posted about a year ago

sorry but the biggest dissapointment is stewie without a doubt! i dont know why people dont talk much about him when he clearly the biggest problem on this team ! Very average player without big moments

posted about a year ago

i dont know why people dont talk about stewie ?

posted about a year ago

Sorry but he is inconsistent just because he has good map he god now ?? by that reason should tigg get also in a franchise roster because of yesterday ?? the only that matters are the overall stats throught the 2 qualifers tournaments, one game proves nothing franchise players want consistent players not flukes who only get lucky because they had a good day.

posted about a year ago

2-1 For OREsport i think their map pool is better it will a close fight but the maps will decide in the end.

posted about a year ago

this guy is a fking clown is pissed because a someone who did not care did better than him.

posted about a year ago

its nice but they are getting first rounded.

posted about a year ago

well in lock in lets see if he proves that he is good people say if he fails in this event then of course the haters will be right.

posted about a year ago

that is a really good quote not like the cheaps ones about hard work and talent this one is based on reality the guys that always has enthusiam when there is failure is the one that stick around the longest.

posted about a year ago

This a good quote but these ub guys has not been working hard so he correct that Talents beats hard work on this case.

posted about a year ago

Soniqs going to choke again ?? so much hype for this team when they are just not good enough

posted about a year ago

did riribunobsumi just choke ?? they lost like 9 or 10 rounds in a row

posted about a year ago

sorry but these division guys should not be dropping a map to this team i dont care what they did in the past.

posted about a year ago

rat attack too strong 2-0 for them.

posted about a year ago

good job captain obvious.

posted about a year ago

These brazilians cant take any criticism, good chet he is not a sheep that follow what everybody tell him he tells you how its is if you dont like it you can scream at you screen fking snowflake.

posted about a year ago

i really dont think it will matter against liquid :( it will be good for them to face a weaker team to see their progress i think they will lose and people will think they are the same as before.

posted about a year ago

Division will be the first strong team they play 2-0 for Division 0

posted about a year ago

I dont why a lot of people are picking zeta to win their game when they will not get more that 5 rounds combined against LEV.

posted about a year ago

i agree she was good at lan but in my opinion she was one of the worst in C9 most of the time.

posted about a year ago

woah! i did not expect they beat fish taco they are decent team that gave disguised a good match.

posted about a year ago

Naa KING VINNY is the goat they are no randoms

posted about a year ago

Mel Already said in interview most of GC teams dont have that mentality of winning in open tournaments they just want to receive GC paychecks and wins with their team in GC they really dont care because their not at that level. I said it before V1 IS the only team trying really looking past to improve in a global sense.

posted about a year ago
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