Country: International
Registered: March 12, 2022
Last post: March 30, 2023 at 9:18 AM
Posts: 866
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I am not casual only one or two people in giants have been to an international lan....

posted about a year ago

try to win against the no-namers teams challenge. (impossible) (gone wrong)

posted about a year ago

click heads or get s1mple

posted about a year ago

shut up and support moist

posted about a year ago

Moist win today. Unbiased opinion

posted about a year ago

click heads <3

posted about a year ago

gg l0quid always trow hahahaapa. why push on judge????????????? why not usa habilitys?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

rito small indie company

posted about a year ago

<3 :skull:

posted about a year ago

as I said earlier I accept my mistake and I am sorry for that i even said that i don't want this to happen again (see the previous replies and the original post) I asked for help not for a moral lecture but all g

posted about a year ago

as I mentioned earlier it is a two-way street I was called a faggot and some other racist remarks were said to me but I got banned because I did not report them.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

it is not one dm it is just every single dm gets super toxic but i got banned so i am asking for help.
i was called faggot when i was holding angles but i did not report them they just reported me
istg this toxicity is not one way but i can accept that my replies were out of bounds

posted about a year ago

ye i know saying the r slur is bad, and i do not want to do it again, that is the entire point of the post how to get out if this elo hell without saying it

posted about a year ago

I was banned from valorant recently for calling people the r slur, the 2 major instances that I remember were the following:
1) I called enemy KJ r slur because she was camping with the judge every single round, she was also very toxic, but riot still banned me for calling her the r slur
2) I said the r slur to enemies in deathmatch because of the very same reason. I am not very high elo my MMR is around gold-plat, people within this MMR in deathmatches just camp audio cues and they either crouch peek u or wide peek you when they feel u are close enough, and they can get easy kills.

Even though I think riot mods are stupid and are enabling these toxic campers who shit talk (they say the same slurs and even get racist and homophobic) while camping but are quick to press the report button, I still want to be better at the game.

So any advice on how to deal with camps both in Ranked and in Deathmatch would be really appreciated.

I tried the subreddit valorant but they were as much help as you would have imagined. Fuck them fedora tippers

posted about a year ago

it makes sense but it is not right but again it is my opinion

posted about a year ago

shut up doubter

posted about a year ago

with that stock they won't even be able to save a fetus, let alone a kid

posted about a year ago

an org that just uses one player for its promotion is just bad, that's why tenz gets the hate he gets. Sen's PR team makes him look like a god among men who is ruling the fps, the unmatched marksman, but IMO he is a good player, just the same yay is good, just the same way every other pro is good, but this company dickrides him so hard, it is unbelievable that an org can be this brain dead

posted about a year ago

once in a lifetime W

posted about a year ago

i just don't like the org the players are good

posted about a year ago

shows how scummy esports really is, i still hate c9 for the yay debacle

posted about a year ago

just stop being a bitch and use the moist flair.

posted about a year ago

they do, they just don't care, only team i genuinely hate is sen

posted about a year ago

pass the joint lil bro

posted about a year ago

Dapr and Shaz are the only reason they have fans, nothing much to it

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

common titan L

posted about a year ago

souls type games are good but Elden ring is better becasue you don't have to grind much also the soundtrack slaps

posted about a year ago

juicer team goes goblin mode

posted about a year ago

+rep dunder

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

real and tru

posted about a year ago

emea worst team vs na worst team
pls win heretics

posted about a year ago

you bet on drx....

posted about a year ago

give me money

posted about a year ago

flip the c9 match and we are good

posted about a year ago

off the meds

posted about a year ago

no longer jampii stan

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

faker is the goat no cap

posted about a year ago

i do dare to say kinda K

posted about a year ago

so no namers ranked players??

posted about a year ago

start betting

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

honestly i don't watch t2 emea.
how would you guys compare your t2 structure vs na?

posted about a year ago

true it is like you can have both zeka and faker one team but one has to play support.
you make one your best players useless

posted about a year ago
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