Flag: Italy
Registered: April 15, 2022
Last post: April 26, 2023 at 11:37 AM
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lmao fnatic is literally the same level as Guild

Guild was destroyed by PRX, won KRU by lucky, and almost lost to OPTIC in a game that Yay bottomfragged

EMEA will be exposed as fuck

posted about a year ago

loud never had a close series against those teams like Guild had against Fnatic

posted about a year ago

that's what retardeds like you say

NIP just had a bad day againt KRU

anyone that watched their games know they can do much more than they did on that game

people like you are just pathetic and dumb

posted about a year ago

they aren't

I said it days ago

Guild = Fnatic

posted about a year ago

last time they faced OPTIC stax got knifed by victor

I think they'll have some respect by now

posted about a year ago

I'm rooting for leviatan

posted about a year ago

I'm not knocking down any regions

I watched games from FPX, Guild and Fnatic and I noticed that they have a very slow style that doesn't work against aggressive teams like Optic

posted about a year ago

Xset = guild, Fnatic

Optic >>>> Any emea team

posted about a year ago

I'd say NIP but I actually think they just had a bad time against KRU

they improved a lot since last masters, but couldn't show it against Loud or KRU

KRU also just had a bad time against Guild

posted about a year ago

I'm partly sad because I wanted to see PRX vs Loud, DRX vs Loud and more

but I'm happy because I wanted to see highlights as well, and there were a lot in their game against Optic

posted about a year ago

At least he had fun playing, that's what matters

mediocre people like you would never understand

posted about a year ago

Aspas smiling after being eliminated by Optic

Best world player

posted about a year ago

they played toe to toe with OPTIC

so they are in the same tier as Optic

remembering that they already beat OPTIC and in the defeat in the grand final two maps were in overtime

Why would LOUD be a tier below? Bcuz they lost to KRU? and OPtic didn't lose to Xerxia and the guard?

posted about a year ago

Optic won just 2 rounds more than Loud in Overtime and now LOUD Is the worst team in the world and OPTIC the best

VLR user logic

posted about a year ago

wtf are you saying

Optic needed that winning much more than Loud

Loud is already qualified for champions, while Optic was top 1 last masters

posted about a year ago

the one that doesn't count is the one in which yay bottomflagged

find out which was


posted about a year ago

Loud literally beat Optic the first time they faced each other

you're dumb as fuck

posted about a year ago



Guild almost lost to KRU, just won by lucky


and just to remember you that Guild vs Fnatic in semi-finals had close maps... so Guild = Fnatic

posted about a year ago

Loud 2x0 EMEA

delusional fnatic fan

posted about a year ago

because you know Loud is better than most of those teams

you need to cope with a series that means nothing like a retarded fanboy

posted about a year ago

this bitch thinks their shit teams are good because Guild won Optic in a bad day


posted about a year ago

went home after a great game against Optic

cry more crockroach

you're far below them

posted about a year ago

Fnatic wouldn't even win a single map from them

team of slugs
gonna be destroyed by PRX

what a pity

at least there's a chance of them facing Optic in lower
ez 2x0 for optic

posted about a year ago

fluking and did more than your region

cry more

posted about a year ago

that's what you want to believe

you've got shit in your head instead of a brain

posted about a year ago

So a fraud team destroyed two teams of your region

you're worse than the fraud

posted about a year ago

I'm not saying NIP is better than Lev right now

just exposing how dumb this argument is

posted about a year ago

the only one who's giving excuses it's you

you just can't accept the "minor inferior" region has one of the best teams in the world

all great teams have losses, and can happen to lose to weaker teams

Optic vs Guard
Optic vs Xerxia
DRX vs Zeta
Loud vs KRU

those mean nothing, but pathetic cockroaches like you are always using them as "proof" of something

posted about a year ago

KRU isn't 2nd best team in latam, fucking retarded

they're literally the LATAM team with highest rating

they just got 2nd in challengers because of a serie in which they clearly underperformed

fucking dumb

Latin America South

also: leviatan lost to NIP 3x0

posted about a year ago

imagine thinking KRU is better than LOUD just because they won a close series in which Aspas and Sacy bottomfragged and they were clearly having a bad day

but yet KRU lost pathetically against Optic

keep coping, loser

posted about a year ago
  • Yay sleeping
  • MVP

makes sense

posted about a year ago

I never saw any Loud player being knifed twice in a round like guild

Guild vs Prx was one of the most pathetic rounds I've ever seen

posted about a year ago

please don't compare Loud with flukers like KRU and Guild

KRU would never win Loud in a good day

Guild would never win Optic in a good day


Cry below

posted about a year ago
  • superior
  • got knifed twice by PRX
posted about a year ago

didn't Loud win multiple times against EMEA teams?

posted about a year ago

won ascent + overtime in Split = "humiliated"

didn't even do double digits in both maps and got stomped in Haven

Seems like OP has shit inside his head, his hatred and prejudice against Brazil (caused by his excessive stupidity) do not allow him to see reality

posted about a year ago

the team who destroyed Optic in Ascent then played equal to equal against them in Split

but now KRU is better than Loud because they won a series in which they clearly underperfomed, and so are Xerxia and The Guard better than Optic because they also won series against them

retarded logic

just to remember KRU is 6-0 in maps against Optic

posted about a year ago

don't fucking quote me to say dumb shit

fucking dumbtard

if you want attention look for another one to beg

posted about a year ago

don't fucking quote me you've got shit in your head

fucking hater

posted about a year ago

when did I say there was no merit for KRU your fucking retarded

they were clearly dominant in haven

since they won NIP i've been saying they were going to qualify with LOUD

stfu and stop saying what you don't know fucking dumbass

posted about a year ago

it is just that LOUD was so dominant in icebox that they got overconfident and did shit

but don't worry we will clean "loser bracket" for you

Guild and optic are already at home, they just don't know it yet

posted about a year ago

they've been better because they've been scrimming with LOUD

LOUD taught them how to play valorant

posted about a year ago

I can

nagzet will destroy guild

posted about a year ago

the dumbest thing Guild ever made was picking Fracture

they will be destroyed

posted about a year ago

gg ez fracture

nagzet is a beast in that map

he will farm kills no chance for Guild

posted about a year ago

ez for KRU

Nagzet will DESTROY guild in fracture

posted about a year ago

stop being dumb and learn that people are idiosyncratic

I'm brazilian and I always accepted that KRU was a good team

posted about a year ago

you WILL be upset

Guild = fnatic

the same will happen to your best team

posted about a year ago

that's exactly what's going to happen

3 latam teams in playoffs

Fnatic = guild

posted about a year ago

I'll always twerk for my latam brothers

latam, br >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

posted about a year ago
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