Flag: Italy
Registered: April 15, 2022
Last post: April 26, 2023 at 11:37 AM
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Esse sigmamale é o mesmo que ficou meses falando bosta da Loud

agora que vencemos ele quer discreditar

e vocês ficam dando atenção a esse tipinho aí

posted about a year ago

at least i dont lick the balls of overrated jingg fluke team

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

this is capitalism

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

who cares they'll change roster anyway

posted about a year ago

imagine rooting for a guy called "supamen"

posted about a year ago

loud will stomp them kekw

posted about a year ago

lmao Aspas diffed Yay three times

don't compare Aspas to a guy that can only play 1 agent, thanks

posted about a year ago

portuguese is spoken in many countries + spanish and italians can understand us because of similarity

gonna cry?

posted about a year ago

the match was in masters copenhagen

posted about a year ago

Loud also got insta grouped last masters

so your argument is just a dumb fallacy

not to mention furia is our top 4, they never even won VK and got owned by NIP several times

posted about a year ago

ai meu deus sarcasmo é demais para os 2 neurônios do cayub

posted about a year ago

ok thanks for telling me mita

you're a cool person mita

I like you mita

posted about a year ago

isn't it your "to be" verb?

since it's a S-O-V language the verb always come in the end

korean "desu"

posted about a year ago

keep hating brazilian community, there will always be people like you

you're not important or unique, just another capita

posted about a year ago

why you guys say "mita" in the end of every sentence mita?

It's so annoying mita

just stop mita

posted about a year ago

you're a braindead calling a whole community "braindead" because of some braindeads like you

posted about a year ago

and they don't even respond him

posted about a year ago

no, Aspas is thousand times better and smarter than Jingg

don't compare him to this bot


5:40 he's playing IGL (giving calls and telling the others what to do) while he aces

posted about a year ago

VK and TBK are small orgs
impossible for them

posted about a year ago

"and then win the champions again"

are you scared, gringo? 💀💀

posted about a year ago

38 kills against Optic is pretty insane indeed

posted about a year ago

yeah zombs is the only genious in the world who baits brazilians to get money

Lothar should do the same no?

fucking shit mental gymnastic to defend your idol

just admit he's a fucking braindead owned by brazilians and move on

posted about a year ago

Hur DuR THis ThReAd CoulD bE mADe For Any OTheR TEaM

Yeah any other team win a masters only depending on players individuality without any discipline like FPX did

posted about a year ago

nothing you say makes any sense

you just want to farm upvotes

It doesn't even have any relation or coherence with what I said

posted about a year ago



average VLR user IQ

posted about a year ago

well brazilians do it to everyone, why only zombs seems to care? because he does


brazilians rent free in his head, just accept it

posted about a year ago

I said they don't have as much firepower as FPX, and not that they don't have firepower

this site is full of illiterates

posted about a year ago

well it's not me doing mental gymnastics to defend a braindead like zombs


posted about a year ago

yeah, FPX and Team Liquid are the most firepowered teams in the world

if both had discipline, they could beat any team

Fnatic has discipline, but doesn't have as much firepower as FPX

posted about a year ago

no, some teams are disciplined but can't be the best

and it's not a random number, it's a fact

posted about a year ago

if they were disciplined

they're a superteam with the best players from 4 different countries

they just lack discipline. But the players are INSANE.

posted about a year ago

yeah "zero negative impact"

believe in whatever you want to believe, but even they losing to KRU was one of the negative impacts caused by what happened
and everything that happened after that.

posted about a year ago

nice mental gymnastics, but the ones who watch his streams and ads are americans not brazilians

the ones who defend him (like you right now) are americans, not brazilians

all we do is make fun of him. He was already rich even b4 it.

posted about a year ago

yeah the profits come from brazilians posting memes on his twitter and not the americans who watch him

posted about a year ago

um vira-latas reclamando de outro

posted about a year ago

he's an influencer, he's the one who should ignore haters on twitter

he's too braindead for that kekw
now brs rent free in his head

posted about a year ago

É por isso e outras que eu não uso mais bandeira brasileira neste fórum

vergonha de ser deste país

posted about a year ago

and the whole brazil is nothing but a meme to the whole world. now sit tf down.
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posted about a year ago

a single comment in a forum is to give impressions? Wow

I don't give a damn about this clown, sorry

for me we wouldn't even make memes of him, he's not worthy just an egocentric whore

posted about a year ago

my man they do it to him because he's a meme

Keznit never responded brazilians and brazilians still make meme of him

just accept your loved idol is a meme and move on

it's him giving impressions to brazilians, not the opposite

it's brazilians who rent free in his head, not the opposite

we are laughing at him, nothing else

posted about a year ago

the one feeding this egocentric bitch is you not me

he's nothing but a meme here in Brazil

those who watch his shit streams are americans

posted about a year ago

he's just butthurt because he thinks the world owes him something he can't accept he's hated by a whole community

I mean brazilians do it to everyone, smart people like FNS just ignore it, now FNS is loved by lots of brazilians

but zombs is too braindead to ignore and act like a normal person kekw

posted about a year ago

brazil rents free in the head of this braindead egocentric bitch

he can't accept he's nothing but a meme, feels bad

posted about a year ago

it happens to every region

When Optic won masters, people called it a fluke and called them "fluketic"

there's braindead people hating every region

posted about a year ago

we will have a lot of braindeads from NA and EMEA saying shit about brazil like "one team region"

and some delusional fans thought it would end if we won champions

bro it'll never end

posted about a year ago

Loud can still beat any team in the world right now

they have the best Ascent, Breeze and Haven in the world

cry me a river

posted about a year ago
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