Country: Japan
Registered: July 5, 2022
Last post: February 27, 2023 at 10:06 PM
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Which language would you flex if you knew how to speak?
For me would be Mandarin.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Trent is a star in his team, but that doesn't mean that he will be a star into a new team.
Same for marved.

It was better for SEN to get Sacy and Pancada, since both are experienced and played a lot in different teams and could shine.

posted about a year ago

U suffer not racism but cyberbullying by this shit ~Supernova The Slave of VLR

posted about a year ago

No brain.

Tenz + Zekken + Trent will not work.
They preferred Sacy because he has experience + can be second caller during mid-game.

Having that much youth at same team I do not think that it will work, even adding Marved into will fuck things even more.

It think SEN is really balanced right now, you're judging only by firepower.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, not that much difference. Difference that you will be able to tell is more about how light your mouse is.

posted about a year ago

High DPI = better input lag.

Problem is that most of mices has some dpi deviation.


Check this review of G Pro as example, you can see that 1600dpi is not really 1600dpi, this DPI variate by every copy.
You can have a new G Pro with 1610dpi (when u put 1600dpi) and other with 1650dpi when u put 1600.

That's why people feel weird when they change to new DPI, anyway most mices nowadays with 3370 or 3390 sensor the dpi variation is way less, almost 1%

That's why u should not care too much about ur sens, since every time u change your mice your sens will change as well.

posted about a year ago

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”
― Frank Zappa

posted about a year ago

i dont think trent > sacy
just different roles, trent is free, while sacy is more supporter player.
trent is also lurker.

sacy is plays supporter to his duelist.
different game styles, fit tenz better.

posted about a year ago

AIM diff.
I think in NA, since there's a lot immortal players compared to Brazil, Immortal level in NA is way weak than BR immortal-radiant rankeds.

Also Sacy said that ranked in BR is better because people plays with low ping, so no one need to play like a retard with 70 ping peaking everywhere compared to NA.

posted about a year ago

SEN Pancada; SEN Sacy >>>> Trent, Marved.

Trent is a beast, how he need to game a proper IGL, just like Tenz.
Trent would be better in this moment because for "lurker" role, since he is native english speaker.. pancada would not be able to play viper that well since these roles you need to proper understand everything in English, so It needs time.
Sacy is more mature and can be second shoot caller to help Depph, also they already have Zekken and Tenz, adding a young one like Trent would give them way more trouble.

Marved is at same level as pAncada, but pAncada personality is way more chill than Marved, so I think it is way more better pancada than marved also marved has some problems with tenz i guess.

Trent + Marved would be good at starting, and their firepower would be a beast. but with Sacy + pAncada they can be way more consistent and support zekken + tenz way more.

posted about a year ago

what do u think about someone who prefer man over a woman?
even woman prefer a woman.

This commentary contain high dose of Irony, please do not take it serious.

posted about a year ago

You should not hold angle with 60 ping bro.. this is not CS.
Valo you can only hold angle with less than 15 ping.
+50 ping you should abuse peak advantage, peak fast to kill. GG.

In valorant you can only hold angles with low ping, since you will be able to ''insta kill them'' since your ping is low.
That's why many players in NA suffers at ranked because everyone in NA is high ping so people need to play kinda braindead sometimes to abuse their advantage since they won`t be able to hold angle properly.

that's why when you watch some people who has low ping in valorant they play completely different, just like a bot, since they can hold angles.

posted about a year ago

Sorry to tell you, but at start of 2040 about 25-30% of population died from unkown causes

posted about a year ago

I'm from future from 2040.

  1. LOUD
  2. MIBR
  3. LEV
  4. FURIA, won by a big drama against SEN

Check this thread in the future, see all these things being true.

posted about a year ago

u have no idea how powerful furia is right now, they're way better than SEN.
SEN can only beat them by coach diff imo, furia firepower is too stacked.
FURIA is making LOUD to suffer at scrims right now

posted about a year ago

if SEN x FURIA, certainly FURIA will win.

posted about a year ago

Soon belky and shion should just retired, bunch of 27 years old stealing kids slots.
Both won't ever be good anymore

posted about a year ago

Immortal is not even considered something until Immortal 3 at least.

posted about a year ago

Nothing better than being heartbroken, free pre workout for 6 months. Lets go!!!!

posted about a year ago

Are you sure it was a french kiss? Or competition of who broke each other's teeth.

posted about a year ago

a candy.

posted about a year ago

chamber doesn't exist anymore.

posted about a year ago

wtf bro theres no way.

posted about a year ago

What age did you had your first french kiss?

13 first, but second one around 17 :(

posted about a year ago

Ok, I'll be honest here.
First: You're not going to be instantly a better player, but you learning curve will be a lot better if you start to train your AIM properly.
You'll be able to track better, HS people better, start to have a better reflex since now you can see things better (not blurry).

Example If myself return to 60hz I'd still hit some insane shots because my muscle memory is good since I could train it properly (with my eyes, etc)
After getting a better monitor, 240hz, 360hz, you'll see how much better you will become in few months (AIM diff)

Anyone how says that 240hz monitor won't make you a better player is lying. It will, but not instantly.
As soon you start training your AIM properly you'll be a lot better than doing the same thing with 60hz.

posted about a year ago

Months ago if you said something you'd surely get ban, somehow after people trashtalking a lot the mods here they're more open now, maybe too open tho.

posted about a year ago

Even "yay" fall, imagine wardell.

posted about a year ago

This lawyer is biased as fuck, saying "LoverBoy" to take advantage, tate did not take advantage and never hid who he was from anyone.
You can check his insta from 2018, he always said what he was doing, all girls know that.
If you love him you stay if you want, his rules.

Loverboy is more deep than that, not all countries ban that, In Japan being a host is a example of this thing.

Are you telling me if a chick start loving me and start giving me "money" is it wrong? Lol.
The purpose of both remain the same, is it not a crime, but some countries law think it as crime.
That's why he lived in Romanian since It's more open about these things (still got fucked)
In Spain as example, if a woman testifying against you, you will be arrested because the woman's word has more power there until court begins.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Probably I will, but not sure If my friends would go.
Going alone is like going to be NPC cosplayer.

posted about a year ago

I translate for Japanese.

posted about a year ago

bro, Japan is 0 aim but all brain.
We're both from extremes.

posted about a year ago

true nobody would play ranked in BR server since it's all about aim and 0 brain.

posted about a year ago

Mumbai is "island" of cricket.

posted about a year ago

I think he meant "BestFriend" and not "BoyFriend" as BF.

posted about a year ago

if you're korean you can easily be one lol.

posted about a year ago

How did u endured bro

posted about a year ago

It's Japanese society problem honestly, most work in Japan you need to go out with your "boss" during friday to drink all night.
I'm pretty sure they do this thing to make you addict and rely on alcohol to ''live with discomfort'' instead of trying to change
Since alcohol can give you fake happiness.

It`s not that much different than what will happen in US with marijuana, you will see some big companies soon offering these things to their employees as any type of drug is something numbing, they do this specially to deceive you and not making you go after changes in your life (like changing job or something)


posted about a year ago

It's not jp p*rn, but real thing.

posted about a year ago

Not sex, but to drink and entertain them.
It's like the same reason why you watch live stream, to be to be entertained.
But host is like IRL stuff

posted about a year ago

Mainly woman.
Usually 18-23 years old girls.

posted about a year ago

It's better than working at Konbini, for sure.
But yeah If you overthink this job you will see it as nightmare, i see it more as fun.
There's bad parts about it (drinking too much) but besides that it's a fun job.

posted about a year ago

Update 2: I made it.
Starting trainee at friday. LETS GOOOOOOOO

posted about a year ago

born with 3 arms is instantly buff no matter what they say.

posted about a year ago

Nope, but cheating during marriage is way more common, since most marriage in Japan is kinda rushed.
The problem is that cheating during marriage woman can sue you, while man cannot sue woman if she cheats.
So is way more common for woman to cheat than man here in Japan during marriage, also wife gather your money and gives you about 10% of your salary to survive during entire month, so many japanese old man go to cassino (pachinko) trying to earn more money, when they win they all spend it on brothels.

posted about a year ago

everyone can be, you just need to be confident. (I've seen some foreigner being host too but he has fluent in Japanese)

posted about a year ago

Yeah.. also why japanese doesn't marry here (at least mans) is because woman can sue them if they cheat, as mental damage... while mans cannot sue.
It's starting to increase a little of redpill things here because of this stupid law so one sided, but most ends up choosing 2D wife instead 3D.

posted about a year ago

they don't care if they sleep with someone else, but care if you let people knows about it since it can affect their reputation, that's why there's a lot brothels here.
even Motels in Japan is funny because when someone is leaving their room if someone is in the hall all the room doors is unable to open because there have been cases of people bumping into their partners, both cheating. lol.

Anyway, here a small clip of truth.

At first I found it so weird when my friends told me that they cheat their partners, but rarely you will find someone who never cheated once here. I thought it was just boys, but even girls say they cheat without remorse, in my experience cutest a girl, highly you will be cheated.
Most girls I haven't seen cheating on here were usually "gals", like, yakuza or something related.
But yeah, cheating is normalized here, if you date here 99.9% you will be cheated without knowing.

posted about a year ago
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