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Registered: November 29, 2021
Last post: June 10, 2024 at 3:58 PM
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Personally, I'm very glad the first official Riot tourney of 2023 as well as the first Masters tourney ARE NOT in any of the VCT host cities of Berlin, Seoul, and LA. I hope that Riot explores the regions instead of just plopping down tournaments where they've already been.

Japan isn't THAT bad for NA viewers if they plan times right, so that's always nice. Plus, every NA team has at least 1 week training all out to get to Tokyo M1.

I get it now. THIS IS HOW THEY GET TENZ TO TRY. BAIT HIS ASS WITH JAPAN. It makes so much sense now. Anything for SEN Tenz.

posted about a year ago

Get those motherfuckers out of my cinnamon roles

posted about a year ago

Sorry, will do.

Update: Has done.

posted about a year ago

These motherfuckers drawing for maps and sides like a fucking mario party minigame

I'm all for this

W gimmick

posted about a year ago

Bro I have no clue, I was just going through my YouTube recommended JPOP songs and I got to Bocchi songs. They were just the default YouTube music ones where you can't comment. Honestly just look the songs up and find the ones labeled under topic, those are like the actual releases.

Edit: They are also on Apple music under their band name. Yes I use apple music, I have no idea for Spotify.

posted about a year ago

Gov offered to shake ass and Fullerton, wherever that is, was a different team.

posted about a year ago

Bocchi has single handedly dragged me back into anime. So good.

Funny story : I found the soundtrack AND HAD IT ON MY PLAYLIST FOR DAYS before I learned it was not a 'real' band and from an anime.

Amazing music, Amazing comedy, and outside of being good at something, my and Hitori's personalities are 1:1. I relate a little too much to her honestly. It's genuinely concerning. 10/10 series, and that's from a One Piece purist. That's how good it is.

posted about a year ago

Tenz. He played Jett as second Entry in their prime, sick was primary entry and Tenz would still OP. Without Chamber in the meta, Tenz and Zekken are free to go double duelist and have tenz op on defense. Who ops on attack anyways, except for yay it's usually worse than a regular rifle lurk.

posted about a year ago

Idk how I overlooked this, but I was just about to go to sleep and I was think about Sacy and VCT America's and how good he is. Then I looked at the Optic vs Loud finals, because I remembered he had a good map 1. I was wrong, he had an amazing map 1. That was an overtime map, and Optic won bind VERY strong (13-6), which led into another overtime map on Breeze which loud won to go 2-1 then a 3-1 win. So, what did I miss? Well, I remembered the recent clip of FNS where he basically said OpTic (and any team for that matter) could not recover from two seperate overtime losses where Optic had the lead prior.

Sacy won Acsent, and I'd say, the whole match of the Finals.
Why did he win it? A bit of it was the 32 kills, 5 above Yay at top of the lobby as well as 11 above Aspas who was #2 on the team. Well, what about his performance. Sacy went into the final two rounds and got a 4k on round 27 alongside a 1v1 clutch, and then got a 3k to seal the deal in 28. But what really won them the game, in my opinion, is the fact Sacy low diffed Yay. Yay got 27 kills, just 3 were on Sacy through the match. Yeah, remember those 32 sacy kills? 12 ON YAY ON ONE MAP. Sacy well and truly diffed yay that map.

So why am I writing this at 6:46 am? Well, because I just want to throw out there what a powerhouse Sacy is, at his position. He is actually insane. I've known this since he knifed some G2 member in a 1v1 (he lost the round, but gigachad). I do feel like people brush over what Sentinels have become due to C9's popularity and the 100T win, but with these Brazilians, Canadian, America, and a wild Brit, I really think Sentinels should be feared at all levels.

Final note, Tenz is returned to second entry which was what he played when Sentinels actually worked. So thats an extra boost.

posted about a year ago

Step 1: Open your notes
Step 2: Find a god
Step 3: Pray

posted about a year ago

bro I lost hope after bind, Optic on Ascent was sub-par the whole tournament.

posted about a year ago

I'm talking more attack side, because they'll both be comparable on defense but their attack roles are very different. Aspas is always the entry, when Yay might AT MOST peak for a pick before Zellsis or Victor takes first onsite contact.

posted about a year ago

L take

Mocking > LeBron

Don't get that shit twisted brother.

posted about a year ago

Yeah if Aspas played the same position as Yay, then I'd think they'd be compared to each other. But, Aspas still plays as a primary entry and secondary op-er where Yay plays primary Op. Even on C9, Yay will be a secondary entry behind Zellsis just like he was behind Victor even when being on duelist.

posted about a year ago

Obvious lie bro.

Mocking too good for Sen LOL

posted about a year ago

I faced M80 Eeiu in a deathmatch last night and he won it, so I am inclined to put M80 at first.

Its not because Zander likes One Piece I SWEAR
Side note: WHy am I in a DM with M80 Eeiu I am quite literally gold 1

posted about a year ago

Maybe Faze picked up the best NA player : Mocking.

I hope I don't get in trouble for leaking, tee hee

posted about a year ago

Western Europeans talking about North Americans taking credit for South America, full well knowing Eastern Europe and Turkey have carried their region for the entirety of its existence.

If we're still gonna be splitting up the America's, you better believe I'm getting on West Europeans for taking East Europe and Turkeys credit.

They won both Masters 2 and Champs.
All Western Europe has done is lose to NA in Masters 1.

posted about a year ago

Can we all agree, no matter the outcome of tomorrow's games, not to clown on C9, Kru or 100T? Now, we're all one region so...

Let's all just remind any toxic EMEA fans that they held a tournament and got bottem 5.

Ok? Love yall, GL tomorrow. Kru looked Hella nice today, I'm excited for the game.

posted about a year ago

Bob and Flor would literally get blocked by Riot that shit too OP

posted about a year ago

Without their IGL.
Without one of the most impactful players in all of Valorant.
STILL at #2 giving Thieves a RUN for their money.
Enzo and Meddo were bottem 2 in all but the final series when meddo was mid.
Yes, frags aren't everything, but JUST off aim skill and fragging ability nAts and Redgar fully outclassed meddo and Enzo. This is a scary team when they are able to show their complete potential.

posted about a year ago

I might have said this in a hot takes forum, but I believe TenZ will wither end the year as an undisputed top 3 player or completely retired and full time streaming.

posted about a year ago

(I believe it was Masters 1, LOUD vs G2)
Round 13, pistol round
Sacy knifes a guy in a 1v1 (still loses round)
I still think this one moment caused loud to get into the finals and win Champs like 6 months later. So, great play.

posted about a year ago

That's enough time to start watching One Piece

posted about a year ago

(progressively hotter)

  1. East Asia's top 5 will be based 90% on whichever Jett plays best each game
  2. Navi will make the finals in Brazil and Masters 1, but lose both to C9 and then Fnatic.
  3. One of the Sen players will end the year as the DEFINITIVE best player in the world.
posted about a year ago

gMd works

posted about a year ago

Brother is bragging about a tie

posted about a year ago

Wow it's almost like they had an attack sided comp and won 9 on attack,, while Talon ALSO had an attack sided comp and won 9 on attack. Honestly crazy.

posted about a year ago

They've been in my top 4 since they were announced.

DRX, Gen.G, Talon and Paper Rex.

I genuinely think they are (by far) the top 4 in Asia, but I am biased towards Gen.G and PRX cause I love the PRX playstyle and because I'm a meteor fan.

posted about a year ago

People will go crazy when they realize some maps and comps are extremely one sided

posted about a year ago

He is very attractive

posted about a year ago

It probably because Bob isn't attacked for being a good player, but is attacked for being Trans. She's being attacked as a person rather than being attacked as a player.

posted about a year ago

I think the Brazilian Final this year will be Navi vs C9.
I think Fnatic will choke in the first international lan, like every other one, but I do think they'll win at least 1 major by the end of the year.

Personal preferences:
Asia - Gen.G and PRX (Paper Rex is fun to watch and Gen.G got Meteor, love that guy)
EMEA - I'll watch this region the least, but I'll cheer for either Liquid or Fnatic for entertainment. I'm in NA so EMEA is too early for me.
Americas- NRG and Sen. I like the streamers/ personalites on both teams. Although, I do think both squads will round out the top 3 in America's, baring Sam being braindead and Tenz playing to his true potential. If Tenz plays to his potential then he can easily be top 5 in the region, and I will die on that hill.

posted about a year ago

I think mines a high 220 or a low 230 on the default website, but it's a 210 on the AimLabs "detection" task.

posted about a year ago

I may be a shiiter in gold, but I find I play better and react faster when I've drank a lot of water. I'm a huge coffee guy, but water does make a genuine difference in how well my body works.

posted about a year ago

I don't care about the tier list, the first Lan final will be C9 vs Navi. DRX and Fnatic always throw once we believe in them.

posted about a year ago

My heart wants Sentinals vs Fnatic again, but my brain says that C9 and Navi are easily the two strongest squads there, fnatic is close though but I have learned to NEVER have hope in Fnatic (they've ruined 3 of my brackets)

posted about a year ago

Chamber change, not a groundbreaking nerf.

Also, obviously this won't happen. It's more effort than riot would put in for an agent change.

Remove Chamber trip
New ability : Designer
cost 350 credits, one use.
It's a 50 armor heal.
Whoever it's used on has a special glow

In the lore, Chamber is a weapons manufacturer. He can make a fucking piece of armor. He's made a teleporter and multiple guns, he can make armor. Fits the lore of the charecter.

In game, it nerfs Chamber a lot. He is a whole different agent. No longer can you puck Chamber as a sun for KJ or Cypher. Chamber is now a flex like sage. He focuses on picks, while sage focuses on delay. He can't solo hold as well, he has nothing to play off alone, he can't hold as aggressive angles as efficiently because he doesn't have the safety. We also don't have an Armor based heal, so it's a new type of heal. My person built of this is that he cab only use it on himself or an ally who had bought armor that round. Then, the special glow is so the enemy knows its been used already. Not busted, but a good ability that forces chamber to either play more with the team or allows him to be more aggressive, pushing in wise.

posted about a year ago

saving the best for last

posted about a year ago

imo Riot should add a new role called "flex" for the 3 agents who really don't fit as their role aka Sage, Chamber, and Harbor

Harbor can't fundamentally do what a controller should, he's not a good solo-controller, but from the clips that I've seen he's a VERY good flex. I think Astra - Harbor will show up a lot in the meta when VCT comes back, since Harbor seems really good at taking sites. Like, you do a wall that cuts of EVERYTHING you don't want, maybe you bubble planter, then the SECOND the enemy tries to retake, you just use the tiny wall and they're delayed an extra bit, and then after you still have full Astra utility for postplant or if the Harbor push fails, you can rotate easily.

Harbor looks like a controller - initiator that can kind do either, but is not the best at both. Unlike viper who is a great lurk. harbor isn't gonna take over Viper's spot as a solo controller, but I think he has potential for more aggressive comps on Bind over the lurk viper that's run on that map.

posted about a year ago

Love : Sonic Boom (Cartoon)

Hate : Sonic Boom (video game)

posted about a year ago
  1. One Piece
  2. I thought, "One punch man is probably the only senien I've seen", but Apparently Love is War is a senien, so it's that.
  3. I want to eat your pancreas
  4. Classroom of the elite
posted about a year ago

MAPPA has a super dark tone to its animation that I just love. I think the cgi was fine, I liked MAPPA aot more than WIT aot because of the dark tone. If any other studio did JJK I genuinely think it couldn't have been better than mappa. They've produced some of my favourite series well up to my expectations, so I don't even worry about the little mistakes I notice, they'll happen with any studio.

posted about a year ago

Level 1 - shooting out the Omen Ult provides 2 seconds of paranoia

Level 2 - Allow Omen to use his abilities in Ult shadow form. Shrouded step would change where you appear, can paranoia out of the ult so it's unsafe

Level 3 - Allow Omen to place a fake shadow AND a real TP

Level 4 - Combine Level 1 and 3

Level 5 - Combine Level 1, 2, and 3.

posted about a year ago

Even if they take 20% of that, they'll still be the highest viewed team globally.

posted about a year ago

Sentinels are the top viewed team in North America.

Loud were the top viewed team in South America.

Sentinels were Gaurenteeing that they are #1 viewed globally, that's a W.

posted about a year ago

No, I just knew he'd be mentioned when he's just fundamentally worse than everyone on the list + more. He's just made it his whole identity, so people genuinely believe he is of this higher caliber.

posted about a year ago

Watch a single ounce of his gameplay and you can see that he's a top 5 op-er globally, that is the opinion I hold and nothing can reverse that.

posted about a year ago
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