Country: United States
Registered: July 3, 2021
Last post: January 3, 2024 at 10:34 PM
Posts: 354
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When are week 5 pickems coming out? Americas has been out

posted 11 months ago

mimi the caster as the coach

posted about a year ago

hes not in the groupstage but i genuinely think if a good coach gets his hands on snirot he will become a superstar in val, but verno and brawk are the 2 more obvious ones for me

posted about a year ago

i think someone like hiko might be really good for the desk if he wanted to do that but the gc players and sean are enough in game experience for it imo, mel has been so damn good in that role before at na lcq(i think it was that event)

posted about a year ago

dsg is winning everything

posted about a year ago

i think gc players are better because they have a separate circuit and wont be playing the teams they are covering

posted about a year ago

Vanity Asuna FNS

posted about a year ago

no hes not, his jett his underrated but his op is bad. hes not even a top 3 oper on his team

posted about a year ago

t3xture is literally better than yay lil bro fym

posted about a year ago

Ardiis streams are so funny

posted about a year ago

xxif also played flex for knights so thwifo could play senti and he would play initiator

posted about a year ago

we have joshua "steel" nissan what are you talking about bro

posted about a year ago

thats not reactionary enough for a vlr user, downvote

posted about a year ago

nah he wasnt necessarily saying loud was lucky, more that victor was unlucky it happened to him the whole game

posted about a year ago

yeah and sick went with sen? whats your point

posted about a year ago

I think EG is the favorite, roster wasn't bad last year and they made upgrades

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

GenG 4-1 against loud isnt terrible either

posted about a year ago

well, they are wrong

posted about a year ago

They will get second and then win champs dw

posted about a year ago

Hes tied with t3xture as the best player in the world

posted about a year ago

this game better get streamed, i need to watch the goat snirot

posted about a year ago

thats what im saying, that would be hilarious

I wouldnt be shocked if they just give it to the pacific region since china would probably be part of that region

Or that chinese team is directly invited who knows

posted about a year ago

no, the winner gets an extra slot for their region, not auto qual to masters

posted about a year ago

t3xture literally 1v5s rrq

posted about a year ago

Off day as in bad day

posted about a year ago

really living up to ur name

posted about a year ago

yep! our 4th best team that has 6 days of practice! real weak!

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

yeah i know, but thats different, that being said dephh only did attack side igling for xset so i feel like keeping dapr+ adding someone like valyn would have been better

posted about a year ago

dapr doesnt igl

posted about a year ago

yes! mickey mouse tournament with his first match with a new team!

posted about a year ago

yay??????? cryo?????

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

dont you dare forget xxifs name hes the fuckin goat

posted about a year ago

Dark Ratio, will owns everyone

posted about a year ago

t3xture is the best player in the world but not a flex player

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I dont think they lost because they didn't play chamber but they were playing chamber during lcq/champs

posted about a year ago

you have to be trolling

posted about a year ago

Yes because high acs=good player, especially smokes players

posted about a year ago

Idk why they dont just either play a different comp, something like drx's comp or put cned on chamber, ange1 on omen, shao on fade, zyppan on raze and suygetsu on breach, or at least something that gets suppan on raze and cned on chamber

posted about a year ago

tmv, balla, sideshow does it on twitch, podcasts like plat chat and vandals are good too

posted about a year ago

s0m will play smokes probably, if he played flex fns would likely play smokes but that's highly unlikely

posted about a year ago

zander is great but i wouldnt want him igling tbh, i thought i heard somewhere that effys was doing alot of igling on v1 but that might just be wrong

posted about a year ago
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