Flag: Italy
Registered: March 17, 2022
Last post: April 19, 2024 at 4:04 PM
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their own team

posted about a year ago

the ZHUQUE team will not be able to participate in champs under the fpx banner, if they win lcq

they will not even be able to play lcq under the fpx banner, as lcq is riot organized, and 2 teams of the same org will not be allowed to play in riot organized tourneys, unless it is a female team.
This is why C9 and T1 dropped their KR rosters

The only way the ZHUQUE team plays is under a new org, or an orgless banner. they will not be invited for the LCQ under FPX organization, unless the org reaches some agreement with riot, such as how Gambit competed as M3C

All this is under the assumption FPX values their EMEA team more than the ZHUQUE Chinese team

posted about a year ago

Doesn't even matter lmao

posted about a year ago

Laugh fucking my ass off


posted about a year ago

they will not be able to participate in champs under the fpx banner, if they win lcq

they will not even be able to play lcq under the fpx banner, as lcq is riot organized, and 2 teams of the same org will not be allowed to play in riot organized tourneys, unless it is a female team.
This is why C9 and T1 dropped their KR rosters

The only way the ZHUQUE team plays is under a new org, or an orgless banner. they will not be invited for the LCQ under FPX organization, unless the org reaches some agreement with riot, such as how Gambit competed as M3C

posted about a year ago

K so who?

posted about a year ago

Unless it's much heavier or lighter, then no

Or you could be TenZ

posted about a year ago

Honestly hope shahz is lying for once lmao

posted about a year ago

You are racist as fuck

posted about a year ago


They are good, but stax, shao, leo, etc, should not be underrated like this.

posted about a year ago

God Bless 🙏 his family.

posted about a year ago

I had a stroke reading this title

posted about a year ago

obv a bad move, but i dont see any other igls

posted about a year ago

So? Pick all 3

posted about a year ago

Best of luck!!!

Hope both are able to succeed, but honestly I feel he was never the perfect fit

posted about a year ago

we dont know, but they are working with someone

i personally believe it to be Julien "AREA" Dubois

posted about a year ago

they def have lcq

posted about a year ago

Emea: Liquid (even if they're shit, knowing them they somehow find a way.
NA:100T, very high ceiling with only little prac so far, they will grow a ton.
EA: ONS, they are best in KR in the lcq, and I don't think cr, dk, or rc do well. The CN teams generally are thought to have good aim and bad team play.
SAmerica: VK, if heat is back on Jett

posted about a year ago

Idk man, hellranger seems comfortable on only breach ig? I can't see another reason.

I think sova can be a good pick so no reason to take KappA off him, also he's not really that good on other agents.

So just inflexible players I think

posted about a year ago

tbh its not unlikely if kru can find some form, esp nagz

posted about a year ago

Knowing xerxia they will somehow find a way out lmao

posted about a year ago

i argue thats good for the scene overall globally imo

posted about a year ago

oh yeah nvm mb, forgot cuz they couldnt go sadge

posted about a year ago

thats what happens when u dont prac

posted about a year ago

they didnt show up and their opponents played insane.

that is all

posted about a year ago

he can if he does it with another kid

NA law only says adults cant have intercourse with minors

posted about a year ago

CONGRATS!! Well deserved, super good team. Good luck at Copenhagen!

posted about a year ago

japan likely zeta while nth will play lcq

emea can likely say fnc go to champs cuz they appear at both masters

posted about a year ago

xerxia better than all in tier B imo

they were bad in grand final but they just had a crazy intense game against secret. They have experience, potential, and a very strong IGL in foxz, who can also frag hard.

posted about a year ago

warzone was the last abortion in texas, hackers shut it down before it left the womb

posted about a year ago

yes but honestly i cant be the only one that thinks he is better on jett

posted about a year ago

i respect that

posted about a year ago

i believe leviatan improved

and kru really just shit the bed today

posted about a year ago

cuz heat is just so underwhelming on chamber, compared to him on jett

hes insane on jett tho

posted about a year ago

bro wardell owns you man

he will bounce back stronger you just watch

posted about a year ago

get heat back on jett and off fking chamber bro he looks so much better on jett

posted about a year ago

KRU: NagZ if he can find his form
NIP: Cauanzin

posted about a year ago

best in india

around 100th in the world

posted about a year ago

Ye actually with l1nk I feel like tl go to Copenhagen


posted about a year ago


DRX shits on JP with ease(except for ZETA)

posted about a year ago

Yeah foxz was so tired it was probably his dog IGLing

posted about a year ago

KR so much smaller than na in terms of geographic size tho

posted about a year ago

RB? Just imo

Know he chokes on LAN but the kid is a demon

posted about a year ago

At this point

Honestly your right lmao

posted about a year ago

Shut up + COPEnhagen

posted about a year ago

cough whz cough

That kid is crazy

posted about a year ago

I agree

Xerxia > NIP

posted about a year ago
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