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Registered: October 13, 2021
Last post: July 14, 2023 at 9:05 PM
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thats probably because hes NOT talking about xset can you even read bro he's talking about faze and nrg

posted about a year ago

BRO ITS BECAUSE I CRY That 100T steps uP, I swear after everytime I say something bad about 100T they manage tocome back ITS LITERALYL EVERYTIME LOLL so ofc I'm gonna keep crying

posted about a year ago

diffed by dicey* LOL faze are nothing without dicey rn they had babybay before but he's quiet now its just dicey carrying his team to the win whereas 100T are an actual good team that has BETTEr matchups against future teams
Im telling you rn even after faze wins here they're losing against NRG lol

posted about a year ago

this is just unfair for 100T man
they're the better team they already beat faze once before why do they need to beat them AGAIN
this map pool is just so good for faze now since they know how 100T played before
I just don't think faze could go that far in the playoff compared to 100T its sad that this is going to be the end for 100T

posted about a year ago

its all because FAZE are built on DICEY and HES AMAZING yes but he's still human, and he's going to slow down eventually and now 100T will win its sad because dicey deserves to win but he's stuck on faze :(

posted about a year ago

a bit of hiko as well but he was definitely more reasonable, Asuna never said anything bad tho he was just supporting everyone

posted about a year ago

in the xset match 100T started off with a lead and that's the only reason they lost
if they were losing in thebeginning then they could've made a comeback and won

posted about a year ago

naw im happy i was wrong
he did great

posted about a year ago

fun to watch for us but the players hate it LOL

posted about a year ago

this isnt Faze's fault lol theyre just the weaker team, Valorant isn't a momentum based game, after the side switches its an ENTRIELY different matchup
I think this says more about 100T and being able to DO THIS AGAIN! ESPECIALLY IN A REMATcH SO CLOSE to their last match.

posted about a year ago

this matchup is so unfair for 100T they have to play a rematch??? Faze are able to change the map pool so its better for them, they can improve on their mistakes, they can stop 9 3 curses like legit this is just so stacked against 100T

posted about a year ago

not really bro it aint a 9 3 curse and SINCE its looking like a rematch Faze should be able to improve on their mistakes and close it out this time which sucks cuz 100T are the better team you just cant expect a team to win twice in a row like this

posted about a year ago

asuna won a 4th round for 100T by getting an ace... this in turn lost them the entire map because the 9 3 curse is no longer in fact gg go next

posted about a year ago

listen guys i know Tex appears on the stats a lot he's their star player so it should be expected for Tex to be top fragging but the truth is he's got aim but he lacks decision making and clutch ability, there's better star players that they could choose from

posted about a year ago

listen man i know 100T are the better team but ITS A REMATCH, if faze loses here LMAOO you know how bad they would have to be, they should legit change their entire roaster if they lose a rematch like this
the odds should be 90 to 10 in favor of faze

posted about a year ago

i think asunas overrated because hes shown more results whereas ur favorite streamer haven't shown any results so he cant even be rated

posted about a year ago

too bad NRG lost here its really sad :/

posted about a year ago

100T with dicey instead of Will
Faze might even win this time around cuz its a rematch but I genuinely think 100T are better when you really compare everyone, and they have a better chance against EU teams compared to Faze, even if Faze win here they're going to lose against EG or even if they beat em they'll lose against xset lol
100T have a better matchup against EG and xset compared to Faze, Dicey isgood and so is babybay but a team takes at least 5 people

posted about a year ago

LOL ur actually funny af bro the two teams you said will be fighting for the last stop DONT EVEN MAKE IT THE MATCH TO MAKE THE LAST SPOT HAHAHAHHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHA

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

you cant get rid of fracture or breeze when they're so new, even icebox is new compared to the old maps
so it comes down to split icebox and bind tbh
and competitive people don't like icebox and bind whereas casual people do like these two maps
so I understand why it had to be split, it must've come down to bind vs split and bind isn't as hated as split used to be
if you think it should've been haven or even ascent you're clueless

posted about a year ago

Viper looks strong in theory but after using her its hard to make use of her wall but definitely has a lot of lineups for her smoke and mollies
Omen definitely the best controller rn, then viper then astra and then brim
Breach the strongest, then fade, kayo good as skye if kayo has lineups otherwise skye is better, sova being the worst and definitely should not be used
KJ the strongest, then sage, with cypher being good in theory but hard to find lineup spots, I could see him being better than sage if there's a lot more practice with him, Chamber definitely good but he's also broken rn so idk where to list him
Duelists arent needed tbh, Raze is the best one if you wanted to go a duelist, neon and yoru can be used if ur good with that agent, jett and reyna are just you're playing for the agents ability not so much picking them because of the map. oh and phoenix is awful so don't even need to talk about him, hell be better once he gets a rework
easy to win after postplant, but hard to plant

posted about a year ago

? ur actually clueless LOL

posted about a year ago

Envy has constantly been fourth place until recently when they rebranded to optic and won masters
whos stuck in fourth place now
Cant wait to see XSET win the next masters after they change their name

posted about a year ago

^^^^ this should be talked about more than about how badly the guard are doing
Ghost are playing extremely well w

posted about a year ago

its really not even the Guards fault, 100T have gotten SO MUCH BETTER and the GHOst are just better than the guard its that simple
its not that the guard suck its just the teams they faced so far have just been magnitudes better

posted about a year ago

lets all just laugh at the guard hahahaahaha

posted about a year ago

whoever wins here pretty much makes playoffs and whoever loses its over

posted about a year ago

Optic should win this one with how "new" C9 roster will be for this week 2-1 for Optic

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

its really sad cuz EG try so hard and they practice so much but at the end of the day their players just don't have what it takes to fight the top individual players

posted about a year ago

L typical vlr user not knowing

posted about a year ago

they werent bootcamping this weekend LLOL
it was only the qualifier
they're going to start bootcamping later in the group stage tho just not now

posted about a year ago

100T OPTIC NRG LG did not bootcamp this weekend and they all won

posted about a year ago

why isnt EG there LOOL im pretty sure they're the weakest team in groups as well

posted about a year ago

its all because of covid that they cant have that many slots or crowds but its all changing soon ! there's a partial crowd next masters and an actual crowd in champions
more slots will get added you just gotta wait

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Actualy genius
good shit

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

tht was an amazing start
i still think the guard arent what they used to be but this is SO GOOOD from 100T they're playing close to perfection
I expected 100T to win fracture but not in this fashion LOL

posted about a year ago

the map pool doesnt look the best for them ngl
its going to be 2 -1
100T wins if asuna plays raze on bind

posted about a year ago

akrew having a tuff week

posted about a year ago

if they have a bad roaster it speaks high to their strats and prep

posted about a year ago

actually true like did anyone logically expect EG to qual it felt like a fluke when they qual last stage and THEY QUALED AGAIN??? i haven't seen their matches but are they actually good now?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

yall hating here are sen fans that are hiding in the shadows
your team lost to a team that got destroyed by another team how does it feel

posted about a year ago

Knights shouuild win against EG

posted about a year ago

Bruh either a rematch akrew v sens match
sens vs 100T :/
scared for the future

posted about a year ago

people on this site are actually braindead

posted about 2 years ago
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