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Last post: October 27, 2021 at 3:04 PM
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obviously he dont play much, but he's pretty bad at Valorant (like compared to his CSGO dominance).

posted about 3 years ago

'playstyle wise' dont really matter.

He is an insane player, he can join any team and improve it. He will be the star player for the team no matter whic team he joins, teams should be built around him rather than trying to fit him in

posted about 3 years ago

hard to find anyone not happy when they won every map lol

real test will be when they are in a bad streak, then we see what he's made of

posted about 3 years ago

well if you believe the viewership will continue on form what we see in Iceland, then no reason why it shouldn't be around the transfer price of other esports (like CSGO, league etc.)

posted about 3 years ago

so around 1m I guess?

not bad I think if they really think valorant is the future. TenZ is basically the figure head of valorant at this point

posted about 3 years ago

poor dude, have to face the consequence of his previous action. What kind of sick crooked world is that if you cant get away with bad things you done before!!

posted about 3 years ago

still think they are the best team (by far), but I dislike SEN. mostly because of Dapr (and Sinatraa).

posted about 3 years ago

ShaZam no doubt.

he act as a coach + igl + can frag/play multiple role no problem
most well rounded in everything, and excel in every one of it

posted about 3 years ago

and VKS is best team according to TL.

stop taking these scrim result too seriously, even if is coming form pro

posted about 3 years ago

he ditched his team (C9) when they are not performing well, using excuse as don't want to play on high ping and online. I have no sympathy for TenZ whatever happen next

posted about 3 years ago

lierally finished 1 day ago. Get a hobby other than watching ppl play video games lmao

posted about 3 years ago

FNC put up a much much better fight than I thought that could. well played to them

posted about 3 years ago

what do 'give code' means in twitch chat?

is there some sort of giveaway/drop?

posted about 3 years ago

in a heavily defender sided map? It's actually pretty bad. I thin FNC 10 rounds at most

posted about 3 years ago

best is 3-1 I think, but I think will be a 3-0

posted about 3 years ago

if it goes to 5 map then could hit 1m

but if it is 3-0 (which is more likely than 5 map IMO), then I doubt it will break the previous record of 750k

posted about 3 years ago

honestly unless something change VERY drastically, I dont see SEN being dethroned in Berlin (or the end of year Champions or whatever is called)

They are too far ahead of competition, and been consistently on top of the meta since day 1. Same can't be said for any single team in the world.

This will be something like NiP dominance in early CSGO days

posted about 3 years ago

well if ppl want to take down SEN, that's the only way to do it lol

even if there's 'no intercourse', dont think it is legal to groom a underage girl

posted about 3 years ago

i dont doubt FNC can improve, but it's only been few days since their last lost to SEN (which was a convincing lost). For FNC to win, FNC need a lot more time than a few days to catch up to SEN. Unless SEN collectively have a very off day (and I mean very bad like losing 80% of gunfights), I dont see FNC taking a single map

posted about 3 years ago

even though end in a loss, I'd say it's a good ending. Played better than everyone expected

posted about 3 years ago

what do u mean by play dirtty?

posted about 3 years ago

pls explain why is dumb instead of just saying I am a clown. Are u not concern that the viewership will decline after the hype of this first ever internation LAN?

posted about 3 years ago

I mean the trend of overwatch viewership (like slowly declining after first ever tourney), didn't say they have exact same number.

posted about 3 years ago

i hope so. I am just worried that it may become like Overwatch, starting off with a lot of hype and just die down overtime

posted about 3 years ago

i said struggling to break 400k after the initial hype. I know viewership is very good on first day (and games that NA play), but as I said hype died down afterwards.

posted about 3 years ago

constructive discussion. Maybe contribute to the discussion as I alluded to in the main post rather than just trolling in comment and baiting for attention and upvote

posted about 3 years ago

how is this baiting? I am pointing out viewership number. Stop saying everyone is troll, you are not contributing to the discussion. Stop karma farming

posted about 3 years ago

well that's part of the problem of it. If SEN is playing, viwership is good. But it is not healthy for esports viewership when there's only viewer when 1 team is playing

posted about 3 years ago

that's part of the issue I am saying. After the initial 'hype' viewership just can't follow up at all. Even though this match is a lower bracket final

posted about 3 years ago

After the strong start of the first day of Masters, and the first EU vs NA game, the viewership seems to be pretty meh. I think is because ppl don't really care since most see SEN as the clear favourite making games less hype.

In comparison, minecraft currently have over 900k viewer, while valorant in their first internaitonal LAN can't even break 400k now. thoughts? What riot need to do to bring some hype back?

posted about 3 years ago

how do u even know lmao

well maybe dapr should be the one in jail, not me

posted about 3 years ago

on the topipc of girlfriend, dapr girlfriend is hot

posted about 3 years ago

fix hiko and steel and the got a good team. Ethan and asuna as good as fragging as any other top tier player. Nitr0 always play consisntely well as well even though not the flashiest

posted about 3 years ago

nuturn for no chance. SEN gonna roll them over EZ.

if you want to see a 'close game', go watch lower bracket, since I feel SEN is too far ahead of everyone right now to put in any entertaining match unfortunately

posted about 3 years ago

people blaming on duelist, but even with good duelist, VKS will still lose.

they just got outplayed macro wise.

posted about 3 years ago

all these BR fake fans, when the team is losing there's no noise lmao

posted about 3 years ago

if V1 win the 2nd map, I'm like 80% sure they will win the series.

V1 looked good on Icebox and their Haven map is one of the strongest in the tournament

posted about 3 years ago

no one think he's cheating lmao, when they mean 'sus' they mean it's a buggy kill

posted about 3 years ago

well it's their pick. if they cant even win in their pick, it's worrying, especially we see how strong V1 is on Haven

posted about 3 years ago

EU down bad.

supposedly FNC strongest map and both NA team are still 50/50 against them. THey got no chance in BO5

posted about 3 years ago

will be close game, could go either way.

And if you think about that statement, just show how poorly EU is doing. FNC been the favourite for the tournamnet for a lot of ppl, and now they are expected to have a 'close game' agaisnt the #2 seed of NA which ppl expected to be just there for the ride

posted about 3 years ago

i swear weebs call every anime without some loli 'trash' lmao

posted about 3 years ago

not convinced by Mwzera yet until I see him in international event. We all saw how weak BR region actually is. Everyone look good against weak opponents. Someone from Renegade can drop 30 bomb in NSG tournament, doesn't mean he will be the next big star

posted about 3 years ago

how do u have top 10 and not mention something like rick and morty or futurama or south park lol

posted about 3 years ago

i mean comparing to top tier KR Jett vs top tier NA Jett (or top tier EU Jett), I dont see KR one being better.

KR Jett is just a meme, like the asian kid always better than you

posted about 3 years ago

KR Jett is nothing special though

NA Jett even better than KR Jett currently

ShaZam/TenZ etc. all better than all KR Jett I've seen

posted about 3 years ago

no chance. they struggled against V1 while SEN consistently roll V1 over.

posted about 3 years ago

Not sure

only SEN game I am very confident on who is winning

for V1 game, it is a bit 55/45

VKS/TL can go either way really. TL looks shaky a lot of times, and VKS dont look good themselves either

posted about 3 years ago
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