Flag: France
Registered: October 12, 2021
Last post: June 2, 2024 at 6:11 AM
Posts: 941
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still play chamber. Chamber main 4 life

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Tbh honestly that's understandable, I haven't really watched the other NA games so didnt realise they r better for the others.

posted about a year ago

I haven't watched al the na games but they seem really one sided rn.

posted about a year ago

As much as the Brazilian crowd was bad, this na crowd is the same no?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

im not hearing no

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Send me your location and lets have the hotest sex of your life. I GUARENTEE you will not be able to formulate words after that (and not be able to walk either ;) <3 ).

posted about a year ago

lmao if your not intrested then stfu

posted about a year ago

Yeah when i looked at the sign in forms i was expecting a longer more clear list of who can join and who cant. Seems a bit vague stating Teams must be composed of five women at least. Compared to the NUEL Women and Non-Binary VALORANT University Tournament that states "Teams must only consist of cis women, trans women, and non-binary people. If you would like to enter but are not sure if you can, please message an admin on Discord!" which is way more clear. Maybe riot dont want to piss off their chines sponsores or smt.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Isnt that what i said lmao. Riot themselves seem to require "Teams must be composed of five women at least" so i dont think what i said and what Sage Datuin said is intiealy correct.
Check: #47

posted about a year ago

Game Changers 2023 Player Verification
You can use this form to get in the verification pool in order to participate in the Game Changers tournaments.

We remind you that the conditions to be elligible for Game Changers 2023 are the following ones:
-Teams must be composed of five women at least.
-Minimum rank is Platinum 1.
-Minimum age is 16 years old at the date of registration.
-EMEA Residency is required for at least 3 players from the active roster.

Trans men are not women so they cannot compete in GC.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

So reading the Game Changers 2023 Player Verification it clearly states "Teams must be composed of five women at least" mb. So no mention of "marginalised groups" or "marginalised genders"

posted about a year ago

Yeah im pretty sure thats the wording they use to go arround the hole gender debait. Its clearly used to mean non-binary people but I agree you could argue that black men are marginalised groups.

posted about a year ago

"marginalised groups" not "marginalised genders"

posted about a year ago

Riot sees Trans women as women, so they see trans men as men. Men cant join GC so following that logic trans men cannot either. Its an intresting question wether trans men should be considered as a "marginalised groups" but riot see them as men it which is understandable. The "marginalised groups" riot accepts in GC are the non-binary folk.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Cry me a river my guy. Come back when your balls drop and maybe we can have a proper conversation without your insecure ass feeling attacked by anyone who doesnt agree with you.

posted about a year ago

what?? i was just answering the question of how TG losing to M80 makes gamrs point not poignant as they likely will not play the americas teams (also losing to 2 tier 2 teams makes winning against MOST tier 1 teams a tall order but ok)

posted about a year ago

Thanks for proving my point.
Proof that TG can beat most of the americas teams:
-TheHowling is french
-gamr said so

case closed

posted about a year ago

Yeah ig but that was a while ago. Team Heretics where by far the best team in EMEA back in first strike, look at them now. Teams change through time, im not saying TG is bad im just saying claiming they can beat most americas teams is kinda funny when there is no evidence to back it up. Just like how the turkish fans said TR would dominated the qualies to masters 2 2021, how the EU fans said TL would win at reikevik or how we are supposed to bow down to our supposed Korean overlords. Chill out man stop getting your nipples in a twist

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Seems to me like alot of talk with nothing to back it up but ok

posted about a year ago

It just means that if TG cant beat G2 or M80 they wont even have a chance to play the franchised teams making their point as valid as pissing against the wind.

posted about a year ago

Didnt they lose to m80?

posted about a year ago

Hating someone who is not wronged you is not justified in the slightest. Thinking TenZ is overrated is justified. People use the word "hate" way to easily nowerdays...

posted about a year ago

zed and oni

posted about a year ago

How about all of vlr just grew up? Just a thought...

posted about a year ago

looks good

posted about a year ago

My god i loved the DFuse days. "TAKAS YOU DIRTY DIRTY MAN" will always be one of my fav moments of valo history.

posted about a year ago

Takas on top of the stats as usual. He really should get into franchising.

posted about a year ago

Common L

posted about a year ago

Cutting yay isnt the problem. Hiring him in the first place when u dont have the money is the "KC troll" part.

posted about a year ago

stay mad

posted about a year ago

Looks like a GIA win

posted about a year ago

Yeah nah EG beat KC but there are definitely some Pacific franchise teams that lose to KC

posted about a year ago

*in EMEA

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I want to see keloqz strive but with alfa back its going to be very difficult.

posted about a year ago

Thanks 👍

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

0300 on a terrible day (like today where I have a shiton of uni work)

posted about a year ago

You say "if it's a condition or genetics I totally disagree with calling someone out" which i agree with but how do you know? would rather not risk insulting someone and hopeing its not genetic. Also some people get mocked/called fat when they are only a little over average which is not ok. As long as they are healthy they shouldnt feel bad about their body. I do agree that people that are morbidly obese should be trying to do something about it instead of just playing victims BUT insulting someone is never the right answer, and to most "fat" is an insult.

posted about a year ago

Hey man your alowed to be a dumb cunt, doesnt mean im not going to call you out for it.

posted about a year ago

Then dont post a thread about CS2 my daft child...

posted about a year ago

HAHAHA sorry I forgot most vlr users still struggle with reading. lmk when you get out of elementary school

posted about a year ago
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