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Registered: July 31, 2021
Last post: June 8, 2024 at 3:20 AM
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I still dont see how its a bad thing?

posted about a year ago

you are literally spewing the same points over and over and over again just like every other CS frog on this website. Moreoever you are comparing the gameplay of casual ranked and mixing it with the dynamic of pro play. Both are very different gamestyles.
And literally, all your points have been anecdotal.

posted about a year ago

Let me elaborate as to why your take is braindead.

valorant is so much easier than other games

Yeah because it was intentionally done like that to appease the casuals. Which is why you have more new players playing Valorant everyday than CS ever did in the past 5 years.

movement is slow, gunplay is dumb and bad engineered so everyone can be a god at it.. making a tactical fps not about skill on aiming or guns

No shit sherlock, if Valorants main focus was to determine skill based solely on aim THEN THE GAME WOULDNT BE VALORANT, IT WOULD BE CS.

and to all of this you can add a screwed up netcode that makes you feel you are playing in a casino slot where the game takes part on who dies and who lives... "tactical" fps with "precise" gunplay...

The CS hitreg is absolute dogshit. CS frogs always boast about the techniques they have developed to add to a high skill ceiling but fail to realise those techniques were first created to adapt to the shit game engine you run on.

thats why a team that wins a tourney cant get it done twice...

How is this a bad thing. I rather see new talent and players get a chance than repeated dominance by one single team. It makes the scene more interesting.

just like they did LoL from DotA , an inferior game based of another

Funny how you say inferior copycats. The company must be doing something right, if "inferior copycats" end up beating the game they were based on on all standards.

posted about a year ago

you are braindead.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I will investigate the 9-3

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

This aint it chief

posted about a year ago

sanest sentinel dickrider take

posted about a year ago

ill cum on brazil

posted about a year ago

We have shit on riot as a community multiple times. And they have brought changes respectively. The esports scene is gonna be bigger than ever with the new format. Idk if you have been following the scene but so far Riot is doing really good in making sure franchising and the T2 scene coexist while at the same time giving opportunities to normal players aswell.

posted about a year ago

Dude his arguments are valid, BUT IT IS IRRELEVANT TO WHAT MOST ARE TALKING ABOUT. Literally keeps on eating and vomiting out the same points over and over and over again. Its pathetic.

posted about a year ago

It isnt a cope because you need time to build a community or a cult. You do not generate it overnight. And as far as everything is concerned, valorant is trending positively. And we are talking about a game Riot has built. Riot arguably knows its community well and listens to them compared to any other big game corp out there

posted about a year ago

tf are you even talking about? That isnt even my argument. Infact i agree with you. Without CS valorant would not be as successful. But that wasn't even my main point?

posted about a year ago

how do you create ASCII art?

posted about a year ago

Zombs literally farming impressions on the daily.

posted about a year ago

I was just scrolling through youtube and saw a bunch of comment sections shitting on valorant tournaments.

Majority of the Takes basically covered this:

  1. Valorant isnt hype as CS majors which is reflected by the viewership TILL DATE.
  2. The audience is and venues are sub par.
  3. CS is overall more enjoyable to watch.

These comment sections are huge ass echo chambers which shit on any opinion that the majority disagree with (Indirect Shot at VLR as well but we aren't that bad).

Now, I agree with all 3 points. But I still watch and play more Valorant than I do CS. Why?

I love watching things (Valorant in this case) blow up figuratively. None of these CS cucks realises that Valorant is barely 2 years old. You are comparing CS, which at this point is 10 years old with an immensely rich esport culture, history and tradition which created a plethora of memories, events and most importantly- an everlasting community which loves the game, so much so that they would consider the game as a family member they way the dickride each other and shit on any criticism towards the game.And when you have such a dedicated community, its almost impossible to not build up hype for events and important moments.

All I have to say is- Wait 5 years. In 5 years' time, Valorant will be almost at the level of LoL. Valorant will have a diehard fanbase behind each franchising team, well funded events, a good content creator community, a good pathway to pro league and most importantly- will have a faster growth rate due to the Countries and organisations being favourable towards the funding of esports now more than ever.

To all the lurking CS frogs: Shit on us all you want you peabrains. It literally motivates us to be more inclusive and improve the game and its community. Every time you call us mid, we strive to make sure our game will be on top one day.

posted about a year ago

NRG has really good branding?

posted about a year ago

i know for a fact that there are still teams making thousands by cheating in local tournaments in India. There are a ton discord servers which get deleted and created on a daily basis just as a marketplace for cheats which makes it 2x harder to expose those braindeads.

posted about a year ago

internet explorer moment

posted about a year ago

Acting like XSET are the ones who called for the replay. L

posted about a year ago

only in my dreams.....D:

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Riot still investigating last round of the match. No news yet. Press have been told to get out of venue. SO no reports

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

he did not peek out because they thought one was heaven. If he ran out the smoke, he thought he was gonna get caught from heaven

posted about a year ago

Bro, respectfully stfu. Literally the biggest hater on this site. Go spend that energy on something useful

posted about a year ago

Mf is dickriding mwzera through zyppan and shao. You have reached a new low. Congratulations

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

These attack rounds are getting so scrappy in the final 20-30s, i really didn't get why they walked all they way around towards CAT.

posted about a year ago

At this level every map is neither T sided or CT sided. All depends on the team and playstyle. Just based on ranked, ascent is pretty balanced

posted about a year ago

V1 is dogshit buddy

posted about a year ago

trembo detected opinion rejected

posted about a year ago

easier said than done lil bro

posted about a year ago

jesus fking christ, stfu about mistic. He played so well this tournament.

posted about a year ago

Thats all i have to say. You don't know who is reading your messages and it might affect them. Give criticism but be respectful. I cannot convince everybody but I'm still gonna try

posted about a year ago

yeah that i dont understand LMFAO. I don't understand the thought process behind that. Only explanation i cant think off is that, drx kayo mollied door which would delay the main retake. So they cancelled it .

posted about a year ago

they also hate chamber lmfao dont worry

posted about a year ago

its a plant for b main, its practically useless if you have site but u still have 3 enemies who can spam + throw util in main

posted about a year ago

They felt that drx would play offsite because they had ult.

posted about a year ago

Its normal but it does not make it right.

posted about a year ago

stop being so prejudiced you tubelight

posted about a year ago

maybe its a glitch. Because one round when everyone when light shields, boaster was on zero. Maybe it shows -25 shields for him

posted about a year ago

Bro think about the situation. Pressure is on. Comms are hectic. Someone comms "enzo only 2 bullets in mag". Enemy peeks, boaster thinks he got half, gets off to help enzo but enzo kills him.

It isnt trust issues, its just a reflex action.

posted about a year ago

nah the boaster one was acceptable because enzo only had 2 bullets in his mag. SO boaster got off to help him

posted about a year ago

DRX. Mf are the biggest bandwagoners on this site.

posted about a year ago

what more criticism do you have to give after they apologised and both parties have moved on?

posted about a year ago

Valorant is a heavily momentum-based game and it would be naive to say the tac pauses didn't disrupt the flow of the game. It would be frustrating for anyone to just have your flow stopped which could cost the game. SO out of that frustration, dephh and a few others expressed their thoughts but didn't put them in a good way. They acknowledged their mistakes, apologised and both moved on. So stop starting more threads on this shit.

posted about a year ago

Eden, Ruel, LAUV,

posted about a year ago
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