Flag: Albania
Registered: February 12, 2023
Last post: June 16, 2024 at 7:47 PM
Posts: 692
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This is best players mechanically lmao that's almost the complete opposite of flexibility

posted about a year ago

Favorite Sport : Baseball
Favorite Music Genre : Dubstep/Heavy metal
Favorite Music Artist : NIGHTKilla
Favorite Youtuber : GD Colon
Favorite School Subject : Math
Favorite Valorant Team Currently : Sentinels
Favorite Valorant Team OF ALL TIME : Sentinels
Favorite VLR User : idk new to the forums

posted about a year ago

I think this match will be closer than some people think (not that close though), but LOUD 2-0 of course

posted about a year ago

my favorite map comp in no particular order:

posted about a year ago

wait are you getting mad at someone for having a korean flag or am i missing the point

posted about a year ago

If this is real you're goated

posted about a year ago

So people should go to games they don't care about????

posted about a year ago

I'm saying that he literally is Cambodian, and is referred to as such

posted about a year ago

Because he's on a north american team, people usually go by the teams people are on, not where they're from

posted about a year ago

NRG 2-0 unless Dephh cooks some new crazy ass strats

posted about a year ago

He top fragged in every game he played in that tournament

posted about a year ago

on the dot

posted about a year ago

That's not how it works bud

posted about a year ago

Same with oxy and the cryostasis (or was it koalanoob i forgor)

posted about a year ago

Dephh looked bad at LOCK//IN, and the same people saying that you can't judge Zekken by one tournament are judging Dephh from one tournament. Dumbasses

posted about a year ago

Isn't boaster known for doing this or am I thinking of the wrong person

posted about a year ago

Don't worry it was a strategic misstep to trick the other team into a false sense of security

posted about a year ago

tf happened to NRG???

posted about a year ago

Bro have you graduated elementary school

posted about a year ago

omg tysm!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

posted about a year ago

When I alt-tab in and out of the game, it has a seemingly random chance of just crashing, and this happens on both fullscreen and windowed fullscreen. I play on 1440p, and this is a new PC. This never happened on my old laptop, so I'm assuming it has something to do with the resolution, and I'm just wondering if I can fix it without downgrading to 1080p.

posted about a year ago

Better than 100T. (I could also just be blatantly wrong, this is just my take on it.)

posted about a year ago

I'm genuinely surprised that people are picking 100T to win this, and I'm not even being biased. They looked so bad at LOCK//IN, if they manage to win this I'll be extremely surprised and disappointed in SEN.

posted about a year ago

If the rumors about Pancada going on sentinel are true, why? Why not have Marved on sentinel instead? Isn't Pancada better at smokes?

posted about a year ago

Regardless of your choice, it will be able to run Valorant at max graphics easily, so it doesn't really matter. In general though:

  1. Yes
  2. Yes
  3. I don't have any personal experience with them, but it should be fine because I haven't heard of any huge scandals with them/
  4. I'm not too sure about this, I'd recommend going on a tech forums or discord server like and ask them about this.
posted about a year ago

You did not just say Xeppaa

posted about a year ago
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