Country: Indonesia
Registered: February 17, 2021
Last post: April 7, 2024 at 4:34 AM
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I'm laughing so fkin hard watching this shitshow no cap

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Yeah, kinda dissapointed with Fennel after showing some potential against Liquid, they basically just got stomped by Guild X.

posted about a year ago

RX 6600 if you are into the AMD's GPU

posted about a year ago

Isn't it just the LEC studio?

posted about a year ago

Should be a quick 2-0 win for Team Liquid BR based on how they play and perform so far.

posted about a year ago

sekarang gw makin paham kenapa Komunitas Dota 2 Indonesia gak suka betul dengan AP selain karena manajemen RRQ yang bubarin divisi Dota 2 mereka

posted about a year ago

gak ada obat nya sih itu kalo Kingdom yang hyper fanatik di Instagram, seakan RRQ gak boleh disalahkan meskipun dikritik. Kayaknya kalo para petinggi RRQ ketahuan korupsi juga masih pada dibela kalo manajemennya masih sehat-sehat aja. LOL

posted about a year ago

Mf really said Persija πŸ’€

posted about a year ago

kellyS is kinda reasonable since RRQ still kinda needs a slightly more cracked duelist/entry player, but Nexi is still a solid player regardless if there are more players available that are actually better. Seems like there are things that are felt not working for the coaching staffs when it comes to making the roster competitive during scrims.

posted about a year ago

The OG king of SEA is back, sadly no sScary this time but still looks promising as the dark horse so far.

posted about a year ago

Kalo asal nuduh harusnya sudah kelihatan tapi ini cukup meyakinkan ditambah lagi itu tweet dia dikasih like sama Jake Sin, yakali salah satu petinggi Riot buat VALORANT APAC ngelike tweet kayak gini, padahal kebanyakan yang Jake Sin like itu soal pertandingan makanya gw kaget kok tiba-tiba tweet gini yang dikasih like. Wajar aja jadi pada curiga.

posted about a year ago

Bisa jadi gitu dan memang gak masuk aja dengan skema permainan yang si try mau, atau ya tau aja lah.

posted about a year ago

Makanya gw bingung padahal si Ridz ini bagus-bagus aja kok belum juga main atau dapat tim lain

posted about a year ago

My guy really tried to sneak in AE πŸ’€

posted about a year ago

Any clues about MIBR?

posted about a year ago

Yes, buang-buang waktu ngeladeni ormas oren ini, kalo petingginya ketahuan korupsi juga paling masih cari cara buat ngebela sangking cinta mati nya mereka sama ini org.

posted about a year ago

I said probably because he knews a lot of the dirty words in Japanese which is kinda weird if he actually learned it from formal education lol

posted about a year ago

I did know Medusa is good in Japanese, and yeah Joxjo is good at them as well, but Astell is probably the most fluent one in terms of the speaking proficiency but still that doesn't imply that all of the KR players are actually good in Japanese.

posted about a year ago

not sure how you would say all of them are good in Japanese, the only Korean players that I know that are good and fluent in speaking Japanese is Astell and probably Medusa. so most likely its the translation machine like deepL or Papago that they use.

posted about a year ago

RRQ is a shit org, but this πŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—Ώ org is just trying to go far and beyond πŸ’€

posted about a year ago

Not suprised if its Alter Ego

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

GE could legit run a 5 Duelist comp with their roster now sheesh

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

gg deserved especially for suzu. gl for Fennel on their LAN event

posted about a year ago

Ngl, I want to see GE actually beat the crap out of Argh Argh Qiue no cap #GEFIGHTING

posted about a year ago

living up to their name

posted about a year ago

Thank you Seulgi

posted about a year ago

Why is your nickname is M? Does the "M" stands for Money? Cool nickname tho, reminds me of M from the James Bond Movie.

posted about a year ago

They already done a better PR job so far compare to a certain partner org

posted about a year ago

Ascension League is so free for them no cap

posted about a year ago

I don't think for now anyone is getting kicked at the moment since its too early to tell, but we knew now that there are some partner orgs that made Riot unsatisfied.

posted about a year ago

They have to now if they did got warned by Riot, but my wish for Riot is that they remove RRQ from the partnership instead, can't have this parasite form of an org being in the ecosytem.

posted about a year ago

The site doesn't support Japanese language since most of them doesn't speak English

posted about a year ago

karena kalo lingkarin ph langsung diskakmat sama TS

posted about a year ago

even Sleepy comment on the tweet, yep it is what it is, now we know what kind of an org they are

posted about a year ago

Sudah lah cuy, terserah RRQ aja, intinya orang sudah pada tau mereka itu organisasi seperti apa

posted about a year ago

hopefully he doesn't take it too hard tho, it is what it is

posted about a year ago

paling nyesek Alter Ego sih, tahun lalu sama tahun ini sama-sama nyaris lolos ke Berlin

posted about a year ago

Alter Ego is cursed to not attending Lans, even for their GC team

posted about a year ago

WTF? πŸ’€

posted about a year ago

I heard a lot of bad stuffs from RAGE (the event organizers) a lot from the JP scene during the VCT seasons including the chat moderation, not sure what are those stuffs were.

posted about a year ago

Just like BnTeT on his GenG days

posted about a year ago
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