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Registered: February 2, 2023
Last post: April 25, 2024 at 7:45 AM
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posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Thats my first time seeing that. Ig its a habit then.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Ty ;w;. But you dont usually say lower jaw when you address.

posted about a year ago

i will send a clip after this match. And no, that clip was not what I meant. He does the thing after round ends.

posted about a year ago

(posted it 2 times mb)

posted about a year ago

but today it was too evident.

posted about a year ago

a 'normal tic' is an uncontrolled spasm of facial muscles. This is controlled. He does not do that when he is playing. Only does that after winning each round. And its pretty forced. I will send you a clip after this match. I am toooo invested rn :D

posted about a year ago

yea that lower was unnecessary lol.

posted about a year ago

Bro what is he doing with that lower jaw? Its kinda disturbing. Like its giving me similar vibes of those zombie characters fixing their broken neck or jaw or body parts or playing with it ಥ_ಥ
My eye gets soo teary when I see that shit (Gets teared up when I see disturbing things in general).
I hope its nothing serious though. He was doing that the entire event but today it was too much for me. Perhaps his way of stress relief?...or does that do something else.

EDIT: I will post the clip after this match. I AM KINDA INVESTED ATM.

posted about a year ago

Best igl, Best duelist, best initiator..... I mean. Best team. Crazy how dominant they are. I wanna scream..."HOLY FUCK!!!!!! THEY ARE INSANE!!!!!!!!!!".
But I did that more than 14 times today.

posted about a year ago

bro..everyones having a good time. Calm down.

posted about a year ago

No offense to LOUD and their fans. But FNC is definitely going to win the event. I bias.

posted about a year ago

yea. They did beat 100T 1-13 and NAVI on fracture . And NAVI 13-2ed Leviatan on fracture. Crazy how FNC was confident that they will win even after than. And LOUD is insane on pearl. Honestly, I want to watch both of these maps to see how the titans play out.

posted about a year ago

They will definitely win this event. The only map they struggled was haven which was against FURIA (crowd buff meant nothing there). A clean 3-0 from their side. I definitely knew that FNC had a decent chance winning. But holy fk.

posted about a year ago

they 3-0ed

posted about a year ago

Unlucky. They are still among the top 3. Now FNC will definitely win this entire event.

posted about a year ago

I feel like it will be more close.

posted about a year ago

The crowd is worrying. If FNC wins against NAVI. Then FNC will definitely win against LOUD. The tenacity there is not something you can measure. But if NAVI wins against FNC (Odds are inclined towards that)... I feel like they gonna have a hard time against the crowd. They are resilient aswell...But FNC is def more resilient when compared to NAVI. They are playing like their life is on the line.

I posted this in a 'EMEA civil war' thread
If FNC wins this. I am calling it. 100% they win against LOUD.

posted about a year ago

riot paid them to keep quiet.

posted about a year ago

mhmmmm I feel like the crowd buff is real. The furia match made me have high expectations for fnatic. which is why, i feel like they ahve a decent chance against NAVI today.

posted about a year ago

The crowd is worrying. If FNC wins against NAVI. Then FNC will definitely win against LOUD. The tenacity there is not something you can measure. But if NAVI wins against FNC (Odds are inclined towards that)... I feel like they gonna have a hard time against the crowd. They are resilient aswell...But FNC is def more resilient when compared to NAVI. They are playing like their life is on the line.

posted about a year ago

that sounds disturbing wtf

posted about a year ago

PRX was not trying. They are gonna decimate everyone in tokyo.
(❁´◡`❁) Ahhhh placid moment..

posted about a year ago

i can't call anyone frauds with that flair yk yk...the team lost against vitality....and vitality lost against leviatan 0-2 (One map 13-3) and bro leviatan lost against NAVI (0-2). And NAVI destroyed them...(a map with 13-2).

posted about a year ago

If it was, they would have said it and replayed the round. But sir..your flair is...

posted about a year ago
I wanted DRX to win. I knew LOUD would win but...the crowd made me change my mind to cheer for DRX. They prepared so hard for this. My heart goes out for stax.

posted about a year ago

DRL is crazy tho.

posted about a year ago

ok jokes aside. What is LOUD doing?

posted about a year ago

Including losing to shit teams like BBL and GenG

I can read.

posted about a year ago

83% for DRX incoming.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

steel site - free site
steel last guy standing - free round
he is a funny guy though.

posted about a year ago

na na you don't like aspas, less, and sadhak aswell. You talked about that situation when they were streaming while the female team was playing or some shit. Unless you have a change of mind since LOUD is carrying the entire BR region now.

posted about a year ago

mhhhhhhhhhhmmmmm idk mahn. FNC is not lacking when it comes to mechanics (Boaster mhmmm maybe not). Ik that ange1 has more experience winning as an igl than boaster. But idk...strangely when I think about it again. I feel like FNC has a really good chance. Like both derke and alfajer are an anomaly. Same thing with shao and suygetsu. SHIT IS GOING TO BE INSANEEE EITHER WAY!

posted about a year ago

I hope they pick fracture. NAVI DECIMATED LEV with a 13-2 on fracture. And FNC....well DESTROYED 100T WITH THAT 13-1. FuCk...I am so excited when I think of it. I really really hope they pick fracture. I mean..SHIT IS GOWOING TO BE EXCITING.

posted about a year ago

I did pick NAVI in my pickems. BUT when I think of the entire thing again FNC is sooo tenacious. They played that 1st map against FURIA like their life was on the line ALL the while when the crowd was soo supportive of FURIA. Like the crowd diff did nothing there. The thought process is even more straining when I think about that tenacity. Crazy match for sure!!

posted about a year ago

I feel like it would be way more close.

posted about a year ago

The odds are inclined for NAVI to win for sure. But FNC looking too confident rn. I feel like they have a DECENT chance.

posted about a year ago

thats some loyal shit. But tbf I feel like FNC has decent chance.

posted about a year ago

The odds are in the favour of NAVI. But I feel like FNC does have a really good chance to win this. And they are looking well prepared imo.

posted about a year ago

Well ik how boring a thesis can be. 😔 But you cannot deny that this match is going to be EXCITING!!! 🤭

posted about a year ago

I swear... the level of dopamine from this excitement might kill me.

posted about a year ago

I know I know.. But the match is getting me too EXCITED and so I am not able to CONTAIN it. 🤭

posted about a year ago

tldr - NAVI vs FNC gonna be INSANE.

posted about a year ago
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