Country: China
Registered: March 26, 2022
Last post: March 27, 2024 at 3:01 PM
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No, the main reason shes being played is because teams are running double controller on a lot of maps. Since this means they only have 1 initiator they pick skye because she offers good info and flash util. If we had a double initiator meta then skye would see much less play.

posted 11 months ago

was Munchkin during lock/in, but Xeta became the IGL for the split

posted 11 months ago

It was fun

posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago


posted 11 months ago

Fnatic probably won't do this but it would be cool to see Fnatic play a Derke and Alfajer double duelist with raze and jett.

posted 11 months ago

F0rsaken, Ange1, and Cned only S++ duelists?

posted 11 months ago

Might be hard because those types of forums typically get taken down, especially ones on transphobia.

posted 11 months ago

ze1sh C he saved KC

posted 11 months ago

They would have to win all of their next games and secret would have to lose all of theirs

posted 11 months ago

I think you misunderstand ranked and pro play. There are many people who can hit immortal or even Radiant through raw aim. If you are winning 80% of gunfights you will rank up no matter what. However, good aim and mechanics is pretty much the bar to entering pro play. Its much harder to rank up with shit aim and good game sense, than it is to rank up with good aim and shit game sense.

posted 11 months ago

Could be a good map for gekko in pro play due to the way people took space with roomba but instead wingman. Also the mosh covers a lot of chokes really well on that map.

posted 11 months ago

Seen some people say that Sen is nothing without Tenz, or they'll lose all their fans or something. Personally I feel that Sen still has a lot of fans that aren't just Tenz fanboys, especially with a lot of Sen's new players being pretty popular with Zekken, Marved, and Sacy. Obviously they'll lose some fans if Tenz leaves but it can't be that bad right?

posted 11 months ago

We exist

posted 11 months ago

You can play with them on the ascendant account I'm pretty sure if that is what you're asking. As for playing on the gold account, you can legally obviously but it is heavily discouraged by riot and not ideal for them.

posted 11 months ago

Seems like a good move. The issue is kind of the same with c9 I feel like (different circumstances but similar result). Both teams lose a player that is very talented amidst role issues to create a more solid team structure.

posted 11 months ago

drx fans

posted 11 months ago

They had Mikes as the coach then

posted 11 months ago

I'm happy you put stax at number 13, way too underrated

posted 11 months ago

I honestly don't like watching them get destroyed, I want the games to be competitive

posted 11 months ago

furia 2 - 7 is crazy

posted 11 months ago

I think Furia might actually be the better team going into this game, but the issue is Loud has not lost to a Brazilian team in a long time.

posted 11 months ago

I would say at the very least that kaplan is probably just a better coach all around. Other than that I'm not sure, but if I had to pick a head coach I would always go for Kaplan

posted 11 months ago

Bro acting like dgzin didnt play twice the amount of chamber aspas ever played

posted 11 months ago

Astra, viper, raze, jett, chamber

posted 11 months ago

mazino is throwing, all aim no brain

posted 11 months ago

It helps sen that mazino is crypto throwing

posted 11 months ago

Furia is kinda hard, depending on how they do vs Loud, they might be the best team in in the league (however thats just at the moment, Loud at their peak is definitely better than Furia). I think is more like they need to win vs one of Loud, Lev, and Furia. However, I think some of the players on Lev have looked a little inconsistent so I think of these three I would see them beating Lev the most, especially since Lev have the weakest map pool it seems.

posted 11 months ago

Just way too distracting, was there any reaston at all to get rid of the old ones?

posted about a year ago

pretty sure less than 1% of their population is indian

posted about a year ago

fns is from tanzania, not india bro

posted about a year ago

I have been a c9 fan since the beginning of this game

posted about a year ago

Experimenting is exactly what you should do. Early on in the season is just about the only time you can before you have to settle into a consistent team structure.

posted about a year ago

You have the weakest hope in a team of any fan I've ever seen.

posted about a year ago

Hes always liked PRX but he seems to have been pretty disappointed in them recently

posted about a year ago

When you are close to your peak you get less when you win and lose more when you lose.

posted about a year ago

cuz his name is keith

posted about a year ago

1 match and it was with foxy9....

posted about a year ago

PRX will improve significantly playoffs

posted about a year ago

I also am a doubter, all players but Invy are fraudulent.

posted about a year ago

We're planting on a, "guys I have b"

posted about a year ago

Unlikely just considering they have a low talent pool. Number of people playing the game probably isn't that many.

posted about a year ago

True, gotta love the instalock vipers on icebox, "Stop pushing guys, I have lineups"

posted about a year ago

The most notable thing about that geng game was just it felt like the flashes were always so good and on point from them.

posted about a year ago

Goat athlete

posted about a year ago

not sure how well they stack up to the top 5 but I'd mention xeta and zest as the best in korea

posted about a year ago

Imo might be the best oper in the game in terms of raw mechanics

posted about a year ago

I think xeppa, leaf and zellsis would go insane if they had to play with dasnerth

posted about a year ago

I understand your pain, every team just throws and refuses to communicate and listen, diamond 3 threw ascendant 3 is literal elo hell.

posted about a year ago

You are right, if anything they'll just get kicked out.

posted about a year ago
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