Flag: Pakistan
Registered: March 4, 2023
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 1:54 AM
Posts: 118
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At this point lets Have 6 Masters and 6 Champs , One each month 💀

posted 19 hours ago


posted 1 day ago

I mean we just don't know which Sen is going to show up . If it's the madrid Sen then they might have a decent shot at it but if it is the recent matches Sen then only some black magic is getting them out of this group.

posted 1 day ago

What were the allegations?

posted 1 day ago

💀💀 . That's a wild take . Both Sen and TH have higher ceiling and floor than FPX .

posted 2 days ago

Sen or TH beating GENG isn't HUGE upset . HUGE upset would be something like if FPX beats GENG

posted 3 days ago
  1. Die for you
  2. Ticking Away
  3. Fire Again / Superpower
posted 3 days ago

Deadlock is always played together with cypher so idk wym.

posted 3 days ago

I am sure they have a solid chance at it.

posted 4 days ago

I was watching him and atif on one screen and Lev vs G2 on the other. Proud of em

posted 4 days ago

I wouldn't be suprised if all of the team from one region in particular get grouped.

posted 5 days ago

Icy plays gekko on Icebox and Icebox is Aspas home territory. I am sure they would be more than happy to have that change for the insane firepower he provides.

posted 5 days ago

Firstly : Aspas is not much more passive
Secondly : Even if he was that would be more suitable for G2 since they play a really defaulty style.

posted 5 days ago

Icy over Aspas is gotta be a troll take. Aspas is just him you can't not just choose him.

posted 5 days ago

What's the best team for each region you would create from all the players qualified from each region.

So for example Americas
Duelist: Aspas
Controller/IGL: Valyn
Initiator: JonahP
Flex: Trent
Sentinel: Leaf

Well I don't really love G2 but you gotta give the props to their players.

You can fill this for each region


posted 5 days ago

It's valorant at the end and SEN is no mid team so even tho GENG will be a clear favourite if this matchup happens Sen are not to take lightly.

posted 6 days ago

Fair enough point about TH but tbf even in madrid everyone thought GENG is is clearly better than SEN in the GF but they won. So in the end we can just wait.

posted 6 days ago

Sen was also playing their first int tournament after the meta shift with the skye nerf and yeah they did looked sloppy these past two matches but they can bounce back and work on their mistakes since they have the time for it.

posted 6 days ago

I mean sure but SEN has won against 2/3 teams here the last time they played them.

posted 6 days ago

They were not favourites coming in the Grand Final and even further with the double map ban. They lost to GENG before and everyone had them losing again in GF.

posted 6 days ago

As if dropping two players mid season helped NRG.

posted 6 days ago

I am down for this as Sen fan . If you can't beat these teams I don't think you deserve to win champs.

posted 6 days ago

What if going into champs we see
Sen in madrid form
KRU in champs 2021 form
LEV looks good so the current lev
G2 well they are insane rn.

RN from the americas I'd say the rankings are in order

1: G2
2: LEV
3: SEN
4: KRU

posted 6 days ago

what happens if the top 3 are SEN , LEV , KRU (not saying its happening just curious)
Which one of 100T or G2 qual based upon the points

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Much more of a storyline with curry sub in so looking forward to it. (Hope sacy gets well rip doggo😔)

posted 1 week ago

where did kyedae came in this?

posted 1 week ago


posted 2 weeks ago

icy and victor are already above mwzera in his list . Although I do think mwzera as a duelist has better mechanics than icy and victor. his jett is better than both of them and his raze and neon are decent as well.
NVM mwzera raze is dogshit . I don't have any strong opinion about any of them apart from aspas being no 1.

posted 2 weeks ago

This is the battle of century wdym.

posted 2 weeks ago

saying there won't be is an exaggeration . but I do agree to there isn't.

posted 2 weeks ago

you clearly haven't seen TEC play

posted 3 weeks ago

if you put SEN two tiers above C9 and KRU gave SEN a hard time so how is KRU not above C9? feels bias af

posted 3 weeks ago

Womp womp . I am crying cause people pay to see their fav team play and are cheering for them.

posted 3 weeks ago

did it happened to you and that's why you are here to ask people to justify it? dam

posted 3 weeks ago

For starters boostio said this before the match so he wasn't blaming his lose on anyone. looks like you are the real "piggie" for believing anthing on the internet without fact checking.

posted 1 month ago

They just won the most recent event ?

posted 2 months ago

nrg and sen both mid of the pack teams right now, nrg aint no superteam anymore atleast SEN won madrid but ya all are cooked .

posted 2 months ago

Heretics couldn't win a mickey mouse tourney sadge

posted 2 months ago

It's a win for SEN they finally got a decent team to compete against as well.

posted 3 months ago

We need a banger rematch of Sen vs Lev . Nrg is just a formality

posted 3 months ago

incel behaviour , your team just got molested by NRG and you are out here spewing this shit

posted 3 months ago

and aspas as well . aspas doing everything

posted 3 months ago

It is still today tho

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

LOUD players have visa issues so they are unable to scrim together rn as well

posted 3 months ago

It's valorant you click heads you win the game so it just depends highly on which team is feeling it tmr .

posted 4 months ago
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