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Registered: March 14, 2022
Last post: June 7, 2023 at 10:23 PM
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I mean if they win LCQ

posted about a year ago

I should go to sleep actually, early morning shift.

posted about a year ago

I found it really funny so as long as I'm happy, well I'm happy. 😁

posted about a year ago

You said a whole lot of nothing, checkmark flex?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Shox has just benched himself which means Yekindar is standing in for TL. Jamppi wants to go back in the future and the perfect time is probably now as Liquid look to solidify their roster for the next Majors.

posted about a year ago

Yes really! It was just timing that yay tweeted about the breathing problems and oxygen academy thread popped up. Also this is vlr buddy, if you cannot have a bit of dark humour its not gonna be fun experience.

posted about a year ago

They all peaked at the same time for once and got 2nd seed. Thats a fluke if you cannot be consistent.

posted about a year ago

Well I only believe in Ws and Ls. Did they get the W? No. If you cannot close out games then the team isint good enough simple. Also Fnatic were literally experimenting as Enzo said in the interview, they didn't take G2 serious and was just prepping strats and trying out new lineups.

posted about a year ago

Well the joke presented itself so I had to make it.

posted about a year ago

This was Optics competition in Iceland, thanks for confirming Optic fluked it.

posted about a year ago

Good, fall asleep till LCQ

posted about a year ago

I'm just fucking about, don't take it too serious there is /s for a reason.

posted about a year ago

Heard FNS wants to join as he had some breathing problems /s

posted about a year ago

Don't care, never asked and also touch grass.

posted about a year ago

They haven't played those kinds of teams either.

posted about a year ago

100T fans still exist? No playoffs just vibes.

posted about a year ago

It begins with Copenhagen and it won't be a fluke like Optic facing against baby Zeta Divsion on their first ever lan.

posted about a year ago

Your philosophy needs brain which you do not have.

Fnatic made top 4 of Champs as the 4th seed from EMEA but they 'choked' according to dumbass Styling.

posted about a year ago

G2 got shit on and they can't even make playoffs, that was number 1 seed btw Fluke2. Fnatic was obviously hobbled with Derke gone and Liquid didn't even deserve to be there so if you have a brain its vwry easy to do 2+2

posted about a year ago
  2. GUILD
  3. FPX

This is the best ever representatives from EMEA for a Masters, even better than Gambit in 2021. Each team has a top IGL with insane fraggers and balanced team.

Liquid was always been flawed but still relevant due to fragging power, M3C hasn't been the same since the meta shifted with G2 fluking in stage 1 and Acend recently formed.

Optic will finally play teams that can match yay and punish the lucky timings from Marved.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Karma already hit us last Masters bozo. Its time to unleash on the world stage.

posted about a year ago

They won a fluke Masters, win a real one in Copenhagen and I'll never chat shit about Optic.

posted about a year ago

FNS whiffs 'yay I can't breathe dawg, shits really tugging at my heart'

posted about a year ago

Also our top universities is fully funded in a loan format for students, so if you got grades you can go to any you like and not be a broke ass.

posted about a year ago

Sentinels won't win anything again. One time lucky.

posted about a year ago

UK has the most prestigious public universities in the world. Oxbridge is always the cream

posted about a year ago

Its the last time they played an actual good team in Champs. Iceland they played Loud with little experience, Zeta no experience.

posted about a year ago

Probably whiffed a shot and said I had trouble bresthing.

posted about a year ago

FPX will smurf on them.

posted about a year ago

Nice excuse. Their Iceland run was a fluke against lowest ever competion with EMEA collapsing from externalities.

posted about a year ago

Aah yes, teeth jokes. NA has worse teeth than UK btw but your education level is an L so I wouldn't be surprised if you are just talking out of your arse.

posted about a year ago

Fnatic has never choked, they always lost to the better team and overachieved. We got to Champions as 4th seed and everyone thought it was gg but we took down C9 and made it to top 4 of Champs with Doma and Magnum on the team who we upgraded massively.

posted about a year ago

Its facts. 0-2 vs Acend, 0-3 vs M3C

posted about a year ago

0 maps won vs EU. Optic will get exposed for fluke in Copenhagen and I'll be there to watch it live.

posted about a year ago

Your last 3 replies are to me, get off my nuts homie.

posted about a year ago

Cryo faded in the last rounds

posted about a year ago

That's not the point, it could be zombs for all I care but he jump spotted and didn't focus then peeked again and got popped.

posted about a year ago

He saw him and knows the money its not rocket science to predict yay would be on OP. He got caught day dreaming.

posted about a year ago

Bro how bad is he, jump spotting and not realising he saw yay with OP, died and gave away mid control 2 late rounds in a row.

posted about a year ago

There is a reason I put /s

posted about a year ago

Yay is based as fuck stop capping.

posted about a year ago

Flair checks out. Enjoy your lower bracket run oh wait...

posted about a year ago

No one cares about washed streamer, yayster is too good.

posted about a year ago
  • Covid
  • Lack of sleep
  • Marved wasn't getting lucky timings today
  • Victor couldn't entry so push fell off


posted about a year ago

No he isn't. Yay and marved are top 2 in NA, the other 3 are Cryo, Dicey and Zekken. Babybay would be 6th atleast then Derrek, Asuna, Leaf and TenZ

posted about a year ago

Loool KCorp would slap them let alone tier 1 EMEA

posted about a year ago

I said Zekken is a top 10 player over TenZ and Asuna and got downvoted. Karma comes around. #REPTHESET

posted about a year ago

Top 2 EMEA seeds are non CIS

posted about a year ago
1 •• 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 •• 137