Flag: Brazil
Registered: February 4, 2022
Last post: May 6, 2024 at 11:50 AM
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i mean, no hard feelings, just glad FURIA was the better team, even after losing their long time IGL. hopefully they'll keep the good work

posted about a year ago

it used to be nzr, but now it's mazin. nzr went to Leviatán, who was defeated by FURIA last saturday. how the turn tables.

posted about a year ago

well, the only uruguayan person i met was racist towards me so idk what to think about that country either lmao. just latin countries in general tend to be racist, but argentine is really the worst

posted about a year ago

posted about a year ago

nothing my lil furia can do against giant lev on ascent

posted about a year ago

actually goated!!!!

posted about a year ago

tava 12-2...

posted about a year ago

source: i am from the future


posted about a year ago

yes, it's THAT low

posted about a year ago

very unlikely since i ended up getting a bit attached to loud. they're just a very nice org. besides, saadhak da best

posted about a year ago

tenho opiniões fortes sobre isso, mas prefiro ficar na minha pq a vida é deles (me referindo aos nossos pros)

posted about a year ago

man of the week and there's no discussion


posted about a year ago

they got closer to beating LOUD than C9 👀

posted about a year ago

just like furia destroyed krü WITH keznit?

posted about a year ago

people doubted them on LOCK//IN because of the rookies

posted about a year ago

they were champions favorites? what the hell man, i remember everyone roasted LOUD for losing to KRÜ and getting out of 2022.2 Masters early. they were never favorites, OpTic were

posted about a year ago

ain't that funny?

posted about a year ago

oh boi would i love to see leviatan lose so this hype train stops already

posted about a year ago

wait this dude ACTUALLY exists? lol

posted about a year ago

you mean somethiNg123 from my street? indeed, my bro is fire

posted about a year ago

did i say create? i said SET. they set standards, other teams follow. tho they also create unique comps and strats too

posted about a year ago

loud always setting the meta, it's beautiful to see. also funny to see those bois crying xD

posted about a year ago

funfact: dgzin and mazin were a duo from crossfire iirc. no wonder they both got "zin" in their nickname

posted about a year ago

mazin: "do you want me to win it or do I just guarantee the plant?"
mwzera: "win it"
and then he does it. the confidence. freaking legend.

posted about a year ago

proud to be br

posted about a year ago

nah it probably just means loud players are charismatic and gained a lot of respect from the world after winning champions. they are the nicest guys. you don't see them being toxic to anyone, they never seek for clout. they are just likeable (saadhak mainly)

posted about a year ago

statistics is my passion

posted about a year ago

you cant be sure when the next match will start, depends on the score. plus: traffic might be unpredictable and all.
plus: loud got a bunch of NA fans, in case you don't know

posted about a year ago

people are there for the next game mainly (C9 will play)

posted about a year ago

actually true
but after that map...

posted about a year ago

i am pretty sure LOUD and FURIA can, but i ain't that confident on mibr yet

posted about a year ago

is composed by

idk just watching both FURIA and MIBR improving that fast makes me hopeful

posted about a year ago

it shows mibr just needs time

posted about a year ago

crime oq cara, mibr evoluiu. isso é ótimo pra nossa cena.

posted about a year ago

its not like he didn't care, but loud will always be focusing on champions. they'll try new things and focus on experience for the final championship. it's been like that since inception.

they didn't get affected losing that grand final as they would if they lost champions, definitely. not even close.

posted about a year ago

and guess who saad thought could replace pancada

posted about a year ago

tbh, tho aspas is indeed better, heat can't shine as much with this team

posted about a year ago

desde que ele me deu block no twitter sem motivo algum (jamais saberei kkkk), tô nem aí mais pra essas takes

posted about a year ago

oh no it's not brazil

posted about a year ago

this is not normally check them pc

posted about a year ago

quem botou na cabeça dele que ele é bom de operator? mds do céu ele erra muito tiro e consume muito recurso do time para no mesmo round entregar para ela para o keznit. Dgzin de operator é um bagre supremo, ele de vandal rasga cabeças de olhos fechados mas com awp erra tiros muitos fáceis, até hoje me lembro um jogo da Star Horizon na Ascent que eles perderam porque ele errou de operator o tiro mais fácil da vida dele. Pare de hypar dgzin de operator noyn.

posted about a year ago

tonight we teach how to destroy a racist


posted about a year ago

this is not fair
keznit will be ran over

posted about a year ago

clean 2-0 btw

posted about a year ago

imagine underestimating 2023 FURIA

posted about a year ago

respect the bald, man

posted about a year ago

two beasts getting out of their comfort zones so 3 dumbs can get some kills

posted about a year ago

2 new kids and still they almost beat FNATIC. old LOUD roster wouldn't lose LOCK//IN

posted about a year ago
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