Flag: Czech Republic
Registered: August 6, 2022
Last post: June 9, 2024 at 8:43 AM
Posts: 282
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posted about a year ago

Definitely the best Czech player, I was so thrilled to watch him destroy everyone in the server. Heartbroken that it ended this way but his legacy will never be forgotten. RIP, Karel...

posted about a year ago

Sorry, didn't watch him in a while. Did he leave Val or sth?

posted about a year ago

I'd say qw1, next up leaf

posted about a year ago

I would say that the best move is to get a new and better coach, from what I understood he's the only one doing that. Many teams have assistant coaches (he was doing that while sgares was the coach) or analysts... so maybe not necessary get rid of him. Maybe move him/get fresh new young smart people into the coaching side of the team ig idk

posted about a year ago

Imagine you beat EG, LEV and FUR, have the same winrate, you lose embarassingly against possibly the worst team in Americas and all of those you've beaten qualify. Sucks for them. I am fu*king sad rn. Really an awful performance, props to MIBR, they played well af

posted about a year ago

Thank you Cryo for saving my boys hopefully

posted about a year ago

They can't bcs they didn't 2-0 FURIA

posted about a year ago

I didn't like it before but after not having it for a while I started to like it and I didn't have a bad game there. Unlike Ascent where every game is frustrating af idk

posted about a year ago

fax unfortunately

posted about a year ago

Everybody's gonna hate me for this but:

  1. Bind
  2. Haven
  3. Split
  4. Fracture
  5. Lotus
  6. Ascent
  7. Pearl
posted about a year ago

100T roster of Hiko, steel, Asuna, nitr0 and Ethan was the best lineup of all time B)
Love the current one too. Why do I have a feeling they're gonna lose today?

posted about a year ago

Czech song "Tepláky" is a banger 🗿

posted about a year ago

We'll see. Is it certain that Marved will be IGLing? Or is it gonna be sacy/Marved calling together

posted about a year ago

Yeah, that's probably true xd

posted about a year ago

Do you think there's any chance for KRU to win against Sentinels tonight? Both teams changed quite a lot since last week so idk what to expect. I guess it's very unlikely but it would be funny to see KRU win against what was supposed to be one of the best team in Americas xd

posted about a year ago

I guess it's possible. But I honestly think NRG beat EG idk

posted about a year ago

This is the first time I have a feeling that Sentinels will pull through xd

posted about a year ago

I mean, they won D:

posted about a year ago

ok pro player

posted about a year ago

My daddy Asuna, the GOAT as always. No matter the result.

posted about a year ago

Yeah, I'll always remember the time they won First Strike. I was so happy and hyped. Wish Hiko and Asuna would be still together on 100T and competing :'(

posted about a year ago

I have no idea how 100T are still n. 1 when Cloud9 are on such a streak and are destroying everybody. Idk how it works tho.

posted about a year ago
  1. FNS
  2. Boaster
  3. Saadhak
  4. Ange1
  5. stax
  6. steel (from his time on 100T, hot take but they seemed really good and they benched him for some reason...)

Forgot about Redgar from the Gambit days, damn... I guess he should be on the list xd

posted about a year ago

I mean, s1mple was the best player of the decade for a reason.

posted about a year ago
  1. leaf
  2. aspas
  3. Less
  4. crashies
  5. kiNgg
  6. s0m
  7. Victor
  8. mwzera
  9. Asuna
  10. jakee (dude really surprised me, he's cracked)
posted about a year ago

That one city race with Minis in Forza Horizon 1. Still gives me nightmares...

posted about a year ago

Pretty unfortunate, let's hope he's gonna feel better

posted about a year ago

All good with Twisten as far as I'm concerned. Or did something happen apart from the makeup?

posted about a year ago

Human history, other than that I would also like to become friends with dinosaurs B)

posted about a year ago

Ok it was better than I expected

posted about a year ago

Good point, agree. However Heretics seem to be pretty comfortable with Yoru up until now :D

posted about a year ago

I mean, it's fun to watch him when the players are good at it. But I think it mostly applies to content rather than pro matches. I think he's still a better secondary duelist than primary but really depends

posted about a year ago

They won the pistol, confirmed. YORU THE GOATED AGENT

posted about a year ago

How is everyone playing Yoru today, first cned on both maps, now m1xwell. I don't know what to think really... xd I guess we'll see

posted about a year ago

yep, he kind of surprised me, expected him to suck after LOCK//IN

posted about a year ago

This one is probably correct :D

posted about a year ago

I would put Asuna in A, dgzin and sacy lower and idk about the rest, too lazy to write everyone xd

posted about a year ago

C9 and LOUD are gonna make it, at least LOUD are certain I think. My hopes of 100T qualifying are gone I guess :D NRG/FURIA should take the 3rd slot idk

posted about a year ago

agree 100 %

posted about a year ago

Facts, or Asuna on Raze and Reyna, good times :'(

posted about a year ago

Evene if he doesn't topfrag, he's still a goat B) bang also.

posted about a year ago

That timeline would be insane

posted about a year ago

What is the % that a Japanese team will qualify for Tokyo? Didn't really keep track of every game in VCT Pacific so I am not sure. Didn't look that great from what I've seen. Might be wrong tho.

posted about a year ago

I'm still on the 100 Thieves copium but I don't think they'll qualify...

hopefully they do tho O_O

posted about a year ago

searched him up. I can't believe I was so stupid. I am so sorry, doc!

posted about a year ago

Agree 100%

posted about a year ago

never heard of him :D

posted about a year ago

:D lmao

posted about a year ago

Oooh, forgot about him. Nice one

posted about a year ago
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