Country: Cyprus
Registered: February 2, 2022
Last post: March 24, 2024 at 7:42 PM
Posts: 770
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Goats Gaming

posted 8 months ago

giants 2-1 edg.

book it.

posted 8 months ago

he said he doesnt give a fuck about what others say to him

posted 8 months ago

common Moatz W

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

potter giga brain set plays

posted 8 months ago

top 2 or 3 initiator

  1. Leo
  2. crashies/ethan
  3. ethan/crashies
posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

they made grands last event what do you mean overrated?????

posted 8 months ago

that 4th kill tho

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

this game is so boringgggg

posted 8 months ago

its only map 1

posted 8 months ago

Title: Stepping Away from VLR.gg: A Guide to Quitting


In recent years, online gaming platforms have become an integral part of our lives, offering entertainment, socialization, and a chance to showcase our skills. VLR.gg, a prominent gaming platform, has captured the hearts of many gaming enthusiasts, but there comes a time when one might realize that it's time to step away. Whether it's due to personal reasons, time constraints, or the need to focus on other aspects of life, quitting VLR.gg requires thoughtful consideration and a well-planned approach. This essay aims to provide a comprehensive guide to help individuals gracefully and responsibly exit the platform.

Acknowledge Your Reasons
Before quitting VLR.gg, it is crucial to identify and understand the reasons behind your decision. These reasons can vary greatly from person to person and may include:

a) Time Management: An excessive amount of time spent on VLR.gg might be affecting your personal, academic, or professional life.

b) Burnout: Repeatedly engaging in competitive gaming without breaks can lead to burnout and decreased enjoyment.

c) Change in Priorities: Life circumstances may have shifted, and you now need to prioritize other aspects of your life.

d) Unhealthy Obsession: If gaming is negatively impacting your mental or physical health, it's time to reevaluate your involvement.

Set Clear Goals and Timelines
Once you've understood your reasons for quitting, set clear goals and timelines for your departure. Determine if you want to quit VLR.gg indefinitely or take a temporary break. Having a defined timeline will help you stay focused and committed to your decision.

Inform Your Gaming Community
VLR.gg communities often become tight-knit groups where friendships are formed. When leaving the platform, it's essential to inform your teammates, friends, and guild members about your decision. Be honest and straightforward about your reasons, as this will help them understand and respect your choice.

Gradually Reduce Your Involvement
Sudden and abrupt departures may leave loose ends and unsettle your community. Instead, gradually reduce your involvement on VLR.gg. Start by decreasing the number of gaming sessions, limiting participation in tournaments, and slowly reducing your online presence.

Discover New Interests and Hobbies
Quitting VLR.gg doesn't mean leaving gaming altogether. Explore new interests and hobbies that align with your current priorities and goals. Engaging in different activities can help you transition away from VLR.gg and provide a sense of fulfillment in other areas of life.

Stay Accountable
Share your decision to quit VLR.gg with close friends or family members who can hold you accountable. Their support will encourage you to follow through with your plan and resist the temptation to return impulsively.

Reflect on Your Journey
Take time to reflect on your VLR.gg experience, the skills you acquired, and the friendships you formed. Remember the positive aspects and growth you achieved through gaming. This reflection will help you appreciate the journey and move forward without regrets.


Quitting VLR.gg can be a challenging but necessary decision for many gamers. It requires self-awareness, determination, and a well-structured plan. By acknowledging your reasons, setting clear goals, informing your community, gradually reducing your involvement, exploring new interests, and staying accountable, you can successfully transition away from VLR.gg. Remember that quitting does not diminish the value of your gaming experience; instead, it opens doors to new opportunities and allows you to focus on other aspects of life with renewed energy and enthusiasm.

posted 8 months ago

I Have a great relationship with 1 pro player,

posted 8 months ago

whats twitter

posted 8 months ago

Smoking is a prevalent and well-documented habit that has been deeply ingrained in societies for centuries. Despite the awareness of its adverse health effects, millions of people around the world continue to engage in this harmful behavior. Smoking is unquestionably bad for health and has been linked to a plethora of detrimental effects on both the individual smoker and those exposed to secondhand smoke. This essay examines the myriad reasons why smoking is detrimental to one's health and why it is essential to curb this dangerous habit.

First and foremost, smoking is a leading cause of preventable diseases and premature death. Cigarettes contain a toxic cocktail of over 7,000 chemicals, with at least 69 of them being known carcinogens. Smoking is the primary cause of lung cancer, which is the most deadly form of cancer worldwide. Additionally, it is a significant risk factor for other types of cancer, such as oral, throat, esophageal, pancreatic, and bladder cancer, among others. Moreover, smoking contributes to heart disease, strokes, and respiratory ailments, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which impairs lung function and severely compromises the quality of life.

Secondly, smoking not only harms the individual smoker but also poses a serious risk to those exposed to secondhand smoke. Secondhand smoke contains many of the same harmful chemicals as inhaled smoke, putting non-smokers at an increased risk of developing smoking-related illnesses. This is particularly concerning for vulnerable populations such as children, pregnant women, and individuals with pre-existing health conditions. Children exposed to secondhand smoke are more likely to suffer from respiratory infections, asthma attacks, and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Furthermore, smoking adversely impacts the respiratory system. The inhalation of smoke damages the delicate lung tissues, leading to chronic coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. The harmful chemicals in cigarettes also paralyze and destroy the cilia, the tiny hair-like structures lining the respiratory tract responsible for clearing mucus and foreign particles. As a result, smokers are more susceptible to respiratory infections and illnesses.

Smoking also accelerates the aging process and causes premature wrinkling and skin damage. The nicotine in tobacco constricts blood vessels, reducing blood flow to the skin, and depriving it of essential nutrients and oxygen. This impairs skin elasticity, leading to premature aging and an increased risk of skin cancer.

Apart from its physical health implications, smoking has severe economic consequences. The healthcare costs associated with smoking-related illnesses are astronomical, putting immense strain on healthcare systems worldwide. Additionally, smokers may experience reduced productivity due to illness, leading to lost work hours and lower overall economic output.

In conclusion, smoking is undeniably harmful to health, causing a myriad of diseases and health complications. It not only affects the individual smoker but also puts those exposed to secondhand smoke at significant risk. The detrimental effects on the respiratory system, cardiovascular health, and the increased risk of cancer are just a few of the many reasons why smoking is a dangerous habit that should be actively discouraged. To improve public health and create a safer environment for everyone, it is essential to raise awareness about the health risks of smoking, implement stringent tobacco control policies, and provide support and resources to help smokers quit this harmful addiction. Only through concerted efforts can we hope to reduce the prevalence of smoking and alleviate the immense burden it places on individuals and societies as a whole.

posted 8 months ago

who are you

posted 8 months ago

VLR.gg, as a platform dedicated to competitive gaming and esports, should maintain a focus on the gaming community and its interests. Allowing politics to seep into VLR.gg could potentially disrupt the positive and inclusive atmosphere that gamers seek in this space. Politics can be highly divisive, and introducing such discussions might lead to heated debates and conflicts among users. Gaming is an escape and a passion for many, and VLR.gg should remain a sanctuary for players to engage in constructive conversations related to the game, strategy, and the broader esports ecosystem. By avoiding political discussions, VLR.gg can foster an environment where gamers from diverse backgrounds can come together, bond over their love for the game, and collectively support the growth of the esports community.

posted 8 months ago

yeah but brazilians straight up didn’t show up for other matches

posted 8 months ago

omg now they're saying dsg gc is better than dsg male i cant anymore

posted 8 months ago

all they do is just shittalk their former players

posted 8 months ago

why are dsg fans so obnoxious on twitch?

posted 8 months ago

yeah but mary >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sarah so it might be V1 win

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

i am a prophet just wait and see

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

something will crumble under the pressure and go 27/38 first series

posted 8 months ago

are u jake’s girlfriend??

posted 8 months ago

idk maybe i’m just coping ur right i guess mb

posted 8 months ago

what do you mean what is this cope, zeta better but still ts choked????

posted 8 months ago

choking is when you lose when ur so close to qualifying , zeta were better but still ts choked

posted 8 months ago

isn’t this racism tho?

posted 8 months ago

ban for saying laz op crutch but no penalties to someone saying pignoys??

posted 8 months ago

stfu ❤️❤️

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

i’ll miss borkum time

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

rgx odin>

posted 8 months ago

there is no better igl

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

who doesn’t want to be creamed by scream😍😍

posted 8 months ago

is all player slots filled?

posted 8 months ago
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