Country: United States
Registered: May 22, 2022
Last post: April 17, 2024 at 2:55 PM
Posts: 502
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Isn’t it crazy that with approximately 3.7 billion males in the world, nearly 7.4 million balls are currently in the world right now. Now of course sometimes people lose balls so let’s subtract 100k balls. We would be at 7.3 million balls. Imagine what you could do with that many balls 😋😋

posted about a year ago

BBL 3-0 SEN ez pz

posted about a year ago

Isn’t that arena in Stockholm?

posted about a year ago

I predict


posted about a year ago

Talk about FPX plz

posted about a year ago

Nooooo 💔

posted about a year ago

Nooooo 💔

posted about a year ago

You replied to the wrong comment

posted about a year ago

Bro they actually have Jesus on their team lmfaoo

posted about a year ago

That would be even more embarrassing imo

posted about a year ago

I’m sure riot didn’t think about the crowd situation when they chose Copenhagen but like cmon man you are about to make your potential-bursting game embarrass itself. Really hope riot has got something up their sleeve because yikes

posted about a year ago

Cs frogs abouta be all over this 😭😭

posted about a year ago

Hard agree rito stupid company

posted about a year ago

Free limo service too and from the event as well

posted about a year ago

Buy now we don’t got much time left

posted about a year ago

Yeah and we are gonna be saying the same thing about Chamber in a couple months

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

If optic loses tmrw then they are destined to get their revenge in the GF like last masters

posted about a year ago

Ronald McDonald

posted about a year ago

Title, have I ever missed?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

No duelist is going to be what takes over this map. I’d go as far as to say you’d be trolling(in pro play) if you went with a duelist. Literally no choke point on B and A has an extremely large choke point. 3 initiator meta is gonna be prominent on this map

posted about a year ago

And among us

posted about a year ago

Fall guys

posted about a year ago

Yessir love that

posted about a year ago

Sit down shitter

posted about a year ago

Eu can’t talk DRX just playing well

posted about a year ago

Rest in piss bozo

posted about a year ago

No you guys thought they were far and away the best. Not just good. Common EU braindead fans

posted about a year ago

What happened? Gonna cry? Pack watch 🚬🔥🚬😹😹

posted about a year ago

Lmaoooo bro you do realize that’s 12 years of tough and grueling med school? Plus residency sucks. Hypothetically if you chose CS by the time you get out of med school you would be making 200-300k by sitting in a chair(probably from home) all day. You’re 15 though so you’ll realize eventually

posted about a year ago

I wanted to end this, but I’m curious, what job pays entry level 150k? Lmfao seems legit

posted about a year ago

Entry level 50k works out when you basically increase your salary every single year after by 5-10k. And it’s obvious that you are a troll. Has anything I said made it seem that I’m getting angry? Just wanted to help a 15 year old who has no clue about the real world out. That’s all. Good luck in your life, enjoy high school it flies by buddy

posted about a year ago

One quick google search and you’ll realize that’s the starting career salary. 10 years into your career the average jumps up to around 130k. You’re just 15 though… so what would you know..

posted about a year ago

Lmfao I’m about to go into college as a CS major and what you said makes no sense. If you call girls females that doesn’t mean you don’t get them. Both are correct terms. Your name shaming me but your name is “asdfghjkl”… you literally had a seizure when you made your name it’s not your place to name shame buddy…

posted about a year ago

LOL I got females buddy… I would send you my insta so you could confirm but knowing the people on this website that’s not very smart. Also, no one gives a fuck if you just turned 15. You gotta man up eventually. Just for the record, no one gives a fuck about your weight or sports that you play on a website used for valorant… plus the chances you are lying anyway are higher than 50% anyway. Any time you try to assume something about a person you are arguing with, you have lost.

posted about a year ago

Pearl is aight, but split>>> even though it’s ct sided

posted about a year ago

“Grown man” bro what??? LMFAO I’m 17 tf…
Can you back any of that up? No. Unfortunately for you the only way to confirm any of the shit you’re saying is if we met up irl… and if we did I would put you to sleep

posted about a year ago

Bro said a whole lotta nothing… once again if I saw you irl I would pick you up from the legs and wave you around like a wand. You’re literally built like a fucking tree branch 😂😂😂

posted about a year ago

Ok cool doesn’t change the fact that if I saw you irl I would knock tf outta your twig ass

posted about a year ago

Bro said 6’1 140 lmfao you prob as skinny as a fucking branch

posted about a year ago

Ofc tarik missed it

posted about a year ago

Suck my cock

posted about a year ago

I do it for her no worries

posted about a year ago
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