Flag: International
Registered: April 20, 2021
Last post: April 21, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Posts: 151
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Nukkye said on Plat Chat that he does not think Cned will be as good on Lan compared to Online due to lack of confidence. Basically he doesn't stream with a facecam. Obviously we will never know until we see him do it but it's an interesting view from a player. The dude is definitely confirmed an Online demon but lan might be different if it comes around.

posted about 2 years ago

How? By telling people to grow up and stop attacking pros

posted about 2 years ago

All you idiots who are acting like you know Pros personally and are creating or answering under threads like little children spreading toxicity. You need to grow up. These people on this site act like immature kids sending hate towards people for existing especially all the Shahz things recently on this site. You see people talking about the whole CS incident yet you can tell most of these idiots have no idea what actually happened. The reason it started was because TSM fans were getting offended that he wasn't cheering on TSM and praising them every moment. The fact that you want his praise is embarrassing. He wasn't even talking shit about your favs, he was just saying they weren't tier 1 and haven't proven anything this year. This is literally the most they have proven. Then people go in his stream and want more answers and continue to poke. Now you're gonna look at the team on my profile and think I'm a fanboy but Im talking in general about how people talk like they personally know pros.

posted about 2 years ago

They needed to stop dry pealing angles and standing behind smokes. They were feeding Wardells Op and they never played Anti Flash despite knowing TSM had flashes on every map. They need to learn how to adapt.

posted about 2 years ago

The fact that people are so idiotic that they think CS teams could come to Valorant and just own because they play CS is mind blowing. There is so much that teams and players had to learn to be good in Valorant. The angles, the peaks, the ability usage and information game is completely different to CS. CS teams will go in and try to crouch peak, not knowing that your movement is so slow, it makes you an easy target. Don't be idiots. These players that came from CS didn't just hop in the game every now and then and become as good as they are. To say any player, whether it is Simple, Device or any player will be better than Tier 1 Valorant is dumb af. They have to come into the game and show their merit for you to give them that credit.

posted about 2 years ago

People disliking this comment but its true. He hasn't really changed his agent pool. It's just Raze and Reyna. Hopefully he builds it because he has nasty aim

posted about 2 years ago

Imo they need to stop making moves. They were doing fine before until they started to mess around with their roster. Just stick to what they're good at and stop trying to outgun everybody

posted about 2 years ago

ACS is a shit argument. Bitch he is the entry fragger and duelist for his team. His ACS shows how much impact he has in his role which means he is the best in his role

posted about 2 years ago

That's true however like I stated above Sen lost 3 times with TenZ and 9 with Sinaatra. To put it into perspective, 100t lost 10 over the last 35 games. I'm not saying Sen would be bad but it's obvious they're doing better

posted about 2 years ago

There has been an ongoing fight since TenZ joined that Sen would have had the same result without TenZ on the team. This is mostly between TenZ fans and Sen fans or TenZ haters idk. And who knows, maybe Sen would be doing as well, however stats speak differently. In the last 35 games with TenZ, Sen lost 3 times whilst in the previous 35 games with Sinaatra, they lost 9 times. People also say that Sinaatra and Shahzam would have better individual performances without TenZ however TenZ has had a better performance compared to Shahzam when he played Jett mostly and Sinaatra when he played on the team. I'm not hating on players but it's kinda obvious Sen is a better team now and thats why they are winning.

posted about 2 years ago

Wtf Crashies exists bro

posted about 2 years ago

Yay is basically playing on LAN an TenZ is playing on the opposite end of the stick lmao.

posted about 2 years ago

One BO3? You do know that TSM only beat C9B with TenZ once out of the 4 games they played and TenZ played better in all 3 of the wins. The time TSM won was the start of Valorant when TenZ was playing Sage and Wardell was playing Sova

posted about 2 years ago

Wardell will Jett diff? You serious rn? Put some respect on TenZ name

posted about 2 years ago

No offense but wtf? They beat a team that was on the up and now you guys think they're super amazing? Tier 1 teams have been beating each other for months. This is the first time in months that TSM have even faced a team of this calibur and they barely won. Are they getting better? Maybe but they still haven't proven themselves.

posted about 2 years ago

You do know that TenZ and Wardell have played before and TenZ played way better right?

posted about 2 years ago

I would like to say though that TenZ Ops on high ping and that is legit harder than Rifling on high ping. The dude played really well in LAN with his Op so you can't really judge him Online

posted about 2 years ago

Sen lost twice in VCT challenges qualifiers and then didn't lose once throughout VCT Iceland qualifiers and Iceland itself. If anything, this means they are going to be a harder team to beat next time. Its really hard to doubt them at this point.

posted about 2 years ago

Oh yeah just like last time. "Liquid and Fnatic are gonna destroy Sentinels. Derke and ScreaM>TenZ. Vikings are gonna destroy Sentinels too. Sacy will shit in TenZ and is the best Sova in the world."

posted about 2 years ago

Lol you do realise TenZ played better than Asuna and SicK, not only in this event but past events, right? Maybe you should go look at the difference between TenZ and Asuna in the recent stats

posted about 2 years ago

Because he is the most famous player in the world and one of the best if not the best fragger and when he says something, people want to do what he does. Imagine if Michael Jordan or Ronaldo and Messi told their fans what they do on the field specifically. They would all copy it immediately. And poeple who think he is copying others, no he is trying new shit. If you know TenZ, you know he constantly tries new things. New mice, new sens, new pc etc. He always does it. The dudes brand is huge, everybody is gonna do what he does.

posted about 2 years ago

It depends, this might be a honeymoon phase for them. It depends on how teams adapt

posted about 2 years ago

This is dumb as hell and anyone who downvotes is this is also dumb as hell. It isn't because TenZ joined, its because sentinels won and TenZ obviously brought more attention to the team. He is the most famous player in the world. Its dumb to think he wouldn't. The funniest shit about what you said is TenZ is literally the most respectful player on the team.

posted about 2 years ago

What's wrong with 100t is not the actual players but their attacker playsyle. Their players are so split and devided when attacking. Asuna is always too far ahead of his team so nobody is there to trade whilst the rest are just holding off angles instead of taking the necessary space. Steel is the only other player that plays forward but he is mostly on the lurk so he is not even there. 100t needs to stop being scared and actually be more aggressive. Look at teams like Sentinels who don't have the most insane strats but they play well off each other. 100t is so much better on defense because they play together, on offense it's really bad

posted about 2 years ago

No it's because he knew about it but didn't initially tell Valve but when Valve approached him, he gave in and people are pissed at Shaz for selling them out but his back was against the wall so can't really blame him

posted about 2 years ago

Stop being assholes, he is learning. Remember TenZ wasn't the best Raze and now he is doing really well. If they need a Jett, they need time for Asuna to learn and he isn't a horrible Jett

posted about 2 years ago

Tell them to step it up then and win MVP of Iceland and you can say that it's because of their team but it does not change the fact that they haven't proven themselves

posted about 2 years ago

You mean the guy with the highest ACS in the match is trash?

posted about 2 years ago

When Kay/o enters the Meta, TenZ will probably play Raze and SicK will play Kay/o

posted about 2 years ago

Asuna doesn't. Go see the stats, TenZ is the best in this main event rn with an ACS of 280 and Asuna is 5th with an ACS of 237. TenZ has had far more impact. Just because Asuna had one banger map, doesn't make him the best

posted about 2 years ago

Lol go check the main event stats and return here. TenZ, even though Sen lost is literally the best player in NA rn. TenZ is number 1 with an ACS of 280 and Asuna is number 5 with an ACS of 237

posted about 2 years ago

Hltv would probably put TenZ as number 1 based off the fact that at least for now, Cned hasn't really proven himself internationally at least. Also you kinda have to add Nukkye

posted about 2 years ago

Uhh no, the meta and being able to adapt is a key part of Valorant. We've seen it so many times. We have seen TSM fall from the top, we saw Acend and Heretics fall from the top in Masters 2 quals, we saw Faze fall from the top from being 2nd in Masters 1. Things change and unless you keep up, you will fall from the top

posted about 2 years ago

Disagree. Shahzam is only incredible on Jett on Icebox. You can see that on Split, he has far less impact. TenZ and SicK have more impact on split than Shahzam. Don't get me wrong he has great impact but he isn't really the best player

posted about 2 years ago

Uh ok

posted about 2 years ago

True, go watch them in the Smeag Cup. He actually stomped him. I don't think Leaf killed him once.

posted about 2 years ago

Lol 😂 this dude is just a C9 fan boy. Leaf better than Tenz? On what level exactly? Gamesense better? You clearly have no idea what Gamesense is. Aim same? Saying that about one of the most mechanically gifted players in the world is truly dumb af. Agent Flexibility same? Yeah I'll give you that much but Tenz is definitely a better Reyna than Leaf. You just trying to hype them up to yourself more than anything. Gtfo. Leaf is a good player but you're just sucking his toe. C9 did good with a player that just joined them a week before and made him play Smokes? Sentinels won an entire Masters event with a new player that joined and Shahzam had to change to Sova. You took his words way too seriously. The dude already said he thought C9 would make it to Iceland. Now that he says they are overhyped, you wanna cry?

posted about 2 years ago

Huh? No, yes Ranked is good for shooting but what else? Playing 24 hours is not needed. They didn't lose because of that. We honestly don't know why they lost, they could have lost for multiple reasons

posted about 2 years ago

More like T1 was lucky Sen were having a bad match. If you want to go 1 way you are have to consider the other. T1 would never have gotten that close against Iceland Sentinels

posted about 2 years ago

Yes but Im talking about scale of the tournament for the Esport. MSI is the second largest tournament of LoL as Masters is the second largest tournament in Val. Obviously winning masters can get you points which leads to Champions but it's still a big individual tournament

posted about 2 years ago

I don't think you can compare Val and CSGO here. It's probably better to compare it to League. I think Masters would be like LoL MSI and Champions would be like Worlds.

posted about 2 years ago

That's a joke right? They were a top 3 team when Shinobi was there but they just couldn't close out the big games which led to problems. TenZ even says this when talking about the team in his goodbye vid. They were kinda like FPX, good but just not getting it done

posted about 2 years ago

Lol TenZ is never gonna get the recognition he deserves.
When he was in C9 carrying, people always said he is not the best because he wasn't winning tournaments or Wardell was better than him.
When he joined Sentinels, it was SicK who was better than him even though TenZ was playing on bad ping and now that SicK didn't perform at Masters on Lan, it's Shahzam who is better.
TenZ is now winning tournaments like they wanted but its because of his team because apparently he doesn't exist in the team, only the other 4 do. He wins MVP of the tournament by getting the highest INDIVIDUAL stats in almost every category but no, everyone below him is better because Scream doesn't have as good a team even though Scream didn't perform as good against Fnatic or V1 like TenZ did against Fnatic and Nuturn but stfu.
TenZ will always be put down by people when he is ahead just as much as he is over praised by people as a god who can't make mistakes

posted about 3 years ago

Lol look at these dumbasses judging a dude for how he lived his life. TenZ didn't just create the roster with his friends, he found 4 players interested in Valorant and willing to transition. Valorant at the time wasn't a competitive scene where you were guaranteed success. The team was built around him from players who wanted to transition from CS to Valo. Tenz didn't just pick his friends out of nowhere. Even Shroud initially created a team that didn't work out. So many teams didn't work out. Which is why roster changes are happening to this very day in every org. To blame Tenz just because his team didn't work out is dumb af. Use your brain. Also yes Tenz chose to take a break from competitive because his efforts were not being put to good use and he was going to make just as much money streaming instead. And now he found a team that fits him. End of story.

posted about 3 years ago

You just said Asuna is better than TenZ, Steel is better than Shazham, Hiko is apparently equal to Dapr, Nitro is somehow equal to SicK lmao and Ethan is better than Zombs which I can kind of see but did I read that correctly because if I did you're a dumbass
Why are you comparing people with different roles and why are your comparisons so off

posted about 3 years ago

Lower bracket is a huge risk. Lose once and you're out... Sen would probably want to stay in top throughout beating imo V1, 100T and C9/NV/XSET

posted about 3 years ago

Let's be honest, that was a bad day for Sentinels and a good day for BBG. I'm pretty sure Sen got overconfident and they won't let it happen again. Plus Shaz now has reads on all these teams.

posted about 3 years ago
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