Flag: India
Registered: February 4, 2022
Last post: May 12, 2024 at 12:18 PM
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See I don't hate nor like Wardell but I will say he is in conversation of the best OPer in NA after Yay because he has that raw skill and potential. No disrespect to the other OPers. And yes for the people who said he can't rifle he does look crisp with the Vandal during his stint with V1 for the Opens 1

What I don't like is his lack of commitment and his mindset. Atleast he himself realized that and became a cc I guess

posted about a year ago

I don't hate Wardell but this statement is an L to me

posted about a year ago

It's mostly Wardell is baiting I don't think he even means what he said he most of the times makes sure his statements are baiting others

posted about a year ago

They are all equal bro all the 3 are equal in terms of raw potential and skill

posted about a year ago

I have 4 fav teams which I love equally

  1. TL: I like the personalities of the players of how chill and fun they are. Also I love Scream so.

  2. M3C: Those dudes should be one of the nicest teams in the world like how humble they are and obviously the way the played excluding stage 2

  3. OPTIC: I like how they play and ant stratting and also the calls of FNS has been so great Yay has been damn consistent on the Chamber and the other 3 also are super strong.

  4. DRX: I like their strats and how they all play really well as a team, the set plays has been outstanding and Zest's IGL has been really great.

I could also comment on the weaknesses of these teams but since the thread didn't ask nvm

posted about a year ago

My way of like changing Chamber is

  1. Bring back 2 trademarks: I mean that is the only aspect which makes him a sentinel and taking one of essentially means he is an OP crutch. So bring back 2 trademarks is good.

  2. Lessen the duration of the slow: I mean cmon man that stays for an eternity just slow it down from 9.5 sec to about 6 to 7 sec.

  3. Increase the cooldown of the TP to 45 sec if destroyed and 35 sec if withdrawn. Because 20 sec is too damn low and Chamber can do whatever the shit he wants and get out like nothing happened at all.

  4. I would want to remove the slow from his Tour De Force but I think the idea behiind that is actually to slow down a push once the shot connects so I don't know how much would it impact him as a Sentinel when that is taken out but I do want to reduce the fire rate of the Ult

posted about a year ago

Paper Rex and Xerxia

TS might have a chance or Onic G

posted about a year ago

Nice try bro

posted about a year ago

I mean that's great but I am telling that in comparing to the other team's prime. Liquids prime was great after the pickup of Nivera

posted about a year ago

Yeah I agree on that

posted about a year ago

He seems to have a big anger issue man

posted about a year ago

Thanks brother

posted about a year ago

But that prime form isn't as strong compared to GMB prime bro

posted about a year ago

Can you send his profile bro?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Wait a minute...

posted about a year ago

Not an appropriate take

posted about a year ago

Haha wtf

posted about a year ago

Your point on their control over Icebox was true they were at 9-5 at one point. The next 2 rounds fine Optic suddenly took a lot of control over mid which I don't think any team would expect. But after that too DRX didn't adapt they always had left mid blank even in the round where Crashies clutched the 1v4. That's why I said that their attack was really good Optic had no clue what to do when DRX were in their post plant. But in Split it's like decent but it was more of Zest and Mako fighting alone

posted about a year ago

3rd map was ok I guess but in Icebox when Optic was pushing mid all the time, DRX couldn't adapt that was the problem they still hadn't had mid control there. Split was ok they atleast had things covered to an extent

posted about a year ago

Bro just because the players play different agents doesn't mean that they are flexible as a team they are only flexible in terms of the roles they play. What I mean by flexible is adapting to whatever the opponent throws at you or being able to anti strat the opponents, which clearly DRX couldn't do as seen in the 2nd map vs Optic. Yes they form many strats which is great but not being able to move out of that strat and try to anti strat or adapt to the strategy of your opponents when they have clearly read your strats isn't flexible according to me

posted about a year ago

DRX is flexible?

posted about a year ago

I live in Chennai( India ) and it's fuckin burning my ass is getting fried

posted about a year ago

Why are people like you so less :(

posted about a year ago

replied to the wrong one sry those weren't death threats were toxicity sry

posted about a year ago

Man some of these toxic dudes should accept the loss and stop sending fuckin death threats dude he just played his games just because he tbagged doesn't mean death threats should come over to him wtf. Because of this the already destroyed rep of Indians in the Val community would further go down. Man this needs to fuckin stop

posted about a year ago

That was Enigma GE never lost closely

posted about a year ago

Criticism is fine because considering the way GE played this match Definitely they deserve criticism but blatant hate isn't. And that too like they are brining India as a country in the sense that they should only be including the GE team not the entire nation same goes to Indonesia. And why is politics and Pakistan even brought into this they are nowhere related to the match why are those brought in. Clearly show that both team fans don't know how to criticise using in game mistakes because that's all they know and then will bring politics culture etc in this. Man this is fucked up

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I think the fans themselves brought this upon themselves they hyped them too much and then when they failed they are toxic towards their own teams idk why

posted about a year ago

The competitive scene in India is shit and GE can't just be like yeah I defeated Indian teams now we are gonna conquer APAC and then get absolutely shit on. But I would condone the toxicity in the YT which was there in the chat too much toxicity and idk why politics was even brought into this. But they should scrim many APAC teams and ffs stop using Sova in Bind he is good there but not in the current meta try implementing Fade on Bind. And how many ecos would GE lose they kept losing ecos and also multiple x vs 1 scenarios like dude you know fundamentally they are better than you atleast play patiently why are these guys rushing and dying in the rounds where you easily had the win.

Not heartbreaking I expected GE to lose this way. They need to make some roster changes if they have to win and stop hyping about scrimbux that doesn't determine the outcome of the match. Any comments pls feel free to tell about ur views

posted about a year ago

I support PRX

posted about a year ago

No need of strats when they can easily aim diff GE

posted about a year ago

True you see the VCT YT channel it's just full fledged toxicity racism etc. Like just fuckin watch the game not just fight in chat it's getting annoying to the point. Yes GE lost to many Ecos which actually tilted me doesn't mean you can just start the toxicity about things not even related to the game. And why didn't AE deserve any credit for playing reasonably well?

posted about a year ago

5 times by now

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I didin't think GE would lose these many ecos what a joke

posted about a year ago

I feel you

posted about 2 years ago

Life is meaningless meaning is lifeless :)

posted about 2 years ago

valarante child game.... look to cartoon grapfix to make kid player happy like children show.. valarante cartoon world with rainbow unlike counter strike chad with dark corridorr and raelistic gun.. valarante like playhouse. valarant playor run from csgo fear of dark world and realism

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

See definitely they have become slightly stronger and Skrossi is suited for Chamber because that helped control his mindless aggression. But look at the flaws here

  1. Skrossi half the time holds weird OP angles without even being within the range of his TP, because of this if a barrage of util is thrown to clear the angle he can't escape

  2. Too many ego peeks and stuff and this isn't like Enigma who did it under pressure, GE always overpeek idk why.

And not only that in the ID scene AE has been looking really cracked aimwise and util wise so there are little to no chance of winning

posted about 2 years ago

You are underestimating AE and overestimating GE

posted about 2 years ago

That's the best case scenario at this period but I don't think they are able to spend more money on these after that heavy buyout for acquiring TenZ.

posted about 2 years ago

Couldn't agree more

posted about 2 years ago

True the reason why 13-1 loss to the Guard in Icebox was better is because Sentinels ever since the loss to G2 in M3 Berlin, were bad on that map so losing on a map that badly in a map where they are weak is ok to an extent acceptable.

But the loss in Haven which is their map pick and their strongest map, losing 13-2, it means clearly they have a lot of lying issues. and where tf is the support when TenZ is dashing inside wtf

posted about 2 years ago

Because at present the Chamber's job is killing?

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I like the creativity lmao

posted about 2 years ago

It's not boring I actually have a good bit of fun with Chamber maybe not as fun as Jett but can still be fun.

The problem with Chamber is they took out 1 of his traps which is actually the only thing in his kit which is actually a Sentinel. Others are basically for him to frag out and escape. Now he is more basically an OPer or part duelist. Another annoying thing is his TP only has about 20 sec cooldown which is pretty absurd because he can TP as much as 3 times max in a round. This is annoying and kind of broken for the opponent players cause he cannot be killed easy and now he is a killing machine. Not to forget the 9 sec slow and with a big radius.

In my opinion they should increase the TP time which is the most important. From 20 to 35 should be decent.

posted about 2 years ago
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