Country: Brazil
Registered: February 28, 2022
Last post: March 17, 2024 at 1:46 PM
Posts: 1838
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even i, a brazilian, love him

posted about a year ago

don't compare brazilians players with this guys pls

posted about a year ago

Deletaram o meu junto ;-;

posted about a year ago

2 por mapa é pouco ainda, é pelo menos uns 4

O fato deles terem conseguido ganhar ainda, diz como eles tavam com sangue nos olhos hj, principalmente o jzz

posted about a year ago

Xset was trash, fluke run by them. A team that has lephh and Badcells isn't good (poor zekken he had to carry them on champions, and now on sentilulnels)

posted about a year ago

FNS is good just not a god, every igl needs help from his second caller(s). Even saadhack was helped a lot by sacy with his second calling (and no with less)

posted about a year ago

Acording to what Ardiss told me, ryotzz leaked their strats from LOCK//IN to MIBR too

Not saying he did that, but it's impossible he haven't leaked anything...

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I mean, indirecly USA colonized and colonizes Brazil too, but this conversatition is too complex to be done in a site like vlr.gg

posted about a year ago

De fato, melhor ganhar quase perdendo do que n ganhar

posted about a year ago

Ardiss deserves, he lost too many important kills in this last match

posted about a year ago

Amigo, isso n é ser hater, é ser lúcido. A nrg entregou muitos rounds que os cara da MIBR passaram o pau na cara deles. Mas taticamente falando a MIBR fez decisões muito burras, isso é fato, para de ser emocionado. Eu n sou hater de nenhum time do Brasil, n faz nem sentido torcer pra um time brasileiro e n torcer pro outro

posted about a year ago

Taticamente falando a NRG foi MUITO superior a MIBR, só que a mibr acordou no dia deles

posted about a year ago

N se deixe enganar. Eles ganharam isso no individual, os números que os caras da MIBR droparam e ainda quase perderam diz muito mais sobre a NRG do que outra coisa. Sorte a nossa que era o Bagris do outro lado e o FNS n consegue matar de breach

posted about a year ago

Everyday i wake up and i thank god for borning here

posted about a year ago

Cara, só de olhar pra cara do Murizz eu já fico com raiva pq esse é o tipo de idiotice que ele gosta de fazer.

posted about a year ago

como eu vou ter calma com um erro desses que até eu que sou madeira 4 n faço? Os caras são pagos pra jogar cara, vai perder tempo gritando que porque ganharam um round ao invés de plantar ou pegar arma? Time tier 1 n faz isso n cara. LOUD, FNATIC , DRX e NRG n fazem esse tpo de idiotice

posted about a year ago

oni, recon is only good if u are sentinel or duelist. but if u play smokes or initiator go oni (trust me)

posted about a year ago

N plantam a spike dps de ganhar ou perder, n pegam arma (acabaram de perder a bulldog do rgl).

posted about a year ago

Vão ter que perder essa série, ou talvez até ficarem de fora dos playoffs pra aprenderem. Fazer oq, infelizmente na vida tem aqueles que só aprendem errando e não com o erro dos outros. E ainda tem aqueles que mesmo errando não aprendem.

posted about a year ago

The knew that MIBR wouldn't do the same thing twice, and them they advanced mid doing the exactly same thing

posted about a year ago

Foi um milagre terem levado pro OT, agora é resetar e n esquecer o cérebro na Pearl e começar bem na split. Ele tem que ter a mentalidade que são os underdogs nesse match e so de terem ganhado 1 e quase ganhado 2 já tão no lucro (se a gente for considerar o calibre da NRG, que todo mundo esperava pra ser). A pressão tem quer da NRG e não da Mibr

posted about a year ago

I don't know why he hates so much his PC to kick with so much strengh, poo PC's they have feeling too

posted about a year ago

It's a "meme" from ardiss situation before (not acussing anyone but..) you know..

posted about a year ago

The tech pauses always happens in crucial moments of the match.

(Not acussing anyone just pointing that)

posted about a year ago

Yes there will, it's impossbile to MIBR don't choke this

posted about a year ago

I mean, he has a big ego, but we don't complain about that if the player is good.

posted about a year ago

Assinatura deles né

posted about a year ago

He is igl, and paly super dumb sometimes, sometimes works (as we are seeing), sometimes no and he fuck the team (like Art from CS, Furia Igl)

posted about a year ago

Ele ta ajudando a gente e tu fala isso mano?

posted about a year ago

To early to say that, there is lot of time to teams like SEN and C9 wake up (NRG too)

posted about a year ago

Murizz tava forçando pra perder, mas decidiu jogar no final, e o resto do time acordou no final

posted about a year ago

mano a questão n é amassar, vc n ta entendendo? Ela ta literalmente jogando no modo "foda-se", e morrendo avançado de viper e igl. Quem tem que fazer isso é o heat n ele

posted about a year ago

Nice translation, sorry for not doing it before

posted about a year ago

O cara é igl, e ta jogando como se fosse duelista

posted about a year ago

E o pior de tudo é ele sendo taxado pelo Heat, duelista dele, por ter avançado. O cara é um igl e ta sendo taxado pelo time pra valorizar kkkkkk. Piada de capitão

posted about a year ago

I am Σ

posted about a year ago

Só de olhar pra ele, já sobe uma raiva na minha cabeça que meu deus.

Olhem dps o "na escuta" da MIBR, e vcs vão ver que esse cara n PODE ser igl

posted about a year ago

brazil don't care about them even if they are br, sen is NA. So they don't count to us

posted about a year ago

perder no americas doi mais, pq eles sabem que vão ser substituidos se n performarem

posted about a year ago

MIBR precisa perder isso pra aprender a jogar

posted about a year ago

Espero que ele seja demitido e passe fome na rua por ser tão ruim nesse nível (quem n sabe o contexto desse thread n comentar)

posted about a year ago

He was (and is on valorant) very good, but he is underperforming very hard on last matches

posted about a year ago

o problema desse time é o murizz, frzz é bom só ta meio mal agr, mas o murizz ta cometendo uns erros que n dá

posted about a year ago

Varmengo via ficar fraco sem VP

posted about a year ago

We expected him to do good because of Xset run in Istambul, but after their first match we saw what he is "capable" of

posted about a year ago

Aspas do perfect entry without dying, and gaining lot of space and information for his team, this is the difference of a simple entry to a perfect entry.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvADi2osXw4 (Example of what aspas do for his team with perfection)

posted about a year ago

Both have superstar teams with players with high value, but both teams doesn't have a plan and a solid teamplay. Most of the rounds Sentinels win because of individual plays from the players

posted about a year ago

And when did i give excuses for him underperforming dumb kid? I said that even when he is playing bad he is helping his team. Tenz when isn't playing good he is just useless. That's the difference. Aspas is not a duelist that just kills, but his entries are very good, and he can help the team even if he isn't playing well

posted about a year ago

Even when aspas isn't making kills he is helping the team with insane entrys and breaking the enemy defense. Tenz when he isn't making kills is useless

posted about a year ago
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