Country: Argentina
Registered: October 12, 2021
Last post: July 22, 2023 at 9:17 PM
Posts: 106
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El gap es enorme, recordá que de Colombia para arriba practicamente no han tenido representantes en csgo, LAN no tiene ningun tipo de historia en shooters tacticos, tanto Fusion como E-xolos van a perder por bastante

posted about a year ago

Esa es la vista que tienen del VLR mexicano/centro americano? Interesante
Furia deberia ganar con relativa facilidad

posted about a year ago

Nah, it wasn't an upset that big

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

this is bait

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Keznit is not racist mano...

posted about a year ago

y... si
Mandale un monton de amenazas de muerte a un flaco y es obvio que no va a querer ir a ese lugar, ni bien Keznit rompa dos cabezas seguidas lo van a empezar a putear, y nada asegura que no le vayan a tirar algo

posted about a year ago

The Tier 2 is necesary for an esports ecosystem to function... If Complexity out of all of teams taps out, i do not see a bright future here

posted about a year ago

How strange, because Furious gaming and a lot of players/coaches here in latam directly abandoned Valorant due to the lack of tournaments, and it's a common complain even with tournament organizers, Hydr4 (streamer and owner of the FiRe league, a somewhat important csgo circuit here in argentina) literally said that Valorant is not intresting because there are no other tournaments beside Riot's.
Keznit is good, but here there are some ridiculous talent and they cant even play because there's nothing, no GamersClub, no ESEA cash cups, no lobbys like FPL/WPL/LPL... there's nothing for a VERY NEW COMPETITIVE GAME.
So that leaves me to believe that there are two reasons for that
a) Nobody cares about Valorant (false, since the game is always evolving and there's a scene here)
b) Riot is doing something to prevent 3rd party events to happen

posted about a year ago

Bro, with all the due respect, LoL is dead and burried in latam, maybe in Mexico still have some life, and it's a "similar" system since very few teams actually relegated.
i get that this is a show first, a sport second, but men, every other server besides China and Korea is really bad compared to them thanks to the franchise locking their players in their respective regions, and it's not funny to only see two nationalities dispute the titles... its boring.

posted about a year ago

Ah btw, if franchises suck, relegation SUCKS ASS
The best example is what happened to Furious Gaming in LATAM, one of the most beloved orgs by the community in the league, known for treating their players and staff with respect and paying IN TIME, 2nd in opening and 3rd in closing season that year; had to play the relegation due to a dumbfuckery of Riot, the result? They relegated and "Globant" started to play in LLA, a team with no history, nor fans, nor infrastructure in Mexico...
Both franchises and relegation are not only boring as hell, but generally it's the same shit over and over again, and thanks to the leagues being closed, the bootcamps DO NOT exists, the level of your region is what you have and you will never improve over that because the top team doesn't have anyone else to practice with.

posted about a year ago

Ok hear me out, how about if you let the 3rd party organizers make their leagues totally free and, hold it, you make a couple of official events per year where you qualify through open qualys, so you give space to the entire world to participate and the free market decides if your game is worth it or no.
Crazy, right?

posted about a year ago

Boludo vos viste las cosas que saca Leviatan cada dos por tres? Luken Y Meyern, 21 jugadores de csgo, academia de csgo, equipos de Mobile, Valorant de alto nivel, Equipazo de LoL, Influencers, el cm mas cotizado de twitter junto a uno de los mejores equipos de imagen... Ya llega un punto que creo que ahi lavan guita, Fer mismo dijo que estan laburando a perdida porque considera que la industria explota en dos años

posted about a year ago

Money is not a problem for Leviatan
I dont know how, but FerMagoDiez is stupid rich

posted about a year ago

Seriously only 2 places for BR and 2 places for LATAM? And 6 places for NA? what a JOKE

posted about a year ago

Franchising is the STUPIDEST decision Riot can ever do

posted about a year ago

Proof 1: Keznit is chilean, chileans are known for not speaking clearly, Keznit particularly speaks really bad (like, i can't understand him if he speaks fast), in that same stream they were imitating the brasilian dog meme (even in yout video at the end he clearly says "el perro brasileño") here's some footage of the other streams at the gaming house at that same night. So no, he's not imitating a monkey, he's imitating the dog meme.
Proof 2: Dgzin and the coach of GL Blue were previously bullying Mazino so Keznit called DGZin "the CJ of valorant", he was later banned for toxicity (and well deserved, but even after the investigations it was a Toxicity ban, not a racism Ban)
They didnt ban DGZin nor Shaw btw, the ones who sent a death threat to Keznit directly and after the ban from Riot kept making fun of him with a picture of a fat chicken (Shaw deleted the twit but dont worry, we have the screenshots)
Proof 3: "Primate" is "Cousin" in Chile, Keznit and Aspas are in good terms... Don't twist the words

posted about a year ago

Papi, en el momento que alguien dice una estupidez la escena entera se le tira encima y eso es algo notorio POR EJEMPLO, el que es ahora coach de Boca en cs "Hellpa" fue un misogino con las chicas de ese entonces 9z Fem (creo que dijo que le gustaban las tetas de Chjna) en el stream de Guishorro; Al dia siguiente Hellpa y Guishorro fueron hechados de 9z.
S1cop fue hechado de Malvinas Gaming cuando amenazó a Fakzwall con "pisarlo a el y a su familia con la moto si no venía a entrenar".
Creeme flaco, acá la escena es muy directa y si dijiste una pelotudez te lo van a hacer tragar con todo el peso, pero este no es el caso, TODAS las veces que dijeron algo malo de Keznit fueron malas interpretaciones, ya sean intencionales o no.

posted about a year ago

"do krl" isnt "Do caralho"? is a superlative like "Fucking racist defenders"

posted about a year ago

You know that the first two clips isn't him... right?

posted about a year ago

Hi, chilean people have a different accent than the rest of LATAM, add that to the fact that Keznit speaks REALLY bad and then you have it, even i can barely understand what he is speaking half of the time

posted about a year ago

Toxic? yes, of course. Racist? No, if he wanted to say something racist ever, there are a million ways to say it better and more ofensive than just saying "you look like CJ".

posted about a year ago

apparently it was necesary to call them out, mfker literally sent a death threat to keznit and they didn't ban him until people asked to...

posted about a year ago

I get that "threating to kill someone" is a joke and unrealistic to you, but when you get thousand of those from a foreign country, and you HAVE TO GO to that same foreign country, it's imposible to see it in that way.
With only 1 crazy guy is enough for a tragedy to happen

posted about a year ago

Nobody is moderating this chat, you can say what you want about Jonathan, but at least he keeps HLTV clean

posted about a year ago

Champagne moment

posted about a year ago

Post plant marca Onur

posted about a year ago

And that's why he is in Leviatan, the owner and the people around are what we friendly call "degenerates"
Leviatan likes the polemic

posted about a year ago

BRUH Lev guys are nice kids, give them a break

posted about a year ago

Ah yes clearly
How many argentinians do you know in real life?

posted about a year ago

What the hell?

posted about a year ago

No te voy a negar que Keznit es un pelotudo, la fama se la ganó solo; pero hay una gran diferencia entre ser un pelotudo y ser racista, cancelarlo de esta forma y sin razón solo va a hacer que el pibe termine peor

posted about a year ago

he got banned for toxic behaviour, not racism...

posted about a year ago

Seriously what's wrong with you

posted about a year ago

Sep, pero es a lo que Riot aspira, tener 10 equipos que ellos puedan regular y poder sacar skins de esos 60 a nivel mundial sin mayores complicaciones, como lo que pasó con Overwatch
El sistema de franquicias funciona para proteger la inversion de los equipos, pero en el proceso matas la competitividad, lo ves con SEN que se tragieron a SHROUD (??????)

posted about a year ago

Basicamente se genera una liga cerrada, donde hay 10 equipos (por decir un numero) y compiten exclusivamente entre esos 10 equipos sin ningun tipo de descenso donde los equipos se clasifican mediante la compra de un cupo a la entidad organizadora, en este caso, Riot; es un buen sistema si ese deporte se juega unicamente en una zona especifica (como por ejemplo el futbol americano, el Basquetball o el Beisball) pero es pésimo para una disciplina donde un grupo de amigos bien organizados puede hacerle frente a un equipo serio, ya que eliminas el factor de los Open y Closed qualifiers.

posted about a year ago

Let's go step by step
1st and 2nd link are when keznit was banned when defending Mazino from the bot from Gamelanders he called him "CJ" because his face looked like CJ from GTA
3rd - Tweet from the ex-coach of Gamelanders, someone who also bothered Mazino
4th - No, he was banned due to racism towards him, and every palyer calling him "cheater" because theres no way a Chilean plays like that, he got perma-banned from GC
5th - Hate response from the bad imitation of the dog dancing, he even says "The brasilian dog" at the end of the video, referencing the meme
6th - Child-like comportament from Keznit, but not racist at all, he's just stupid
7th - Video imitating the dog meme, already adressed
8th - Banned from chat
9th - That's just a hate twit

posted about a year ago

Lets go KRUUUU

posted about a year ago

This doesn't even surprise me anymore, for real

posted about 2 years ago

A human being

posted about 2 years ago

Riot kinda wants to push this narrative of "the best player in the world" or "The fps faker" when tenZ is not the best around, don't get me wrong, the guy is good, but not "the best"

posted about 2 years ago

And you don't know how the crowd behaves in LATAM, we're a region used to giving love and support in a very vocal way, of course you will recieve death threats when you flame a passionate public, especially the BRs.
That kind of banter is common in the lol community where only LPL, KR, NA and EU matters, but Valorant has a dose of a lot of people from the csgo community, where LATAM and CIS compose the 70% of the public. So get used to see BR manos around here, because you will be seeing us really often...

posted about 2 years ago

Nope, insulting in english has barely any effect, i think it was C9 Hai who got a penalty just for doing the "Fuck you" gesture in camara in LOL worlds
Instead in here you can scream and insult freely, hell even Jonyboy, who's wholesome as fuck, flames his oponents into oblivion, is part of the game

posted about 2 years ago

(btw, in the first link, the one screaming and filming is the CEO of furious gaming)

posted about 2 years ago

Tbh, i don't think that china will make it that far in Valorant, of course i always can be mistaken since they were good in overwatch

posted about 2 years ago

Long story? I mean, they were good on Overwatch, but unless the staff from Tyloo changes from cs to Val i highly doubt that thay can come up with great strategies

posted about 2 years ago

When someone lands a headshot with DK and you hear "UUUUUUUHHHHH!!"
Its magical, in EU the people barely sing, don't insult, don't scream, it feels... Empty, in US worst, just hearing "let's go liquid" cringes me to death.
Instead here you have that guy from atletico mineiro screaming "EU FICO MUITO TRISTE POR NOTICIA DESSAS FILHO DA PUTA Tres tiros explode "

posted about 2 years ago
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