Country: Spain
Registered: April 29, 2021
Last post: April 11, 2024 at 6:06 PM
Posts: 785
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Hopefully Boom climbs next year to VCT and we can ignore RRQ forever as last position team

posted about a year ago

Heretics is sh*t

posted about a year ago

What happened? Explain for someone that doesn't follow APAC

posted about a year ago

"With franchise we will be able to invest in NA talent without risk our spots"

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Really hard, at least they signed the only tier 1 ukrainian player according to the easter egg from their promotional video

posted about a year ago

I mean he is the best ukrainian player, IGL and free agent, obviously they will try to sign him

posted about a year ago

Very nice summary, thx

posted about a year ago

Because they were signed before the war started I guess?

posted about a year ago

Why is this team famous and why did Riot pick them instead of Boom?

posted about a year ago

Context: Ronaldo is finished

posted about a year ago

How to say it, chinese league itself it is, but all chinese teams that won Worlds had 2 koreans on their team (2 import players is the limit), this doesn't mean chinese players are bad, but Korea as a talent pool is bigger and better.

posted about a year ago

Who will sign OnSla2ers? Gen G maybe? How will T1 end their roster? Is K1ng a good option now that Norheption didn't make it? I hope they don't start "stealing" DRX players

posted about a year ago

People called me baiter but It happened, T1 to APAC


posted about a year ago

Then, why is Detonation there?

posted about a year ago

Let's hope they win a takes their spot in the league

posted about a year ago

So Damwon Kia invested since the beginning in KR scene (being the only few KR stablished orgs that did it) making changes to be competitive and reach international tournaments, we can say they almost got it, they just failed at semifinals several times. They also developed KR players so that's good, and then 2 american orgs that were all the time in NA spending money apply for APAC and takes 2 spots as koreans instead of DK? Where is the point here?

It makes no sense, if DK became big is thx to Riot and LoL so they should have a mutual relationship

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

The only good org is NIP and they left

posted about a year ago

Scandinavia hasn't good orgs, they don't want to repeat what happened to Astralis in LEC

posted about a year ago

How many ottoman empires did NA have?

posted about a year ago

Turkey on my books

posted about a year ago

Rumours often tend to be true

posted about a year ago

No idea about your scene but Velocity won more tournaments if I'm not wrong, It looks more successful

posted about a year ago

3 KR DRX, Gen G and DK
2 JP ZETA and CR
1 INDO Boom
1 THAI Xerxia
1 INDIA Velocity I would say
1 PH Team Secret
Paper Rex

posted about a year ago

They wanted 10 NA teams tho

posted about a year ago

China most likely will have their own league

posted about a year ago

Now that G2 is a flop, FNC keeps choking and TL doesn't improve, and with KOI and KC joining, all eyes will be in KOI/KC and noone will care about the opposite.

posted about a year ago

No thx

posted about a year ago

Too much fanbase

posted about a year ago

Better than KC

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Per sources, esportmaniacos (universo Valorant) said KOI will sign a m3c player, probably Redgar who knows spanish already. The team will be finished like this according to sources:
Redgar (IGL)

Thoughts? Top 3 EMEA on my books

posted about a year ago

Kick EG

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

op diffed

posted about a year ago

It happened on Ascent tho

posted about a year ago

Last man standing and saving irrelevant guns like a stinger? wtf is he doing

posted about a year ago

Still ahead of every br team KEKW

posted about a year ago

This crowd just shows how BR reputation is across the world

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Stop complaining about everything, they are pretty good even tho their country or national player is not on the final

posted about a year ago

Yes pls take them, trash org

posted about a year ago

Alfa and cNed to turkish superteam

posted about a year ago

Nah I don't expect anything from them, good performance vs EMEA teams and choking on international tournaments

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I think Navi will try to get FPX, at least Ange1

posted about a year ago
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