Country: Australia
Registered: February 24, 2023
Last post: August 15, 2023 at 7:12 AM
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Now I can disregard any argument by just hitting back with “Flair 😂”

posted 9 months ago

Why is her voice in the middle of slow and punchable

posted 9 months ago

Some child keeps on screaming after ever kill 😭

posted 9 months ago

No one cares. But take care

posted 9 months ago

Nah I hope they keep a trio from M80

posted 9 months ago

Get fucked

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

The one where Tenz hit that crazy tdm clip

posted 9 months ago

Your mom

posted 9 months ago

nah, he only uses ChatGPT premium

posted 9 months ago

nah def ohio

posted 9 months ago

after watching a supposed student-to-be-lawyer lose an internet argument against a t2 pro,
i understand why there's so many criminals in america. you can't defend them for shit

posted 9 months ago

Lock in is such a bad measure, none of the teams they fought made it to Masters or even place top at their region

posted 9 months ago

Why is Navi so overhyped? Their performance this entire tear has been shit, it’s clear that they’re behind most intl and some EMEA teams at the meta, roles and even strats.

So why keep overrating them, they have a high ceiling but they’re at the absolute dirt atm.

Lock/IN is a bad argument, they fought KEU, LEV and TS. Top 4 doesn’t mean shit

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

Looks like a football game

posted 9 months ago

Chronicle was sick too lol

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

Wall? Just break it
Slow? Sage does it
Ult? Only good for 1v1s, not good for anchoring or when ur sentinel is lurking

Stun looks good tho

posted 10 months ago

Watch EG win Masters and smh Pansy still finds a way to talk about FNC performance

posted 10 months ago

FNC vs EG is going to be so glaze. I can’t wait for Pansy to kick boaster out and start glazing all over fnatic. The glaze finna be crazy. It’s glazing time

posted 10 months ago

Ofc their post plant stats is going to be different in an intl event with the best teams itw and with a sub.

What is this argument?

posted 10 months ago

jett isn't busted lol, it's just the best mobility character atm

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago
  • prx will not beat EG
  • forsaken won't drop a 100 on fnc
  • prx will not beat FNC
  • prx won't win masters
posted 10 months ago

me too, wakakakawak

posted 10 months ago

I love redgar

posted 10 months ago

always smiling that cute fuck

posted 10 months ago

god level raze, clears derke and sayf any day

posted 10 months ago

Xeta wasnt kicked out. Xeta transferred out on his own cause he was interested in T1’s project

posted 10 months ago

he’s putting FNS level of numbers lol

posted 10 months ago

no shit they're gonna get it, the second bubble hasn't even formed yet

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

please, im gonna tune in to the japanese stream and i dont even speak the language

posted 10 months ago

even if fnc loses a 1 v5, im pretty sure she'll fine a way to put them on a meaningless pedestal

posted 10 months ago

stop being a pansy

posted 10 months ago

they're paid to cast lmao, is it that hard to show no bias

posted 10 months ago

guy is either fucking big brained or lucky as hell

posted 10 months ago

innovated fracture with the sova, the best to ever do it on this map

posted 10 months ago

insane, best performing igl surely

posted 10 months ago

The EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa) region is often portrayed as a unified entity, boasting economic integration and shared values. However, beneath the surface lies a complex landscape with inherent flaws and contradictions. This essay seeks to explore the reasons why some perceive EMEA as a fraudulent region, focusing on issues such as geopolitical tensions, economic disparities, and cultural differences.

Geopolitical Tensions:
One of the significant challenges plaguing the EMEA region is geopolitical tensions. The region encompasses a diverse range of countries with distinct political ideologies, conflicting national interests, and historical grievances. The Middle East, for instance, is characterized by deep-rooted political rivalries, sectarian conflicts, and power struggles. Such tensions hinder the cohesive cooperation necessary for a genuinely integrated region, undermining the notion of EMEA as a unified entity.

Economic Disparities:
While economic integration is often touted as a hallmark of the EMEA region, stark economic disparities persist. Countries like Germany, France, and the United Kingdom dominate the economic landscape, while other nations, particularly in Africa and the Middle East, struggle with underdevelopment, poverty, and corruption. The glaring wealth gaps and unequal distribution of economic benefits within the region expose the limitations of true economic integration and challenge the credibility of EMEA as a cohesive region.

Cultural Differences:
The EMEA region is home to a diverse array of cultures, languages, and religious beliefs. While diversity can be a source of strength, it also poses significant challenges to integration and unity. Cultural differences often lead to misunderstandings, conflicts, and social divisions. The rise of nationalism and identity politics within many countries further complicates the idea of a harmonious EMEA region, casting doubts on the legitimacy of the supposed unity.

Limited Cooperation and Integration:
Despite the rhetoric of cooperation, the level of true integration within the EMEA region remains limited. Trade barriers, protectionist policies, and bureaucratic hurdles hinder the free flow of goods, services, and investments. Additionally, regional organizations, such as the Arab League and the African Union, struggle to achieve meaningful cooperation and fail to address pressing regional challenges effectively. These limitations expose the shortcomings of EMEA as a unified region and reinforce the perception of it as a fraudulent concept.

Security Challenges:
The EMEA region is plagued by various security challenges, including terrorism, civil conflicts, and political instability. The Middle East, in particular, has experienced protracted conflicts and power struggles that spill over into neighboring countries. These security concerns hinder trust, impede economic progress, and perpetuate the perception that EMEA is a region marred by fragility and uncertainty.

While the EMEA region encompasses a diverse range of countries and holds potential for collaboration and prosperity, it is not immune to criticism. Geopolitical tensions, economic disparities, cultural differences, limited integration, and security challenges all contribute to the perception that EMEA is a fraudulent region. Addressing these issues requires a concerted effort to foster genuine cooperation, reduce economic disparities, promote cultural understanding, and resolve regional conflicts. Only through meaningful and sustained efforts can the EMEA region truly overcome its flaws and live up to the ideals of unity and integration.

posted 10 months ago

move on, reset mental, go to fracture

posted 10 months ago

I just like Kang Kang more than the entire region :>

posted 10 months ago

The only proper region tier list

posted 10 months ago

APAC offered Ardiss and Yay 1 million, why didn't they go to APAC then.

It's not all about the money.

posted 10 months ago


posted 10 months ago

Then you'd just invalid your entire argument. You can't say liquid is the better team until champs lmao

the entire reason why'd I even argue "LOUD is better than FNC is because they were 2 rounds away from winning" is to point out how dumb your argument that "TL is better than NRG is because they were 1 round away from winning" is

posted 10 months ago
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