Flag: Nepal
Registered: May 26, 2021
Last post: July 26, 2024 at 1:02 PM
Posts: 1899
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yo fix the player flairs for vlr+ in firefox mannnnnnnnnn

posted 9 hours ago

China goes crazy for skins, esp limited skins

posted 9 hours ago

ever of a thing called hyber bowl e

posted 9 hours ago

Because this is the first champs after Valorant really blew up in China.

The players will earn alot

posted 9 hours ago

I think there are atleast 7 GC players itw that can play Tier 2 at a decent level.

And its hard to predict because its a different level with higher lvl of firepower so its hard to say how any of the players would adapt and how fast. Same applying to tier 1 but at a higher level

posted 10 hours ago

Goat controller for a reason

posted 6 days ago

Rito indie company

posted 1 week ago

enerii is funny?
wahts her stream

posted 1 week ago

Wo0t MENTIONED 🔥🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️‼️‼️‼️🗣️‼️🔥🔥🔥🔥 THE PRINCE THAT WAS PROMISED

posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago


posted 1 week ago

Loud 2022 or Gambit 2021 was the best team oat i dont wanna hear it

If you reformed that team now they would be even better bc of how much less and aspas have improved

posted 1 week ago

yea but now they have a good idea heading into next year and can build off it and prep ahead of time like sentinels did this yr

posted 3 weeks ago

he played like 1 map

posted 3 weeks ago

Who has the worst rating, is it Kiles

posted 3 weeks ago

Gentlemates and G2 you moron

posted 1 month ago

W comment

posted 1 month ago

Ffs not all maps have to be something where mfs constantly innovate, let Ascent be Dust 2

Ascent is fine besides the wall bangs, thats the only problem.

Its a honer type map but there are still innovations, the deadlock compm the viper, the old prx comp.
There have been so many diff comps used by top lvl teams but ppl say the map is boring just bc of wallbangs which I agree with but it isn't the biggest problem and Ascent is still interesting

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

bc FNS plays like EU style

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Which teams do you think has the potential of starting an era in Val

GenG: Their strength is firepower, strong micro plays + antistrat and they will be valued in any meta.
Sen: If they change a certain player (its not TenZ) they can be so strong.
Heretics: Similar to GenG but with MiniBoo their ceiling is even higher.

Any team that has Aspas with other top 5 role players has a chance. Along with any CN teams that can finally learn how to play like a team

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Well Im not a fan and they are a team that throws the most

They are so asscheeks lmao, mfs can't do shit when they can't win just aim diff

posted 1 month ago

bc a team that has made gf always has strong mechanics to challenge prx and are smart enough to not get caught by them

posted 1 month ago

bUt ThAtS nOt W gAmInG

posted 1 month ago

Been telling ppl this.

There's a reason no other team plays like them.


posted 1 month ago

Som wasn't a rookie either wtf

only Karon is a rookie

posted 1 month ago

that mf aitnt a rookie

He literally played on top lvl teams before franchise like what

posted 1 month ago

they gotta upgrade, theres so many tier 3 kids that can be better

posted 1 month ago

Not a major tho

posted 1 month ago

Like Forsaken is just carrying this team, its criminal he doesn't have a trophy

I will literally curse Mindfreak if his throwing makes Forsaken be the Niko of Valorant

posted 1 month ago

If they replaced him, they would be so much better.

posted 1 month ago

MF literally almost threw away anti bonus there like what

posted 1 month ago

Its only like 200 ppl rn bc that's the max capacity and the volume for them is low af

posted 1 month ago

This guy has so many rnds of just not being patient. He had ult there like what

posted 1 month ago

He got like few clutches and ppl act like hes mako

This guy has been the biggest troller and choker. In the finals he's quiet af

posted 1 month ago

They have literally had 2 matches and he got shatted on vs GenG

posted 1 month ago

They can prob get added permanently when the contracts with all the other orgs expire and they want to replace a bad org who never tried

posted 1 month ago

Rito defenders YUCK

posted 1 month ago

iddk why ur getting downvoted

Loud literally won champs bc they Bootcamped in Europe
All pros talk abt how it is good for scrims and shit

posted 1 month ago

Need 5-6 events a year bro

posted 1 month ago

Yea but guess what, there are more tournaments so more teams experience at a huge crowd.

That and 6>4. Majors have all of playoffs in a big arena, not valulrant tho, only top 4 for some dumb ass reason

posted 1 month ago

VCT is so ass bc they will play in studios for most tournaments besides top 4 only.

Small amt of tournaments. Casting is just worse overall.

posted 1 month ago

+Cloud or Trexx

Or get a turkish player, they seem cracked af

posted 1 month ago

EDG need a new coach man

posted 1 month ago

yea but the other 2 matches besides fut one had were 60/40 matches so ton of other pickems got destroyed w FNC and EDG losing

posted 1 month ago
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