Country: India
Registered: April 1, 2021
Last post: April 9, 2024 at 11:49 AM
Posts: 774
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Yeah. That's weird cause Finest doesn't exist anymore. I guess they registered before the collapse happened?

posted about a year ago

You're a Godsend! Thank you!

posted about a year ago

All i know is that Bonk is on a winning streak!

posted about a year ago

That would be cause VLT puts DM on the Initiator role all the time to accomodate Deadly10. But Rossi plays Chamber 24/7. Agent selection is crucial in deciding your play style.

posted about a year ago

DM and brain-dead? He was actually making good plays and not overstepping all the time like Rossi does.

posted about a year ago

Were we watching the same game today?

posted about a year ago

Totally forgot about Kohli. I haven't seen him play. If he's anywhere close to being better than these 3, then sure.

posted about a year ago

The guy can hold a rifle and press M1. Skrossi can't.

posted about a year ago

You'd rather have Skillz or Hellranger?

posted about a year ago

DM can actually frag with the rifle when needed to. He might not be as mechanically inclined on the Op as Rossi but he doesn't play Op with 2 electrodes stuck on brain that force him to play like a 5th grader.

As much as i despise Kappa, it's hard to ignore that he's bringing in more value than Skillz atm. Skillz definitely should not be making it into the 6 man roster. Replace him with Kappa, who's actually working himself and it shows.

New roster :-
Deathmaker(Chamber flex)

posted about a year ago

Will this start at 2 or 2:30?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

No Indian team will get 30 ping on SG from Mumbai. They have to be setup in Chennai for sub 40 ping. And almost all Indian teams are set in Mumbai.

posted about a year ago

Not really. Getting our own VCT would have lead to our teams getting rekt on a global stage. But look how Japan improved. We could have done the same.

posted about a year ago

And no one took a screenshot? Wtf.

posted about a year ago

No cap detected
Opinion accepted

posted about a year ago

Send your current pic for verification.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I just hovered. Yes, he's the 🐐.

posted about a year ago

Saw this coming miles away. Totally deserved it.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Ayrin ain't even coming to India as far as we know. He could directly go over to Seoul for the bootcamp.

posted about a year ago

You hard stuck ignorant too huh?

posted about a year ago

Without GE he had no career. He should be thanking his stars.

posted about a year ago

Exactly. They don't give a shit. And curry is so much worse than Ayrin anyways. It's time to rise above petty things like ethnicity.

posted about a year ago

Just like Lentinels.

posted about a year ago

What's up with the curry and FNS dickriding?

posted about a year ago

With enough time, he might actually be the best player.

posted about a year ago

Got it

posted about a year ago

I'm traveling so my internet is pretty shit. Can I get a tldr of the video? Or is it a rickroll?

posted about a year ago

If they actually let Ayrin play in place of Hellranger. I think he'll only play a couple of games and they'll switch him out to emulate the same results with the Indian core.

posted about a year ago

Got it.

posted about a year ago

Do you have a screenshot? The tweet is deleted.

posted about a year ago

Can anyone post a link of Shazam apologizing?

posted about a year ago

HellrangeR called up a meeting to disscuss how losing up of aim duels had cost them their matches, all the team members voted to kick KappA out, KappA gave a smirk and threw some pictures on the table , HellrangeR got stressed as he saw it was private pictures of him with breach, he then slowly approached KappA and hugged him , KappA whispered "TRICKSHOT"

posted about a year ago

NA houses paycheck stealer like him and is suprised that they got 5 spots only.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Cold showers hit different.

posted about a year ago

Only 1 import allowed tho. Scream and Nivera will together count as 2.

posted about a year ago

Shazam dick riding in vlr? That's fresh.

posted about a year ago

Average vlr moment. Still sad for you guys, 720p sucks. But you still have Youtube for officials ig?

posted about a year ago

Dude you're talking out of your ass.

posted about a year ago

Love : Bonkar and yacine. And to some extent Leo, Sayf and Draken.

Hate : No one.

posted about a year ago

A black sheep team without Sinatra? Damn.

posted about a year ago

Godkar is A tier.

posted about a year ago

Hirez fucked it up so bad. It was never the same after OB64.

posted about a year ago

You're goated! XD

posted about a year ago

You played with Raynday?? Damn.

posted about a year ago
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