Country: Qatar
Registered: December 8, 2021
Last post: July 21, 2023 at 4:16 PM
Posts: 284
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That means you read the entire thing πŸ’€πŸ’€

posted about a year ago

They should honestly just make sure the players are all using beads that are withing the chess regulations

posted about a year ago

navi will probably be fpx+m3c

posted about a year ago

Zekken and scream have hit rank 1 multiple times how are they not S tier ranked demons 😑

posted about a year ago

It does nothing almost every game has mouse accel off by default.
Turning it off only makes your mouse feel worse to use while browsing other apps

posted about a year ago

Common Sen fan L

posted about a year ago

Tarik told me they might sub in Hasan
He's nasty on raze

posted about a year ago

True SEN going to 3v5 in Sao paulo

posted about a year ago

jingg forskin shao derke boaster mako alfa

posted about a year ago

So did Lev and every other team that got eliminated your point is???

posted about a year ago

Halal food is for muslims not indians and even then most people don't really care that much about it

posted about a year ago

People (viewers) that actively care and participate in streamer drama are insanely cringe

posted about a year ago

Optc, TSM, FaZe are so much bigger and more clouted than them tho? (FaZe kinda shady tho)

posted about a year ago

What abt optc theyre one of the most prestigious esports orgs and their val content does significantly better numbers than EG and NRG

posted about a year ago

5NA Teams
2Br Teams
1LATAM team
and possibly 2 European teams????

posted about a year ago

Maybe since mixwell is very popular in latam

posted about a year ago

Gurren Lagann is the best anime

posted about a year ago

I tried Singapore and india and immortal 2 there is what plat feels like on bahrain.
I swear that entire server is full of smurfs and cheaters

posted about a year ago

-icebox/bind + split
literally the most boring maps to watch

posted about a year ago

Then why arent any of the other chamber/jett players even close to as good as him
Only one that's any where near as consistent is cryo (derke and ardiis are very inconsistent)

posted about a year ago

SEN won 1 lan no team has more than 1 lan
SEN are the best team in the world gg πŸ₯±

posted about a year ago

Hopefully only 1 top 3 this year will be a wake up for them
But they're probably still stuck in 2021 😒

posted about a year ago

Thats just an average ange1 performance

posted about a year ago

Yeah and everyone shits on them for it <3

posted about a year ago

Fnc (They're better than fpx IMO)

posted about a year ago

Theyre all still in 2021
allg tho they'll win nothing next year and still spam 1 champions

posted about a year ago

EU have only 1 top 3 this year
Asia has 3
Na has 3
SA has 2
We can all agree EU = minor region

posted about a year ago

EU can only win when people dont know how to play the game πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Only 1 top 3 this year.

posted about a year ago

SEN made stinger meta and run n gun famous first

posted about a year ago

Tell riot to make sure the pcs are updated not optics fault

posted about a year ago

Yeah riot made sure all the optc pcs weren't updated so they could call techs
source: I am John Riot

posted about a year ago

he is so used to not missing
he just immediately switched to the knife

posted about a year ago

Optc 13-8

posted about a year ago

Agreed please stop 😊

posted about a year ago

USA - 56 superbowls
Brazil - 0

posted about a year ago

Loud won first pistol
all good youll get them next time

posted about a year ago

No its just the crowd noise + comms + pressure

posted about a year ago

They want to make it entertaining
its how NA works

posted about a year ago

He is insane on omen and brim
astra and initiator not so much and he's been playing a lot of both this tournament :(

posted about a year ago

Crashies is literally demolishing stax lil bro

posted about a year ago

No one on a video game forum has sex

posted about a year ago

Drx have only lost to top 3 teams this year unlucko for them :(
M1-Optc and Zeta
M2-Optc and fpx
M3-Loud and Optc

posted about a year ago

What about panpoc are they not casting?

posted about a year ago

Na still has a team left, What about emea? 😹

posted about a year ago

Na still 4-2 against Emea this tournament πŸ₯±

posted about a year ago

Ange1 managed to end the series with even less acs πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

posted about a year ago

Ange1 has 5 kills this map yall think he gets more than 6 next match to beat fns?

posted about a year ago

Not really a bug tho viper ult is just weird and suygetsu moved while using it so its his fault

posted about a year ago

It's going to be Sen everyone already knows πŸ₯±

posted about a year ago
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