Country: Singapore
Registered: July 30, 2021
Last post: July 1, 2023 at 7:28 AM
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gEoRgE gEdDeS 🤡

posted about a year ago

Stax and not even close, og and insane util coordination with team

posted about a year ago

Dude it's just a few racist idiots like StormX etc, it's not fair that we get flak cos of 2 to 3 ppl

posted about a year ago

Defo fake flagger if you don't even know Huat Zai

posted about a year ago

Lmao look at how big his balls are now

posted about a year ago

It's by round win/loss differential, bleed still has a higher one than prx

posted about a year ago

Lmao what

posted about a year ago

It was only meant to be a fun fact, like I said "not inciting any hate"

posted about a year ago

Not inciting any hate or comparison

But PRX vs Bleed has more viewership than pgl stream 2

posted about a year ago

Which one lmao, there's like 3 to 4 streams rn

posted about a year ago

If bleed wins it I'm gonna suck my own dick

posted about a year ago

They didn't barely get rawkus in. Yes sen was stingy and didn't buyout but after rawkus contract ended they signed him immediately

posted about a year ago

Nahhh Korean casters are really really good. Prob all on par

posted about a year ago

Ur obviously not watching the game, go watch

posted about a year ago

If you're not already watching it, go watch this insane match

posted about a year ago

Johnqt buff.

posted about a year ago

VCT viewership is kinda diluted rn with so many region streaming rn, so not very fair to base it off like that

posted about a year ago

A year passed???

posted about a year ago

Ur just behind lmao

posted about a year ago

Sen won 13-10 against LG last time on fracture, so I predict an overtime SEN win

posted about a year ago

Prx have already started and I can definitely see them using it more considering the quick info and can provide good aggressive push up utils which fits them

posted about a year ago

That may be dumb from your teammate, but dumb from you too since it was unnecessary and not funny

posted about a year ago

There are advantages on high ping, but requires a diff playstyle

posted about a year ago

You have heard of reddit analysts but not vlr analysts, why? Because they grow on reddit. The number of real analysts there that can give feedback etc as compared to this shitshow of a site with people like us

posted about a year ago

Just classic, because you don't like the other site doesn't mean u have to call them delusional, we aren't much better either

posted about a year ago

Not trying to bash your hopes but vlr is not the place to post analysis. Even reddit is better since more people are on there

posted about a year ago

Tf it's the literal opposite? Jingg blasts packs in or reyna flash in while forsaken dashes in behind. Jingg is literally to bait when on double duelist but is still good enough to always get 1 or 2

posted about a year ago

First ever FADE in pro play(or at least I think so)

posted about a year ago

I didn't mention there was a stream????

posted about a year ago

It's called promotion?

posted about a year ago

Korean English casters are so underrated. Achilios is one who can make you sit through a tech pause by just talking about random things but still provides good analysis

posted about a year ago

Are we that dumb...

posted about a year ago

Lmao when did I say that...

posted about a year ago

U can catch him in r/valorantcompetitive making even more bad takes. Just farming free karma off him

posted about a year ago

Isn't that what makes a game good, rather than being the same for the whole time.

posted about a year ago

Gosh I wondered which game started to be insecure and coming to forums to say dead game

posted about a year ago

One was 5 rounds away from champions

Edit: Meant seoldam btw

posted about a year ago

Everyone who qualified is basically top 10 lmao

posted about a year ago

Now shahz can stop streaming for a few days /s

posted about a year ago

Salty that tenz replaced sinatraa

posted about a year ago

Using 100t is not a good example considering that is done by the boomers and not the actual org. Now they make smart decisions with actual coaches leading the way

posted about a year ago

What makes valorant better is that it doesn't feel like a marathon unlike Cs. 13 rounds to win is good enough already

posted about a year ago

Can't believe I'm saying this but tenz owns them

posted about a year ago

Man can't win masters and got salty

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Sen looks better than before, playing together as a team and having mini setplays, punishing any mistakes that enemies have. But they still have a long way to go, think its time for them to boot camp and refine their setplays, have new ones and get a wider agentpool

posted about a year ago

Additional reply to his first point:
DRX shouldn't be blamed as much for their "poor" showing. They were scrim partners and it is so much easier to read them, especially after zeta's sudden change in form. Yes, DRX didn't play as well but that is not to discount their finishing position and form of other teams. DRX could have potentially gotten a much higher position if they played against teams of other regions since they wouldn't understand them as well as scrim partners

posted about a year ago

Tf, how is their inability to adapt to LAN a point here, it doesn't change the fact that they are good. Next, you were talking about roles. DRX is a perfect examples of jett mains playing other roles and doing it well, see MaKo and BuZz, who still plays jett occasionally. It also isn't an excuse that Sen's adaptability is worse considering they are pro players and it's been a longer time. Lastly, shut up if you can't even make your mind on what stand to take and just trying to cover your ass.

posted about a year ago
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