Country: Argentina
Registered: July 6, 2021
Last post: April 13, 2024 at 9:36 PM
Posts: 1456
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The org is from Argentina, the roster was majority chilean for most of the history

posted 8 months ago

basta loco no intenten arruinar a jake por algo que el no dijo

posted 8 months ago

vlr users are fanfic writers, they create headcannons just like that

posted 8 months ago

I dont where it was but there was already a final that the team with ban advantage lost

posted 8 months ago

una lastima que lo de heretics no se dio

posted 8 months ago

can you name some of them?

posted 8 months ago

unpopular opinion but I think KOI should run it back with the same roster again next season. Players that werent performing like starxo and wolfen can clearly play up to the level needed and trexx and sheydos always are present. Kolda has to return to his guild form. If after the first split this doesnt work, then they can make the neccessary changes.

posted 8 months ago

Made Acend regional champions
got G2 to masters internationally
got Guild to masters internationally
Still can qualified with KOI to champions

yes his performance this year has been subpar in most games,but to call him overrated is quite the strech

posted 8 months ago

Ain't no way Navi loses, right guys?

posted 8 months ago

no idea

posted 8 months ago

te tendrian que pagar por post

posted 8 months ago

Koi is from spain though

posted 8 months ago

Es el único creo

posted 8 months ago

its difficult to explain in english, there is no feeling to cheer for that team

posted 8 months ago

I rather Heretics gets demoted to tier 3 than to sign that roster

posted 8 months ago

silly me

posted 8 months ago

tell me who should they have added for the lcq?

posted 8 months ago

to be fair last time they played it in pearl they cooked

posted 8 months ago

he went for milk

posted 8 months ago

sacy los va a cagar a piñas a todos ahora

posted 8 months ago

demon1 100%

posted 8 months ago

si la verdad una incógnita porque no tienen algún otro staff para ayudar a Onur

posted 8 months ago

no le dieron ningún superteam en bandeja, el chabón armo tres ganadores de la region y cumplió con dos de ellos internacionalmente. Esta temporada tal vez no estuvo a la altura del alto estándar que ha dejado pero sigue siendo el mejor coach de la region.

posted 8 months ago

ahora nos volvimos a ilusionar

posted 8 months ago

No te digo que se dejaron ganar, pero tampoco que le metieron muchas ganas a ese partido, después de todo ya estaban afuera y si le ganaban a lev lo complicaban mucho para clasificarse a playoffs.

posted 8 months ago

Volvio el clásico de latam, sonríe el valoranr que gane el mejor

posted 8 months ago

Of course he had diarrhea he was facing against daddy keznit

posted 8 months ago

Vení vení salta conmigo, que de la mano del deus toda la vuelta vamos a dar

posted 8 months ago

They were the heavy favourites to win the series and not only did they lost but they couldn't even win a map in their most important match of the year

posted 8 months ago

Pecheada cosmica

posted 8 months ago

insert pat beverly celebration video

posted 8 months ago

Rubkoide esta muy sabroso como para no agarrarlo, pero concuerdo lo mejor para 9z y para todo latam es que se mantengan e intenten de nuevo el ascenso.

posted 9 months ago

un poco de amor propio muchachos dale que se puede

posted 9 months ago

Aguante Kru pa, despues de los del norte nose

posted 9 months ago

Eso va en contra de los principios por los cuales Kru fue fundado. La de dar lugar al talento de la región que no tiene tantas oportunidades como en otras regiones del mundo. Esto no necesariamente quiera decir que no los puedan romper, pero si lo hacen estarían traicionando a los valores propios de la institución.

posted 9 months ago

9z could only practice with 2 teams in the leading up to ascension due to all the tier 2 teams and one of them was Lev's academy. Before you had Kru,lev,furia,loud to practice with. There is a lack of competitive scrims.

posted 9 months ago

I really shouldn't be telling you this since it's more of an aim community thing, but since this event is with pros and top US aimers, no one realizes that all the pros are going to get embarrassed at the event.
This isn't meant to be rude or anything it's just what will happen.

posted 9 months ago

I cant talk about the other south American cities, but Buenos Aires is pretty much diverse and accepting of foreigners.

posted 9 months ago

jugadores la concha de su madre, a ver si ponen huevo que no juegan con nadie

posted 9 months ago

ethnically homogenous South American cities??? wtf

posted 9 months ago

ademas la rivalidad br/latam de por si ya es fuerte y eso lo volvería atractiva para el espectador. La pasión de Sudamérica en por si es raramente superada. Una lastima que no lo hicieron de esa forma.

posted 9 months ago

Era evidente que algo así iba a pasar a largo plazo con las regiones de Latam/Br, mas precisamente Latam que tiene menos playerbase. Literalmente todo el talento top se va para NA y se genera el problema del tier 2, que no genera interés por como esta diseñado y porque todo el talento que atrae viewers se fue a NA, y el problema es que Latam no tiene tantos jugadores ni inversiones como BR o NA para reponer su liga local. Ni hablar de que si se diera que un equipo de Latam ganara ascension hasta casi no saldría rentable jugar franquicias por 2 años con el coste que significaría ir a Usa, ni hablar de que los otros equipos podrian robarte jugadores. Si este sistema sigue asi, Latam va a ser una region muerta en unos años.

posted 9 months ago

they should use the term xenophobia instead, but then you realize that a good chunk of brazilians here in vlr are pretty xenophobic.

posted 9 months ago

Franchise killed what little competiteveness and interest were in the region. The local scene is half-dead. And yes 9z is the best latam has to offer

posted 9 months ago

It's a slap to the face to the other regions that have been competing for slots since the start of the international tournaments. And I know of china's potential and whatnot, but still it's unfair they get 3 teams for the biggest tournament before they could even get one win.
People mocked regions like Japan, Sea and Latam for having more slots than what they thought they deserved and when it's china I see nothing of this sort.

posted 9 months ago

Es parte de la estrategia- gallardo

posted 9 months ago
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