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Registered: April 2, 2022
Last post: June 8, 2024 at 10:40 AM
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roblox surprisingly has its own esports style shooter and alot of kids on that are also somehow immortal-radiant level players on valorant and other games like halo cs r6 etc etc.

Roblox may be a kids game but theres alotta mfs on that shit that arent playing jailbreak.

posted about a year ago

Lions pulling a Bengals and winning out no cap

this is me huffing copium

posted about a year ago

common Eutalyx W

C9 and TL own their groups

posted about a year ago

its a mid map if you ask me, its meant to be a big map designed around aiming, yeah maybe its great for lurks and oping but thats by design. I don't mind it being removed as much as I do Bind because that was by far my best map. Breeze just tactically has gotten very stale and every game kinda plays out the same.

posted about a year ago

gonna be a wait and see how this one goes. I don't like the concept of nerfing characters into oblivion but we'll see whether he'll be decent or not after this.

posted about a year ago

knights monthly
NS Lockdown next month
Ascension starts next month

posted about a year ago

NRG, cus my favorite team in NA, really loveable old core and the new core on paper will be better so seeing NRG do well excites me
DRX, probably my 2nd favorite team, been rooting for them all of 2022
PRX, w key gaming, love the players

HM: Navi, C9, ZETA

posted about a year ago

probably most of the orgs that didnt make partnership, even if they released their rosters. The only ones I know that are probably gone for sure are V1 from NA

posted about a year ago

6'4 193cm

posted about a year ago

W for NRG

posted about a year ago

lets fucking goooooooo

posted about a year ago

Good luck in T2 Hazed, should kick ass there mr boomer mans

posted about a year ago

good bait, got me

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Vinsmoke wasn't wrong before

posted about a year ago

really good anime adapt, love the manga.

posted about a year ago

5-7 range

posted about a year ago

Latin America N, Mongoila, Africa, kind of OCE and CIS

posted about a year ago

I can particpate or moderate either in game or on a discord

posted about a year ago

Im pretty good with setting up discords if needed

posted about a year ago

really solid roster tbh

posted about a year ago

Americas: NRG, C9, LEV
EMEA: NAVI, maybe TL
APAC: DRX, PRX, T1, maybe GE

posted about a year ago

Hold this ratio bozo

posted about a year ago

Id have to dig it up, definitely just a rumor though.

posted about a year ago

Rumored to EG

posted about a year ago

American nightmare - ice nine kills

posted about a year ago

Probably sticking to SR. He's confirmed on stream he isn't getting offered to any franchised rosters unless a BR/LATAM org comes out of nowhere for him which is wildly unlikely. NRG and EGs rosters are pretty much confirmed and he isn't on them.

posted about a year ago

4 months is alot of time to learn a language, With Sacys help along with him already understanding English well enough then he should be good to go by the time Sao Paulo kicks off. Worst case scenario Sacy has to translate like how NTH has JoxJo and Meteor to the rest of their team.

posted about a year ago

Lenny Time aka mocking esports clears

But serious answer: NAVI, TL, C9, NRG, 100T, SEN, LOUD, LEV, DRX, PRX, maybe T1/GenG depending

posted about a year ago

Top 3 in the Americas for sure, it just feels like a superteam almost because
Yay best player itw
Zellsis top 10 flex NA
Chaos core is arguably a top 5-8 in all of their roles as well.

Honestly between them NRG and SEN, Americas have 3 rlly strong teams on paper.

posted about a year ago

He said one of not the only

posted about a year ago

I dunno if its just me, but I feel like for alot of people that I've talked to, this ranked act might've been the worst in a long time? what y'all think, cus I can't think of any others that even came close.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

NAVI, FNC, maybe TL will still be champion contenders. Everyone else looks quite mediocre so far, but alot of euro talent still are unknown to where theyre going, very possible a 4th team could be pushing that super level. But i feel like alot of Euro teams will be in the 15-25 range of teams as there will likely be some worse NA and APAC teams. As alot of those regions will be quite top heavy with world title contenders

posted about a year ago

2 fluently, another 3 partially
English Chinese

Some Spanish, Russian, and Japanese but not enough to be considered fluent in any of them.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Stated he wouldn't be a 6th man, EG or Ascension team most likely

posted about a year ago

LoS denial, great for using as cover for a push, or pushing an opper. Literally an iron take

posted about a year ago

No relegation for the 10 partner teams, however ascension teams after 2 years will be relegated back.

Also i believe bottom regional challengers teams will have to fight off relegation from top tourney mode teams when that mode is implemented

posted about a year ago

W team, should do well in the apac league all things considered

posted about a year ago

Pretty sure we're gonna be getting alot of news the next few days so itd be safe to expect announcements yes.

posted about a year ago

Valorantle #76 3/8

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posted about a year ago

Shopify Rebellion

posted about a year ago

as zeta is straight up smurfing rn

posted about a year ago

best water no cap

have actually tried it before.

posted about a year ago

EG dont have shit going for them

EMEA, despite having no fully confirmed rosters yet
Everyone else doesnt have any real moves tied to them and their rosters rn are meh at best

Comparing SEN to euro teams as well in context of roster moves id put them behind every team I named except maybe KC. So 4th NA, 8th between NA and EU. Probably around 12-16 bringing in APAC and rest of Americas

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

where was the rumor of this even happening? Nobody is signing Botdell

He'd be lucky to even be picked up by an ascension team.

posted about a year ago
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