Country: United Kingdom
Registered: January 19, 2022
Last post: April 14, 2024 at 12:58 PM
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Its so horrible actually in league a game which is way less ping-reliant there was a massive controversy about teams playing on a standardized 30 ping at msi that even faker complained about and yet in a match to qualify for champions this shit happens, like its just inexcusable.

posted about a year ago

civilized response

posted about a year ago

they also had to play with a 40 ping difference

posted about a year ago

Emea is an massive region that covers the entirety of 2 continents and 1 sub continent. The area is larger, playerbase is larger, the viewership is larger. Emea has staunchly outperformed sa in every event bar m1 where the best emea team (that won the next event when they could attend) was unable to go due to a war. The only justification is the meaningless boundaries that riot drew. They could've easily split eu and cis and then I guess they now deserve more slots because they are 'two separate regions'. By your logic you could group everywhere outside of sa as the rest of the world region and I guess sa deserves more slots despite level of play because they encompass two regions

posted about a year ago

wtf how is this remotely fair

posted about a year ago

riot was probably afraid by how dominant emea was at champions

posted about a year ago

Emea is an massive region that covers the entirety of 2 continents and 1 sub continent. The area is larger, playerbase is larger, the viewership is larger. Emea has staunchly outperformed sa in every event bar m1 where the best emea team (that won the next event when they could attend) was unable to go due to a war. The only justification is the meaningless boundaries that riot drew. They could've easily split eu and cis and then I guess they now deserve more slots because they are 'two separate regions'. By your logic you could group everywhere outside of sa as the rest of the world region and I guess sa deserves more slots despite level of play because they encompass two regions

posted about a year ago

Emea is an massive region that covers the entirety of 2 continents and 1 sub continent. The area is larger, playerbase is larger, the viewership is larger. Emea has staunchly outperformed sa in every event bar m1 where the best emea team (that won the next event when they could attend) was unable to go due to a war. The only justification is the meaningless boundaries that riot drew. They could've easily split eu and cis and then I guess they now deserve more slots because they are 'two separate regions'. By your logic you could group everywhere outside of sa as the rest of the world region and I guess sa deserves more slots despite level of play because they encompass two regions

posted about a year ago

m3c is just a lan team imo and I think they look less dominant than other teams that make deep runs in lcq because they are playing vs better competition

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

nah worst case is best case, best case is worst case

posted about a year ago
  1. FPX
  2. PRX
  4. OPTC
  5. FNC
  6. DRX
  7. LLL
  8. EDG
  9. LEV
  10. NA LCQ
  11. ZETA
  12. XSET
  13. KRU
  14. XIA
  15. BME
  16. SA LCQ
posted about a year ago

optic is a bit high, they looked pretty bad in copenhagen and got bailed out by a pretty easy bracket

posted about a year ago

As ea lcq is over I will retire my edg flair and go back to being a delusional fpx flair. Good luck at champs.

posted about a year ago

honestly not too far from the truth

posted about a year ago

A draw I simulated with a random number generator

posted about a year ago

as is tradition

posted about a year ago

definitely imo

posted about a year ago

I dont know when the draw will be

posted about a year ago

Usually placing of latam1 and br1 is based of who wins lcq, in this case lcq 1st seed was kru so lev will probably get the nod for pot 1. As for xset and zeta the second seed from na has historically almost always outperformed the first seed from japan.

posted about a year ago

2 teams from the same region cant be drawn in the same group

posted about a year ago

usually only one team per region can end up in a group- the only exception was berlin but that has since been changed

posted about a year ago

dream draw for drx

posted about a year ago

by nature of pots each team in pot 1 is strong yes

posted about a year ago

nah m3c

posted about a year ago

Here are the pots for champions groups, 1 team from each pot will drawn into a group, creating 4 groups of four.
Pot 1
Fpx, Optic, Paper Rex, Levitan
Pot 2
Fnatic, Xset, Drx, Loud
Pot 3
Zeta, Xerxia, Kru, M3C/TL
Pot 4
What do you think of the pots and what would be the hardest possible group and easiest possible group in your opinion? For me hardest = PRX,LLL,M3C,100T and easiest = LEV,XSET,XIA,TBK

posted about a year ago

nah this one was higher level

posted about a year ago

They will probably be an expansion team

posted about a year ago

they just lost on edg's worst map by far

posted about a year ago

ons beat them lol

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

no-one will miss you

posted about a year ago

you are good but zmjjkk clears


ZmjjKK - 300 ACS (thats the most craziet insaniest thing ive seen ever)
Derke - 259 ACS
f0rsakeN - 263 ACS

ZmjjKK -100% winrate (MVP of 95% of the matches)
Derke - 80% winrate (MVP of 70% of the matches)
f0rsakeN -90% winrate (MVP of 93% of the matches)

can you take your time to appreciate how insane ZmjjKK is? without a doubt the most talented player to ever touch the game, ever

I'll try to explain briefly why I think he is the best player in the world
Despite his insane aim and movement
The best way to know if a player is a good sentinel is CHAMBER. There is a BIG difference between a good sentinel and a cypher abuser
If he is a good sentinel, he needs to be good with chamber.

derke? not good with chamber
tenz? not good with chamber
f0rsaken? not good with chamber
cned? not good with chamber
meteor? not good with chamber
ardiis? not good with chamber
jamppi? not good with chamber

Thats why I think he is undoubtely the best player in the world. If RIOT by any means decides to nerf chamber and shift the meta we prolly not gonna even hear names like f0rsaken and tenz again :>
He is not killing 40+ per map because when he joined EDG he was forced to play a different role because heat is already a main jett... and lets be honest, every single sentinel nowadays gets 20+ kills per map because team and setups are basically built around you (even mid skrossi managed to get +23 kills with it

posted about a year ago

edg clears

posted about a year ago

vk picked up mw when glb lost lcq- maybe drx can do the same

posted about a year ago

fpx? m3c? full fnc?

posted about a year ago

clicks on post
sees shownu

posted about a year ago

due to the fact franchise has no entry fee, there will likely be alot of expansions as the scene grows

posted about a year ago

there probably will be

posted about a year ago

tl could also- but I don't have much faith in g2 and oglu is too new

posted about a year ago

I can't, considering na teams outside of optic's performance this year see any na team not named optic take the title

posted about a year ago

honestly wouldn't be that bad

posted about a year ago

I do think kone underperformed in the first game vs nth, so its possible

posted about a year ago

usually they based it off who wins lcq

posted about a year ago

group of death: OPTIC DRX M3C EDG
group of life: LEV DRX XIA TBK

posted about a year ago

the pots are based on regions and not teams, historically na 2nd seed has done better than jp 1st

posted about a year ago
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