Flag: Colombia
Registered: September 5, 2022
Last post: May 11, 2024 at 3:03 AM
Posts: 768
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what's the trembo standard? duelists that don't otp jett?

posted about a year ago

i swear some people spend more time in VLR than in the actual game of Valorant (i say while on VLR because i cannot play Valorant atm)

posted about a year ago

of course! i don't follow MAD either (if i follow NA VCL it's for M80), I just know that VLR likes to hate on trick lmao

posted about a year ago

man seeing BOOM on here makes me a bit emotional. they got grouped OMEGA hard but their LCQ run was sick and i still remember their celebration clip from when they realized they made it to champs. maybe if i dig deep through twitter it's still up there

posted about a year ago

metas change so honestly they would've just fallen off on their own. yeah they won a Masters and came runner up in the first Champs, but that was in 2021. idk how they would've fared in the chamber meta (though the current double controller meta would've been awesome for nats viper)

posted about a year ago

bro thinks bringing in stewie will fix instantly things lmao, the first thing they should do is keep the same roster for more than two matches and at least TRY to let them gel together

posted about a year ago

6K and FUSION players getting some love? i'm in

posted about a year ago

based on the common VLR opinions i see on these forums, it's trick

posted about a year ago

o7 everyone (incl. me sadly) wrote them off week 1 and then they went and almost stole GenG's playoff spot. hope to see them go far in LCQ

posted about a year ago

I think it'd be really funny if Guard wins 2-1. It'd mean G2 went 1-2 in every series this split

posted about a year ago

i thought the toxicity within loud was mostly with sacy and that current loud is much calmer, is that still not the case? :(

posted about a year ago

i'm colombian-american, friend. i'm part of "those" countries.

posted about a year ago

csgo wins with that trade tbh

posted about a year ago

really? i was born in COL and lived in MEX and VEN and in all three it was basically just another term for american, so i thought that was just how SA used the word in general. that's on me. TIL!

posted about a year ago

one can be a fan of SkRossi while acknowledging that he is hugely underperforming. same deal with TenZ, for example. i just wish the GE-fan VLR frogs see could that

posted about a year ago

Is there relegation this first year? I thought they were going to keep adding teams to franchising through ascension and only then would relegation be a thing

posted about a year ago

i'm pretty sure he's coaching TSM at the moment

posted about a year ago

"good from the start" based on starpower, sure

"trying stuff instead of comf pick" you should not be doing that unless you've already qualified or you're going against KRU

posted about a year ago

if true then yeah for sure he'd be good at GenG considering that major tiltout. the concern though is the language barrier

posted about a year ago

i'd expect in a couple of years when there are more teams there might be. i figured it'd be like soccer where there's a league trophy (la liga, epl, etc) and then the international trophy (champions league)

posted about a year ago

for sure, like we (we as in NA/SA) are toxic towards each other but i haven't experienced more hate in the match streams than from EMEA. no hate towards most EMEA fans but the worst of them are genuinely awful

posted about a year ago

brings in coach to make changes

coach tries to make changes

coach gets fired

seems right

posted about a year ago

100T is purely dependent on their match-day form. Like they can make it if they play in peak form, but in any given day they could also just throw an easy 2-0 and get sent home

posted about a year ago

TS can beat DRX despite not being near DRX's level, why can't RRQ beat PRX? it's all about form on match day

posted about a year ago

it's supposed to mean any non-latino foreigner, but it's basically been the word to describe americans in a not-so-nice way for years

posted about a year ago

i like tex but his chances of going anywhere past ascension are probably pretty low. there are so many solid duelists out there and NA franchise teams seem to like rotating the duelist role anyway due to the different playstyles (Cryo Jett and Asuna Raze, Ardiis Jett and Victor Raze, etc). i'd be really happy for him if he gets into a team but unless its through guard winning ascension i think it's mostly hopium

posted about a year ago

Yeah it'll be a huge match, whoever loses could be at the mercy of RRQ or TS depending on how they perform in these last two games. If the world stops and TS somehow beat DRX (or RRQ beats PRX) then Zeta/Gen.G could be in big trouble

posted about a year ago

Might be tilting out after the first two losses. Hopefully they get their act together and win at least one more because they could theoretically miss out on playoffs (chances are very low but nonzero) if they go 4-5

posted about a year ago

every rando reyna i play with either drops 30 or drops 5, and i don't like having that gamble every game. at least if an initiator drops 5 they could still provide utility to the team

posted about a year ago

this was literally copy pasted from the current standings lmao

posted about a year ago

Absolutely internal issues and absolutely dephh walked. There was no shot SEN would've dropped him entirely on their own accord because their other sub is simply not mentally sound to play. I was so certain that TenZ would've just replaced dephh and dephh would be their 6th the rest of the split since Marved was doing well on controller, but I guess it was much worse than that.

posted about a year ago

i hope you're right on PRX bind. it's always so much fun seeing them play that map

posted about a year ago

Duelist: my 2nd most played role, usually jett or raze. i either go 6/14 or 27/14 (recently it's been more the second, which is good). if we have two duelists i lurk, if we don't i entry and try not to bait unless absolutely needed.
Controller: my most played role, and i almost exclusively play astra. i don't wow anyone statistically unless i frag out (i usually go even or close to even) but those i play with often tell me that my presence is felt in a good way, so i'll take that as a positive.
Initiator: i rarely play this because i have a few friends that are either sova or gekko onetricks. if i do play, it's usually breach or skye when we're feeling funky and want to switch roles for a game. i'm not the best at flashes, but i can hold my own.
Senti: i used to main this class, but now i am just straight ass at it so i don't ever touch it. i don't even know why, i just fell off hard. playing KJ this episode has been by far my worst performance I've had since I started in ep 3. Now i usually just play shotgun-only cypher in unrated for the shiggles

posted about a year ago

DFM 2-1 GE. extra funni if both DFM and KRU win their first game this week
(edit for grammar whoops)

posted about a year ago

^ this exactly. sure there's a lot of double controller nowadays (and personally i blame the maps more than the agents), but at least it's not 100% every map like chamber was for so long

posted about a year ago

I personally think KJ is in a rough spot where she's certainly overpowered but one nerf and she may fall to totally useless. on a similar but another hand i think cypher is totally balanced, just out shadowed by current KJ. Sage works as a niche pick and Chamber can remain garbage forever and i'd be happy.

If I were to make any changes, I would just nerf KJ's ult, and i would either shorten the radius a little bit (for example, making the common ascent B main ult unable to cover all of backsite) OR cut the detain time a good amount (maybe make it as long as gekko detain? it'd be a two second nerf). Not both, at least for now. Turret and alarmbot are fine. Idk what i'd change about swarm grenade, i think it's fine too though

posted about a year ago

nah, i'm good. call it a skill issue but i've had so much more fun with this game since chamber got nerfed to the ground. it had reached a point where if i saw a chamber in any game (my or enemy team) i would audibly groan. he can get his rework but let me relish first

posted about a year ago

-oxy -wippie -penny -dapr -shahzam

+skrossi πŸ—Ώ

posted about a year ago

this is the only way for dephh to save himself, we must let him cook

posted about a year ago

mako for APAC with something as runner up

posted about a year ago

i think there's a transfer window before LCQ but i guess we'll see

(edit for safety: this is something i read on another forum thread. i have no way to prove if true)

posted about a year ago

i love foxy but he has to prove himself at LAN, once he does then he can make his case

posted about a year ago

fnatic wasn't even part of the discussion lmao... bro just wanted us to know he's bri ish

edit: mans switched team to acend like no one would notice

posted about a year ago

the only way DRX lose this is if they decide to go for unconventional comps (this is me begging to see mako jett)

posted about a year ago

wtf is mobile legends my guy

posted about a year ago

to be honest i could see DFM winning this, but not because DRX plays poorly. DRX is already in playoffs and has literally nothing to lose apart from maybe tournament seeding (but they can afford a loss and easily win any tiebreaker). so, i think it'd be fun to see DRX trying some uber weird comps just to see how they work instead of going with their comfort picks. if they do that then DFM has a chance. if they don't, then ez 2-0 DRX i guess

posted about a year ago

colombia has almost no vct rep, but i thought it'd be fun to see what team would pop up from them (i'm colombian hence my interest)

Controller: BandiCoot (6K)
Duelist: drakkk (19esports)
Initiator/Flex 1: DaveeyS (KRU), and he would probably IGL i guess? IGLs in LATAM-N aren't really indicated in VLR so
Initiator/Flex 2: Darker (FUSION)
Sentinel/Flex 3: HellFull (19esports)
6th: theory (FUSION), good as an alternate KJ or a Viper in double-controller maps

posted about a year ago

this is why this has to be a leadership issue. idk if it's kaplan, dephh, or some other thing, but sen has the starpower and solid chemistry that they should not be doing this poorly. some change needs to be done to fix roles and make better strategies and i think that means dephh needs to go. bummer for the guy, i really liked him in xset

posted about a year ago

bro's still living in 2022 -- that being said, SEN sgares incoming

posted about a year ago

Fully expecting a T1 2-0, but I'm sensing a DFM 2-1 for shits and giggles

posted about a year ago
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