Flag: United States
Registered: July 12, 2022
Last post: April 21, 2024 at 7:24 PM
Posts: 772
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c9 is playing well but both matches the other team has been playing horribly

posted about a year ago

all those cores u mentioned had a top 3 igl so i think there is somthing there

posted about a year ago

borger king

posted about a year ago

bro is analyzing the days of the week that they do good on

posted about a year ago

What is blud wafflin about

posted about a year ago

it is the best skin bundle in the game and i have no clue what ur talking about?? and u get it for free through the "standard" collection. why tf are you complainging about free skins weird asf

posted about a year ago

very wholesome vid

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

they are all french

posted about a year ago

I feel like if you have to start a sentence with "Dont get me wrong, I'm not racist" then there might be a issue

posted about a year ago

good one

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

nope 7 is possible on fracture

posted about a year ago

that is not happening

posted about a year ago

Very underrated: KOI
Underrated: PRX
Perfectly rated: 100T
Overrated: LOUD
Very overrated: DRX

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

400 1

posted about a year ago

i mean in almost every scenario its best to think of yourself as the best player and team in the world for confidence

posted about a year ago

thats most people actually

posted about a year ago

i think most tierlists made by team are troll, but if they are serious, it is TSM so yeah.

posted about a year ago

stealing my points 😑😑

posted about a year ago

we woulve won if i was on yoru gg tho

posted about a year ago

i guess pigs can fly

posted about a year ago

πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™Praying for you my friend

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

here before trembo calls him a racist

posted about a year ago

dang over 1.5kd in pro matches on sova

he like the opposite of me fr

posted about a year ago

good one

posted about a year ago

he was coaching

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

if someone was a bad player for playing one bad map then every pro player would be shit

posted about a year ago

name checks out

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

not sure what it is

I have checked it is: 1.06 :(

posted about a year ago

agreed, idk who Lqwnmower is but he sounds very epic and muscular

posted about a year ago

Double Triple Ultimate Ultra Super Big Giant Awesome Giant Double Mega Whopper

posted about a year ago

I went to college and started a family before you finished this.

posted about a year ago

aim is decent: gold 1

posted about a year ago

I like how half these people dont even play chamber

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Favorite agent: Yoru
Favorite map: Bind
Favorite Player: SicK
Hobby: Reading, Running (from the cops) (this is joke trust ;)

posted about a year ago

do small easy steps like take out your textbook, flip to a certain page, read the first line. For me once i start working it is is easy getting started is the problem. I also have a major procrastination problem so i feel u

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

wow riot should hire u

posted about a year ago

It’s all a matter of sports culture really, American sports have always been built around superstar players that have a team built around them with the sole purpose of putting the guy in a position to carry whereas in European competition the team’s overall output is prioritised a lot more than individual input

You can attribute NA’s successes in valorant when compared to their failures in CS to this, CS has very little role differentiation, making an overall good group performance much more effective than that of a single individual. Meanwhile in Val you have roles literally made to frag while others support, you can see that both extremely successful NA teams in Sentinels and Optic had an inhumanly skilled carry on their team playing chamber or Jett.

The issue now is that you don’t have a broken character capable of enabling individual carrying at such level anymore

As a quick note, brazilians are also very individualistic just like their northern counterparts, but unlike them there’s little to no pecking order here so every players wants to be the superstar, this ends up creating teams with a lot of overall skill but absolutely no cohesiveness in them, hence why the overall level of Br teams is very low. It does happen at times, like in SK/LG and Loud that a team just fits in perfectly and becomes really dominant, with every player being able to play and shine in their preferred style in a way that plays off perfectly with each other

Now to my predictions to this year’s NA franchised teams

NRG- has that really good supporting core of Optic, and while I do think Som is capable of playing really well as a support player I doubt ardiis will perform well in that superstar role that yay did. It isn’t even a matter of individual skill, it’s just that the style of play that is engrained into his game is European, hence prioritising the group performance instead of playing in a way that he’s the superstar. Will still be a good team but it’s cultural differences will prevent it from establishing itself as a top of the pack team

C9- will just be shit, getting yay was definitely NOT the right decision, while he does fit the superstar criteria perfectly and vanity/xepppa have supportive playstyles, C9 already had their carry player in leaf, who is now being put in a conflicting spot, being unable to carry as well as provide good support, I also don’t like the zellsis pickup, a good player but that doesn’t really fit into the superstar nor the supporting role. Pair all that with the death of chamber and this team is doomed to fail

EG- the biggest unknown, it remains to be seen how this team will work but if they can find the right stride they can be really good, there are some really good supporting players in there and I believe in jaw’s superstar potential, all in all, they’ll still have to really click together (hard thing to do in a 10 man roster) and will all have to improve 10 fold individually to be able to vie for something, have potential, but their clear lack of a structured plan and vision makes it so that I wouldn’t bet on it

Sentinels- dephh is British, which a bad thing, but he has enough experience playing in NA to be a good supporter, not perfect, but sufficient, zekken and tenz suffer with being a duo of superstar but history has shown that it is possible to conciliate them, as in shaq/kobe or even zekken/cryo, they’d need the perfect environment and role definition to work as a monster duo but it isn’t unheard of. The main issue will be the Brazilians, as I said before their culture is to also be superstars and not just supporting players, this cultural shock won’t mean they’ll suck, just won’t be as good as they should on paper

100T- in theory the best team of the region, last year’s continuous failures made the org’s management put down their feet and change shit up, having to achieve success in little time they went the most certain route with an European style, prioritising group performance, it worked as they won LCQ but since that style went against their way of play they didn’t get far at champs. The org seems to have recognised that and brought in an actual superstar in cryo, now all that remains is to see if he’s up to the task and if his teammates will be able to play well around him, I still feel like cryo just hasn’t what it takes to carry the team to an international win but if you have to bet, I’d advise going all in on this hoodie org

posted about a year ago

With the current competitive structure, pros should quit Valorant and they should consider streaming or choose a different game for their career; Their life & career is extremely dependent on the current meta which Riot manages. Metas changes are good for the fans but require so much adaptability from the players. More so, it is bizarre why we would have a LCQ already in the first month of the year. I can understand Riot's decision to choose this competitive format (https://twitter.com/lhfaria/status/1615424736791760897), but what they get wrong is that they prioritize the fans disproportionately to the professional players who play their game. It is simply a high risk low reward. Imagine sacrificing your entire 20's just to gurantee a spot in franchising; and if you don't you will feel like you wasted your life. Their entire career is dependent on by a group of people who write the rules based on their own philosophy of what is right and wrong. Valorant & Riot is an example of why an e-sport can never become a sport, so pros should not treat it as such

posted about a year ago

People who say "oh u cant aim". If a map is all based on aim than its just a bad map bro. Me personally i have nothing against breeze just presenting this information

posted about a year ago
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