Country: Brazil
Registered: July 3, 2021
Last post: April 20, 2024 at 8:32 PM
Posts: 520
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FURIA, NRG, Gen.G, EDG, and maybe SEN could win a game or two.

posted about a year ago

Nem vale a pena discutir mano. Os caras tão comparando esse evento com os outros, onde não teve time da casa.

posted about a year ago

Cara, não acho que tenha sido feio que a maioria foi embora depois do jogo. Foram 7h de jogo, o time da casa perdeu de maneira frustrante, o transito de São Paulo é um lixo, etc.

Claro que seria legal ficar e blablabla, mas o brasileiro tem sua maneira de torcer ligada ao esporte, especialmente ao futebol, onde não se comemora ou aplaude título do adversário. É isso.

posted about a year ago

Naquele breve período da VKS onde o Sacy virou duelista (pós Berlim 2021), o Saad fez controlador.

posted about a year ago

Ele ficou 11/16/11 na split. Confundiu com a Fracture, doidão

posted about a year ago

Na Split funciona bem, pq ele ganha muito espaço, mesmo não pegando tanta kill. Na fracture, ele de viper ou kayo pode ser bem legal.

posted about a year ago

Opala >>>

posted about a year ago

We'll always have sketchy brackets unless Riot makes the bracket draw in livestream.

posted about a year ago

Mas se olhar os vídeos de comunicação da NIP, era uma bagunça. Era gritar, ou não ser ouvido. Mas claro que tem mérito a equipe da LOUD nisso.

posted about a year ago

Yay's paycheck was clashing with the amount of money C9 has. That's the role clash.

posted about a year ago

trembolona rei delas?

posted about a year ago

Mano, eu chorei de rir com essa kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Tomba! best game

posted about a year ago

Carlão has being their coach since forever.

mazin is the igl since nzr left.

posted about a year ago

He is used to the library crowds.

posted about a year ago

Essa diferença de fundamento é tão gritante entre a LOUD e os outros times BR, mas a dificuldade de corrigir também. Falta alguém estilo Sacy em cada um dos times pra dar puxão de orelha quando rola essas entregadas.

posted about a year ago


Either it happens or it doesn't

posted about a year ago

Stop fake flagging, dude

posted about a year ago

The camera was used in 3 rounds and they gave 7.

posted about a year ago

RRQ needs to improve massively to even be considered bad 💀

posted about a year ago

-nagz +Klaus

posted about a year ago

All EMEA teams fighting to see who is the worst of their league.

posted about a year ago

Stopped at G2Shazham

posted about a year ago

Change the name of the team to Nivera and Friends. He's playing really well.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Apparently, you can't understand that 70% of the arena is unavailable.

posted about a year ago

They are literally closed. The arena's capacity is 10.200 seats.

posted about a year ago

The crowd is capped at 3k people... Blame Riot.

Source: https://twitter.com/pereirawesley_/status/1625173038005100544

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

They have a sponsored burger in Burger King here though. The LOUD Stacker or something.

posted about a year ago

Here's the clip from BR stream: https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxHjT2QiUyWOU0VMkQWlkLjSbkIoT498aC

posted about a year ago

Sign language is different for US and British, etc.

posted about a year ago

Riot capped the public to 1,5k seats in the opening days.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

This one is live on twitch @BiDa, @Tixinhadois and @Nyang

posted about a year ago

How did none of the franchise teams get him? Well, big W for TSM.

posted about a year ago

Com todo respeito, mas essa nova LOUD é uma B4 piorada...

posted about a year ago

He's playing really well, not feeling the pressure. Nice to see, hope he can keep it up.

posted about a year ago

2 x 1 to Argentina, tiebreaker goal in the extra time

posted about a year ago

He's amazing indeed, big fan here

posted about a year ago

Common sank3tsu L

posted about a year ago

ODK parted ways with isla and nany, not benched.

posted about a year ago

Wish it wasn't so rushed, but a W event nonetheless

posted about a year ago

o Kon4n não vai pra Furia?

posted about a year ago
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