Flag: United States
Registered: April 14, 2022
Last post: May 31, 2024 at 6:18 AM
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True i swear after they lose 1 the round is over, its always hard to tell with them

posted about a year ago

I'd say FUT is a pretty damn good team and 100T were able to beat them, so i don't know. I think they could atleast look competitive if they stopped crumbling

posted about a year ago

I'm mostly saying i think they could compete with teams like LEV who they just took to OT and choked against, but their issue is well...The choking

posted about a year ago

I'd imagine chronically hating an org could get tiring no?

posted about a year ago

They've shown they can do atleast decent on ascent and split aswell

posted about a year ago

I never directly said they can "compete against anyone" i said they have the potential to but i guess expecting reading comprehension skills from vlr was a bit stupid

posted about a year ago

bad maps are illegal in the eyes of vlr, if they were in a manager position they would cut him for this map

posted about a year ago

Is it just me or does it feel like 100T have the potential to compete against anyone, yet they always end up struggling despite the team they're facing

posted about a year ago

If we're being realistic people will ping-pong between hating or loving dephh on a round to round basis so

posted about a year ago

I mean the OP has had his account for about a month and has more post than me, it explains a lot LMAO

posted about a year ago

? when NRG's roster was announced most people were saying it would be a 4v6 because of som wdym

posted about a year ago

The timing of this is DEVIOUS

posted about a year ago

no i quite literally dont, i enjoyed it alot

posted about a year ago

only seen EMEA fans say Reykjavik 2022 was bad, wonder why.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

stopped reading at shownu sadly

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

lil bro is just a chronic hater

posted about a year ago

I think it sounds fine but im sure people will find something to complain about knowing valo fans

posted about a year ago

Why are the Americas like this to each other, its embarrassing that we're the only region thats this petty towards each other

posted about a year ago

Crowd seemed to like Furia i just think no one really cared for KRU

posted about a year ago

I dont remember seeing people complain about them not cheering for everyone i moreso saw them complain about booing or going dead silent after losing a round

posted about a year ago

You do understand the difference right? BR fans are complaining that a stadium of about 200 max isn't screaming aftering watching kru and furia play, now correct me if i'm wrong but i don't exactly remember fans losing their minds watching Navi vs Fnatic at sao paulo

posted about a year ago

Exactly, like yeah i would like if there was more hype in the crowd but no one is expecting the crowd to be losing it for teams they aren't big fans of

posted about a year ago

Grand finals between fnatic and loud = regulated league match between furia and KRU
Good comparison

posted about a year ago

are we gonna pretend that lock/in was packed when two teams that didn't have much hype surrounding them played?

posted about a year ago

Again the crowd probably isn't packed or anything but theres still clearly people there enjoying the game

posted about a year ago

The crowd isnt fucking screaming and losing their minds or anything but they're still cheering and clapping, which honestly sounds fine. Are people just complaining because the crowd isn't cheering as much as they want or what

posted about a year ago

You're comparing a brazilian specific league crowd to this? really? do you think that same crowd would be cheering for 100T vs SEN? cmon bro lock/in was not that long ago we saw what it was like when it was an APAC or EMEA team playing LMAOO

posted about a year ago

You guys are trying really hard to push a narrative huh?

posted about a year ago

The crowd was literally just on screen? are you even watching or?

posted about a year ago

Like i said the crowd is still packed

posted about a year ago

not against M80

posted about a year ago

First of all if that is the case i'm 1000% sure people will be shit talking, just like they're doing now. Second of all you have to remember that the US especially LA ihas people from all over the world, so i don't think it'll be as "dead" as you're saying.

posted about a year ago

dgzin about to be in demon mode

posted about a year ago

Useless stat

posted about a year ago

true but that doesn't mean he's finished, think about yay during copenhagen, had a really rough tournament but bounced back during champs

posted about a year ago

imagine VLR having control of roster changes, mfs would be cut after a bad map LMAO

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

W match fr i'm happy to see SEN doing well again

posted about a year ago

I swear valorant fans are so bipolar, bro just had a bad series it happens

posted about a year ago

where is the correlation lil bro

posted about a year ago

I usually don't care for domestic leagues but this match is making me excited for the future of this league

posted about a year ago

Bro couldn't find anything relevant to say

posted about a year ago

this has been such a fun series to start the league off with

posted about a year ago

tbf Shahzam can't even win online

posted about a year ago

Nah i was just poking fun, the crowd is very underwhelming right now but i feel like it'll improve as the season goes on. Most of the crowd looks like kids so they just gotta warm up to it i think

posted about a year ago

You are disconnected from reality

posted about a year ago

Please stop this was actually hard to read

posted about a year ago
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