Flag: Indonesia
Registered: September 17, 2021
Last post: April 19, 2024 at 1:37 AM
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Botox was the "star player" according to KOI fans

posted about a year ago

Most clown shit I ever heard. I'm not even that big on NRG but the fuck were you guys on thinking that a mid ass EU team could beat them.

posted about a year ago

except pyth and maxie actually did something

posted about a year ago

bro PRX are gonna stomp because of the single elim bracket. No team are gonna be able to play them twice which is usually how they lose these tourneys

posted about a year ago

DRX and PRX isnt a question, ask specifically; Other than DRX and PRX who are gonna be the strongest asian teams?

posted about a year ago

but who cares?

posted about a year ago

They literally have the easiest quadrant in the tournament, if they dont get far they should honestly disband

posted about a year ago

KOI is not strong, they lost to fucking Team Heretics dude

posted about a year ago

did the simulator tell you that?

posted about a year ago

best one yet

posted about a year ago

bro is trolling. In what universe is the finals PRX v Liquid

posted about a year ago

6/8 immediately knew it was troll with the first word. You gotta keep the reader engaged thinking you were talking about what they assumed

posted about a year ago

Tenz is gonna be MVP no challenge

posted about a year ago

I've never seen more copium in my life

posted about a year ago

I guess he's already made a name for himself so it doesn't count. The ppl like tenz asuna suygetsu and others

posted about a year ago

Nope it should've for real been a full indo roster, there are far more than enough top sea talent that are Indonesians that were never able to play on the same team together. Indo would dominate if we got together a superteam (tho we might need an igl from somewhere else cause everyone knows we got shitty igls)

posted about a year ago

Yea now that juicy finally gets to play on a proper team

posted about a year ago

Another Indian L

posted about a year ago

There's nothing to backup shahz leaving tho that's the thing. Hiko doesn't know what's going on in Sen and I feel like I'd they're willing to keep dapr they'll highly likely keep shahz

posted about a year ago

Literally just have Sick come back onto the flex or hell even entry like zellsis and bring back shroud. Shroud looked rlly good on controller and as an experienced player seemed to be rlly good for shahz since he wouldn't have to micromanage him. That team would be really good esp cause the work ethic has finally changed in sentinels

posted about a year ago

Oh how these words on my screen have hurt me so

posted about a year ago

Thanks I appreci8 it

posted about a year ago

Man If this is negativity I got bad news for you kid

posted about a year ago

Yea exactly I can't believe ppl think this is seriously a good high level match. You can enjoy it all you want but I'm just voicing my opinion on a website that was literally created with that exact purpose in mind

posted about a year ago

Mainly on optics part but fuck if all I want to watch are a bunch of trades. Again I would've just gone and watched some regional leagues

posted about a year ago

Hey you're the one that's still replying, I got nothing better to do I'm waiting for my pizza bruh. Was planning on watching vct whole eating it but I'm gonna have to do smth else

posted about a year ago

Either way all I'm saying is it's a shitty gf and I was hoping for a better script out of riot and I'm just surprised that so many ppl can accept this kinda grand final. I completely agree with the statement that it's more exciting with more indiv play but it's just disappointing the fact that strats have barely evolved in teams other than FNC and DRX

posted about a year ago

Bro thinks this is chess 💀

posted about a year ago

Alr did the first one and I won't stop the second cause you guys seem really mad when ppl don't have the same opinion abt something as you do

posted about a year ago

"the fundamentals" literally don't exist in this match but ok. I agree I also don't want to be twirling my moustache and analysing the minimal but I can clearly fucking tell when all a team can do is ego peek and not play as a team, I don't need to analyse anything to realize that

posted about a year ago

Indians have internet?

posted about a year ago

Honestly with the way this final is playing out sentinels would probably have sweeped both of these teams

posted about a year ago

Oh yea my bad I forgot that close scoreline = highly skilled match with a great level of innovation and creativity

posted about a year ago

You clearly have 0 idea what the fuck good gameplay is. This literally looks like a bronze lobby

posted about a year ago

That's literally what I've done, it's not even entertaining to watch, I'd rather watch nearest airport Vs oxygen academy

posted about a year ago

Yea you also might want to cancels your English lessons cause it's clearly not workingS

posted about a year ago

In terms of how far ahead of the rest they were you are correct tho I think the peak of valorant was Gambit and their last match against FNC where they created the greatest gameplay I think we'll ever see in valorant

posted about a year ago

Is that what you did when your team got mowed? I don't have nearly enough neet energy to care that much about a game in which I have no investment in

posted about a year ago

Another fluke grand finals win for optic. RIP valorant competitive

posted about a year ago

I've never been so disappointed in a grand finals before and I'm not even rooting for any team in this one. This has to be the most flaccid grand final match in valorant yet, this is even worse than the previous loud v optic.
It's awfully ironic how people back in the day said sentinels have no team play and all they did was solo peek and win off of individual skill, meanwhile were here literally a year and a half later and the game has devolved into exactly that

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I didn't, I said they have strats. Prx plan out a lot of their set plays pre game and its super whacky and over the top. FNC and M3C are completely different but fundamentally they are the same, they have a lot of protocols and strats to use in game.

posted about a year ago

Yea but what I'm saying is it isn't on the same level as what FNC and M3C used to dish out and it isn't as entertaining and whacky as what prx and drx use. It's just standard and good but at the end of the day their anti doesn't win them rounds, it's the crazy individual performance

posted about a year ago

I mean to a certain degree yes but it gets so tiring having to go crazy every round..it's like how instant ramen are delicious and full of flavour but sometimes you want soft smooth textures with subtle and complex flavours that aren't overwhelming. It's the same with Val, I just wanna see really well planned out rounds

posted about a year ago

Has the valorant stream ever hit 270k on the main stream??? Holy shit

posted about a year ago

Hard copium

posted about a year ago
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