Country: Nepal
Registered: February 24, 2023
Last post: May 15, 2024 at 9:48 PM
Posts: 92
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Some guy was posting about the COD doc, nick mercs drama.

One thing I never understood is, who the fuck likes those COD streamers? Who the fuck plays COD? It seems like it's just 20-30 year old losers who wanna be nostalgic about their childhood.
And all the streamers are kinda just unfunny 2015 type trash streamers. I have seen like RL and r6 streamers and youtubers make actual innovative fun content. These mfs just make ali a type cash grabs for loser old people and dumb kids.

posted 10 months ago

I mean som probably thought cgrs was closer to him so he couldn't just run or what he did to mindfreak would happen to him. It was smart to cove and shorty tbh

posted 10 months ago

lots of valo players are like that, its full of new kids into fps and also people who sucked at csgo lmao

SO the culture is different.
Atleast it's not as bad as fucking COD (most trash losers)

posted 10 months ago

I have been seeing vlr players saying that China has better jetts than KangKang, and other teams are also as good but I doubt they're as fun as EDG.
EDG is just fun to watch and the energy KangKang brings to the stage is really good too. I mean the reactions, the gifs, and emotes you can make out of the taunts he gives!!!!

posted 10 months ago

What did potter say and when?

posted 10 months ago

Lots of westoids love to talk about bhagvad geet cause they think them citing that means we'll suck them off cause of the colonialism mindset. This is specially popular in the weird anti science conservative weird alt community. They doing the same thing with muslims too lol.

posted about a year ago

What I genuinely don't understand is when people say "He has some good takes so I like him". You could do this to anyone. They don't even like Tate for his "good takes" which are the most basic shit. They're genuinely just kinda scared to admit that they agree with Tate's shitty views too. And if you do like Tate for his "good takes" which are:
Focus in life and work hard.
Then get a better father figure in life please.

His fans are the same children will hate on their biological dads for telling them to study for their exams or make their beds or not play Valorant past bed time but when a random internet guy tells them to do what their father tells them to do they lose their mind as if it's the most intelligent thing someone has said ever.

It's just so weird when they choose to do it with some internet guy who profits off insecure teenagers. My brother in christ, go to your dad today and say you love him or some shit. I think they may get over it once they realise that being an edgy loser online doesn't give them clout in real life. Specially when they pretend to be some truth loving freedom fighter being shunned by everyone since most boomer men around the world agree with that outdated world view.

posted about a year ago

Bro you're literally spending hours on a forum about Valorant defending some internet tough guy with fanbase of edgy teenage losers who hate women. You're the most brainwashed cunt I've seen fr

posted about a year ago

Obviously you're in highschool lol. I'm a CS major that is taking extra courses online. Guess what? Real life uni is still better. Because you know your profesors, they know other people, they can teach you, help you meet professionals etc. Also highschool projects exist yes but uni is different. Why do you think so many of the sucessfull companies were started by random students in university?

I can take as much edX or Coursera courses but I only take them for basic knowledge, when it comes to my future, i can only craft luck through working with other uni students and/or professors. People go to university not only for the sheet of paper that is the degree but also for the environment.

And what have you learnt about money from hustler's university? lmao. You don't know that investing is better than spending money on liabilities?

posted about a year ago

Bro these kids are so funny. Like they'll say google doesn't care about degrees. Which is true but not caring about degrees doesn't mean hiring people without degrees.

Google doesn't care about degrees that much because in Comp Sci, there's lots of people with degrees; They will hire the only mother fuckers with actual projects under their belt. And for projects, lots of the people that work at google started their projects at UNI. Like uni students working together to make new shit, do research with eachother and/or their professors.

Chances are that if you didn't go to university you didn't have the support system to be able to do as much shit as you would. Guess what? Being in university and being sorrounded by other students who want to work will motivate you and will put you in situations where you do lots of projects.

posted about a year ago

You're illiterate if you think colleges do what he does lmao. Everything you've written here makes me think that you're a highschooler at most.
Colleges aren't a discord server where you talk to some random guy who will "tell you" how to be rich.

Have you literally ever gone to a university? Have you seen how colleges work? Students and Professors doing research that make our lives easier, Students working with eachother on projects and shit.

posted about a year ago

Are you a Child? You think police work like they do in GTA where you commit a crime and you get STARS? You do realise the police in Romania have been building a case for years right? He was investigated years ago too but because of corrupt police, it didn't lead anywhere. Please fucking learn how the real world works.

posted about a year ago

Also the funniest thing is he says the matrix will take him out but if anyone takes him out, it's the romanian mafia cause he can't shut the fuck up and they don't know if he will Snitch on them or nah

posted about a year ago
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