Country: Indonesia
Registered: September 17, 2021
Last post: August 9, 2023 at 5:13 AM
Posts: 682
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fr, bring back split and remove breeze

posted about a year ago

more classes ๐Ÿ’€

posted about a year ago

annoyingly stupid and insecure

posted about a year ago

im scared of dogs, childhood trauma.
So, cats are better

posted about a year ago

W riot, but i feel bad for nexi and kellys

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

19 5'9 152 lb 13% bodyfat

posted about a year ago

So i put my hands up

posted about a year ago

Thanks riot

posted about a year ago

Cut your sugar intake, consume a lot of protein, eat fewer carbs, and decrease your food portion.
This is all you need to change in your diet, and if you have time for exercise, that's great.
but remember, exercise does help but how you eat and drink is what affects your weight the most.

also, at least eat twice a day, if you eat only once a day and you do a lot of activities, your body will try to save energy by slowing the metabolism. Making the weight loss much harder, and could potentially not lose weight at all.

posted about a year ago

lets gooooo

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

12% ascendant 3

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

4 - Indonesian/English/Chinese ( still learning) /a bit of german

posted about a year ago

Kamu nanya rambutnya model apa?
Yaudah biar aku kasih tau ya, model rambut aku ini, model cepmek ya namanya.

posted about a year ago

#zombsnation #notacult

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Tolol anjing

posted about a year ago

Rasis kontol, lo ngatai2in rrq ga bener lo sendiri gabener di kepala
gw entot otak lo biar lo sadar

posted about a year ago
not long after the tweet above, RRQ tweeted this :
they got a warning from riot ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

it's been a pleasure

posted about a year ago

The AD saved me

posted about a year ago

did you just watch kyedae's reaction at tenz's clutch with reyna on bind

posted about a year ago

yess, and that's because they're actually good players, the problem with this franchising roster is that they signed T2 PH players when they had the option to sign T1 ID players that has proven themselves

posted about a year ago

It's pretty obvious why they chose to stick with those players instead of signing actual T1 players

posted about a year ago

gasoline green / candy red, any cluckin bells food, PiรŸwasser

posted about a year ago

yes, pertama dapet 600k , terus kalau semua kondisi yg udah di set riot terpenuhi, dapet additional 400k

posted about a year ago

kyknya yg oknum itu lo dah

posted about a year ago

it's not an "if" anymore at this point, they've signed 6 players with 5 of them being tier 2 PH players. Hopefully, riot does smth abt this

posted about a year ago

onions, all of them

posted about a year ago

giggity goo

posted about a year ago

the org signed 5 T2 pinoy players when they had the option to sign T1 ID players.
you can guess why

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

nvm, fuck rrq
poor tehbotol probably a sub

posted about a year ago

Yes I know and I highly doubt they will do anything about it, it's done, it's already past the point of signing ID players for the main team . They've signed 5 T2 Ph players instead of T1 Indonesian players, and you probably know the reason why. So rn, all I can do is hope for the best and go along w/ it

posted about a year ago

if it is a 7 man roster, and they add another T1 player, and both players are on the main team.. i'll take back everything i say

posted about a year ago

Bro's a sub

posted about a year ago
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