Country: Bangladesh
Registered: April 17, 2022
Last post: August 26, 2023 at 2:21 PM
Posts: 411
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Ong bro, these people either never had cats or never socialized with it properly

Dogs are cool and all but that feeling of when a cat accepts you is UNMATCHED

posted about a year ago

There are studies proven that cats prefer their owners over food

posted about a year ago

It depends on how you take care of your animal.

posted about a year ago

He has already been dropped by adidas and a lot more companies, and it’ll just continue on.

posted about a year ago

He probably wants that though

posted about a year ago

Rather than my favorite cuz I can’t remember any of the good ones, the most traumatic one for me was the The Guard vs og 100t roster 💀

posted about a year ago

I’m pretty sure that’s a breach of privacy

posted about a year ago

And R5 3550H 2.1 Ghz or some shit
Gtx 1650
At first was 8 gb of ram which got me at like 80-100 fps average, but after getting 16 gb of ram now getting 100-120 fps

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Somebody has a superiority complex…

posted about a year ago

Relax bro, i forgot that theyre still signed to sentinels for now

posted about a year ago

Almost like he wasnt being fr

posted about a year ago

Oh yea true maybe

posted about a year ago

There's a jersey for Dapr on the sentinels store

posted about a year ago

T1 Ethan

posted about a year ago

Delhi is in India accompanied with Indian words

posted about a year ago

Holy fking W trailer

posted about a year ago

My point was just to take it as a learning curve, if you lose you lose, whatever. The point stands if you wanna get better, you have to focus on yourself and not drag others down with you.

posted about a year ago

I mean in ascendant it’s always doable, they’re not robots

posted about a year ago

saw a post the other day talking about how Kyedae is getting boosted by Tenz and people crying about it, and then I had a game earlier that had someone pissed off cuz of a ‘Smurf’ and then tilting the team in OT. Smurfs ruin fun yes, but bitching about things is even worse

posted about a year ago

So right now Kyedae is getting boosted by Tenz, she’ll prob hit immortal soon, I’m a1 right now, and I get why people complain about Smurfs. But only if you’re plat and below cuz you’ll prob get stomped. But if you’re anything above that, just take it as a learning curve and move on, stop bitching about it please. Mentality is way more important then complaining about it and being absolutely tilted the next game and venting it all out.

posted about a year ago

💀 💀 💀

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

That doesn’t sound convincing…

posted about a year ago

Fair point, but how the sentinels roster broke up is sadder than how 100t broke up, HIKO is still on 100t as a creator and you got a lot of iconic players like Derrick and cryo. Plus Sean gares buff baby. But something about sentinels just feels like it’ll never be the same again

Plus I’ve been a fan of 100t even before valorant came out so there’s that 🤷‍♂️

posted about a year ago

Why be a fan of sentinels at that point honestly, Tenz sure but idk how Tenz feels rn with 80% of his teammates gone

posted about a year ago

Have you enjoyed it tho

posted about a year ago

It isn’t gonna be renewed

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Probably cuz of how I said it in my mind all good

posted about a year ago


That came off as way too fking aggressive

posted about a year ago

If a player doesnt comm then idk why they would compete ya know

posted about a year ago

It’s only hopeful tho

posted about a year ago

Nah this is prob just gonna make it worse, his circadian rhythm is just gonna be thrown off

posted about a year ago

Try putting the phone down an hour before bed and try reading a book or something active so that your mind isn’t distracted by the internet

posted about a year ago

What if he baited about joining a team? Can never predict this guy

posted about a year ago

Cuz it’s the “trending hype.” Actually so stupid lmao

posted about a year ago

I mean if you bottom frag every game then...

posted about a year ago

People on vlr really can't get by one day without climaxing over ideas on how to make you seem like a piece of shit, just unlucky really.

posted about a year ago

Totally not me

posted about a year ago

C9 yay is literally the most obvious decision you didn’t call shit lmao

posted about a year ago

Sumi >>>>>> Mai

posted about a year ago

Tenz leaked to be leaving sen?

posted about a year ago

Bro hates off of just looks

posted about a year ago

You made another post that makes no sense at all

posted about a year ago

You care way too much bro

posted about a year ago

Oh god trinket not again

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

All good bro, might’ve came off ass toxic mb, just tired and honestly found the comment funny cuz it was so weird

posted about a year ago

Bro, I want you to think about what you just said and tell me if it makes sense or not

posted about a year ago
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