Flag: Mexico
Registered: July 31, 2021
Last post: June 9, 2024 at 5:05 AM
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This was Cryo vs OpTiC

posted about a year ago

exactly, DRX is the only good team in Korea right now, we have to see if Damwon with this new team helps to increase the level of Korea

posted about a year ago

cause they want to face DRX https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kVVr9Elsl18

posted about a year ago

In conclusion, LEV has one of the best Ascent itw

posted about a year ago

LEV played their first master against DRX without their coach and they still did very well.

posted about a year ago

are you PROD?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Fusion isn't way below as NIP in comparison to the top teams in their respective regions

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

anulo mufa

posted about a year ago

A korean caster was worried cause DRX lost against LEV in scrims (win against DRX in scrims is huge), but we know that scrims =/= officials. Also it's the first time that Leviatan is playing a masters + no Onur.

posted about a year ago

PRX can't shit on his dogshit team cause Giants isn't playing KEKW

posted about a year ago

sorry, I am a delusional boaster fan

posted about a year ago

No, Ange1 actually has experience playing with subs (FPX qualified to Masters 1 with BaddyG) + Boaster likes to have control of everything when he IGLing something that he couldn't get with 2 stand ins

posted about a year ago

guild 2-1 FPX

posted about a year ago

different patch and different team

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Just in Haven

posted about a year ago

Thing to consider: There will be two spots to Champions in SA LCQ

posted about a year ago

FS got the third place in LATAM playoffs being a one month team

posted about a year ago

Idk, it depends in how the team works without Onur and if they adapted to the playstyle from different regions.

posted about a year ago

Share this to rito

posted about a year ago

I care

posted about a year ago

"out of millions of fictional characters all over the history of medium" name me another character that is as popular as CJ that looks like dgzin

posted about a year ago

como amo molestarte shidoh kkkkkkkkk

posted about a year ago

and excluding the soccer too XD

posted about a year ago


Esta es la traduccion literal de snyderfan "Los norteamericanos y europeos no entienden como el racismo funciona por eso es imposible explicarlo"

En que momento se entiende lo que tu escribiste?

Me comunico en español porque asi va a ser más facil de entender para ustedes (aprovechando que el portugués y el español son muy similares) ya que se puede apreciar que su ingles no es muy bueno.

posted about a year ago

and something funny is that GL members were being fatphobic towards keznit in social media (something that is worse than say it in a valorant chat where just 10 people can read it). And they didn't get any kind of punishment from riot.

posted about a year ago

then his english isn't great, cause when I read "North Americans and Eu don't know how racism works so it's impossible to explain." I don't understand the same as you.

posted about a year ago

HAHAHAHAHA, this guy thinks that racism doesn't exist in NA and EU.

posted about a year ago

we? fakeflagger?

posted about a year ago

Brazil playoffs were on LAN

posted about a year ago

exactly, they can't play fast cause their firepower isn't as great as the other teams, so they prefer to play slower

posted about a year ago

100T fans, cause asuna thinks that Keznit is going to be the s1mple of valorant

posted about a year ago

well, Fnatic is better than DRX, but DRX isn't that far

posted about a year ago

and he used the ult against the eco

posted about a year ago

title: Keznit < CJ aspas
description: Ahahahahah, it's fun and they were thinking that aspas was best raze itw. (>)

Do you know what ">" and "<" means?

posted about a year ago

no, riot said that they didn't found racism in his comment, but they said that was offensive so they punished him. (If you are talking about BR baning them in scrims, that doesn't count cause brazilians supports each other, they won't say that dgzin was wrong too)

posted about a year ago

you can think that it's a cope, but it's not. I'm rooting for LOUD in my pickems, but is a fact that Fracture was their permaban until LEV won against KRU 13-1 on split

posted about a year ago

well, they won 13-10 against KRU in LOUD map (and Fracture is one of the worst maps of KRU)

posted about a year ago

no, they pracc a lot + sadhaak and aspas are friends of some KRU members

posted about a year ago

deepl is better than google translate

posted about a year ago

Did you know that this is even worse in EU? Almost every player from every region (even NA and LATAM players) said that EU is the worst region in rankeds

posted about a year ago

Aspas, Keznit and Tacolilla are ranked demons

posted about a year ago

at least he is immortal 2, Zombs is Ascendant

posted about a year ago

well, in Mexico that's not true, tacos are better when it comes to taste experience.

posted about a year ago

pozole >>>

posted about a year ago

you forgot Keznit (if you don't trust me, ask it to Fnatic players)

posted about a year ago

cause he is supporting his country in masters

posted about a year ago

also in Denmark this is very strange to see

posted about a year ago
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