Country: Portugal
Registered: October 31, 2022
Last post: March 31, 2024 at 4:34 PM
Posts: 153
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Who told you I'm not among the crowd 😝

posted about a year ago

calma meu bro, porque Γ© que estΓ‘s mad πŸ˜‚

posted about a year ago

Name checks out
That was a good one

posted about a year ago

Yeah I know, but that group ain't the whole crowd

posted about a year ago

1- English website
2- This has the same number of people on the group stage arena of rio major

posted about a year ago

People saying this would be a better crowd than Rio Major πŸ˜‚πŸ‘ŒπŸ₯€πŸ’―

posted about a year ago

People saying this would be better than Rio major πŸ˜ΉπŸ˜ΉπŸ˜ΉπŸ’―

posted about a year ago

People saying that this event would have a better crowd than Rio Major kekw

posted about a year ago

Tf you talking about

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Nope, this is my only acc
Plus, imagine caring about upvotes XDDDDD
The -1s I get its just the fragile kids that can't read the word CS and thats funny for me ;)

posted about a year ago

I watch Valorant's games :D but not as much like CS, but I can still make opinions ;)
And I never create discussions about Valorant and CS, but if they exist, I can join and discuss

posted about a year ago

You are the only logical guy I found in this forum.
I love how people always -1 on me just because of my name or about my take saying something good about cs
People are so insecure ahah

posted about a year ago

You are insecure here
your arguments:
-Stew major winner (in 2018) cant get in t2 val
-IHC top 18

posted about a year ago

funny that you only use stew as an example, while almost all of t1 val pros are either unsuccessful or washed in cs

posted about a year ago

Valve doesn't support the game at all.
And what's the problem with IHC? They are good players actually lmao. They are legit good underdogs
And yeah, EG beating heroic is a joke, but you need to understand that flukes and throws exist

posted about a year ago

Actually crazy how mad you are about cs XD

CS is making all-time records btw

posted about a year ago

I wish that valve wakes the fuck up :(

Plus, IHC ain't that bad tho, I've watched their games and they have some talent, but not enough to be a top 10

posted about a year ago

Tarik was indeed washed.
His major was his life event, because he was never been GREAT.
Plus, the major was in 2018, and he wasn't that good in 2020

posted about a year ago

Well, I can't really tell, because I don't follow Valorant's scene like CS's. But I can agree that almost t1 Valo player is either a washed or unsuccessful Tier 2-3 CS player. I don't know how, but almost all of NA and Asia players in Valorant are kinda strong, but when they were CS players they couldn't do 10 rounds in a bo3 against an average EU team

posted about a year ago

sure I am 😫

posted about a year ago

I never said Portugal had any big things in esports history, but I can remind you that Portugal has a population of 10M when USA has 330M. And USA has a lot of nerdy awkward people that plays videogames, and Portuguese people are all the time hanging out and having fun

posted about a year ago

flag checks out go back being good at any game 🀣

posted about a year ago

crazy cope

posted about a year ago

We don't have it confirmed tho, just speculation

But he had so many suspect clips consistently... sometimes that suspect clips happen to everyone, but not as leaf's consistency

posted about a year ago

The one who said that rio would peak 3M+ was delusional.

But people were expecting a crowd that will appear for every game and cheering, which they did, but on group stages.

The crowd was good, but on playoffs they disapoint us. That's the truth

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Sad that majority of brazilians are outside lol

posted about a year ago

The overtime is supposed to be a continuation of the match, so it doesn't take the economy factor of the game.

posted about a year ago

don't forget china

they watch through huya, this site doesn't show viewer count, but believe me there is a lot, probably 500k minimum

posted about a year ago

based val fan

people doesn't accept that csgo is just a bigger (and better, my opinion) esport than valorant

posted about a year ago

Ok babyboy, I'm sorry to offend your 3 e-girl mommys

posted about a year ago

Well, there is, but its not that big.
They have a league called ESL Impact, its a new thing tho, it started this year. Its now the Season 2 of it, and the current prize pool is 123k$

posted about a year ago

Are you delusional or what? We aren't in year 2015 mate. Scandinavian countries have a big player base? Yes they have, but they aren't the top player base in EU

posted about a year ago

NA valorant already bigger.
EU never
Asia yes
SA never

posted about a year ago

You know nothing about cs then.
If you think LOUD is the reason brazil will make BR val > Br csgo, you are wrong. You don't know how passionate brazilians are to csgo, just Gaules is a great name.
And yes, many kids play val, but casually. Val pro scene isn't that big to bring attencion. Plus, why would you grind hardly, to not enter t1 valorant? It's very unlikely. Tier 2 scene will die, and no one is willing to grind to be picked by a franchised org

posted about a year ago

So you think the franchising will work? Bro LOL and Val has different playerbase, and different "culture".
Valorant player base is more expanded around the world, but do you know that RIGHT NOW IN THIS MOMENT, both games have around 750k players playing? EU cs is bigger, LATAM cs is bigger, and CIS cs is bigger. Other than that, Val is bigger.
But trust me, csgo Esports will prevail valorant esports for long time. Val esports are "hyped" because the pros doesn't even grind that much, and most of them are streaming and chilling. Thats why valorant isn't competitive as much as csgo

posted about a year ago

next time read thread

He mentioned ESPORT
Valorant won't overtake csgo in the next years for sure

Obviously Valorant is more friendly in casual gaming, because its a weeb game you can't deny it

posted about a year ago

I don't think it will be more hyped than csgo major. But it will be hyped for sure

posted about a year ago

Ok I'm sorry, I won't uwu mommy love you every woman I see on valorant

posted about a year ago

because its the top 2 best esport in the world

posted about a year ago

"I literally have goosebumps of this BrazilπŸ‡§πŸ‡· crowd" -> means he loves BR crowd
"I hope one day i can experience this" -> experience this crowd, not explicit saying he wants experience CS BR crowd.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

not even saying that misses csgo

but still based


posted about a year ago

Yeah, they are cheering "00 CHEGOU" (00 arrived!)

posted about a year ago

Not coping but the only crowd that is just as good the Portuguese one.

Portuguese crowd is always singing and cheering, but other crowds such as Swedish, Danish, French, are shit just because they just cheer when their team wins a round.

There are other good crowds but:

1- Brazil
2- Portugal
rest dont care

posted about a year ago

yeah, sadly I have an University exam at 6PM, and the imperial game goes at 17:45 :(

posted about a year ago

"crowd is actually good"

Bro always was.
Valorant is for introverted weebs, so forget good crowds

posted about a year ago
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