Flag: United Kingdom
Registered: February 20, 2022
Last post: June 26, 2024 at 5:42 PM
Posts: 364
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making rankings for the PACIFIC region should be pretty easy tho

posted about a year ago

You have 0 stars ur account is not valuable even for VLR standards

posted about a year ago

what makes you say that?

posted about a year ago

what map do u think FNC are vulnerable on?

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

furia >> 100T, where do u think Furia place in the Americas League or too soon to say?

posted about a year ago

almost losing a map and almost losing a match aren't the same

posted about a year ago

Agreed, great match, huge respect to Furia


posted about a year ago

you can make an arguement for i tho right, like be reasonable, it's not a crazy take.

posted about a year ago

Derke is not good with Raze… and chronicle and Alfajer????

posted about a year ago

Not the same if I don’t start it

posted about a year ago

I just hate obnoxious NA fans, LATAM/SA and Pacific fans are all tolerable.

I’m just twisting the knife.

posted about a year ago

They’re out so who now?

posted about a year ago

I’m a betting man

posted about a year ago

It’ll be fun seeing you silent tomorrow 😁

posted about a year ago

When 100T lose to Fnatic, I am really gonna enjoy it. I will have the no. 1 pick-em and everyone in NA on this site will be in tatters

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

this aint go so well huh lol

posted about a year ago

well idk its a home LAN in Masters TOKYO, but yes it is not the most competitive region

posted about a year ago

why as high as 35?

posted about a year ago

we do not care

posted about a year ago

The big games should happen later into the tournament, it will make for better quality games rather than big names both having bad warm-up games in a who can outfrag and has the slightly worse prep

posted about a year ago

back with wrong preds Fnatic EZ dub

posted about a year ago

Derke clears almost EVERYONE

posted about a year ago

it's Tanmayyy's IP it must be loool

posted about a year ago

dude you have got to chill a little

posted about a year ago

This is a direct quote:
"Do not make personal attacks of any kind. Keep trash talk within the realm of Valorant."

Let's stay respectful

posted about a year ago

Do you think it's easy to fight and win a case like this in court, whatI bet happenned is she went to her lawyers and they said, "you can fight this but it'll drag on for years and even with evidence there is no guarantee you win, also if you don't win you open yourself up to counter-suits."
All I want you to think about is that the process is not a safe system, evidence does not equal a guranteed conviction

posted about a year ago

she didn't drop the accussations, that's just a blatant lie...

posted about a year ago

his post called all non-c9 believers fools

posted about a year ago

I don't know how he can be innocent when he didn't even directly deny the claims made aginst him AND he interferred with RIOTS INVESTIGATION, the latter being the real reason he got banned for a year from competting. He may not neccessarily be a bad person now but he justifiably a brand risk. If I were team owner I wouldn't lose a drop of sleep over finding someone else over him.

posted about a year ago

Nice article! Update coming after Sao Paulo?

posted about a year ago

just meant fnatic will be in japan to be in a tournament with drx and zeta soon

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

yeah just seen the tournament now

posted about a year ago

L for USA incoming

posted about a year ago

It makes no sense why they wouldn’t be able to make it considering the team is confirmed and there are definitely some of the other teams there that are not exactly as well wanted there or established idk

Someone fill me on my lack of the critical information, Fnatic have been there the last few times the tournament was on.

posted about a year ago

Oooo but what about Nukkye or Leo

posted about a year ago

G2 Omegalul

posted about a year ago

I think he was more comfortable on controller tbh, he'll do better somewhere else if he can play the role

posted about a year ago

On holiday chilling

posted about a year ago

You're right about then being in the lower bracket lol

posted about a year ago

how many post are u gonna make ur not even a fnatic fan

posted about a year ago

well said.

posted about a year ago

which event, that's it. Now franchising, no?

posted about a year ago


posted about 2 years ago

No way Shao makes it

posted about 2 years ago
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