Country: Chile
Registered: July 6, 2021
Last post: April 25, 2024 at 12:10 AM
Posts: 410
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The team will be shit anyways, without less and the igling of saadhak that core will never be champions again, sacy and pancada were the worst players of sentinels aside TenZ in the regular season, they should leave sentinels

posted 8 months ago

Its situation is stupid, jake just was toxic, but he didnt say anything bad, was his girlfriend, not him

posted 8 months ago

Loud lost in groups on the masters of the last year and then they won champions so they will do it again no cap

posted 9 months ago

Overrated group, easy for liquid and loud, drx in the masters performed so bad and navi are shit

posted 9 months ago

I love you all guys :') , i am very proud of your run and of your eggs that you put in all of the matches that you play, was a great match i love you all, taco, kingg, shyy, nzr and mazino you played so well, Los quiero caleta wn :,)

posted 9 months ago

FPX got a little more of experience in lock in, so i think that can help to them to do an upset

posted 9 months ago

1.- Fnatic
16.-Bili Bili

posted 9 months ago

Good list

posted 9 months ago

Mejor explicado imposible

posted 9 months ago

Navi 9 and giants above KRU/LEV KEKW

posted 9 months ago

Nzr igl? XDD peto si ya no igelea
Melser (igl smoker)
Mazino (initiator)
Keznit (Duelist)
Kingg (flex/raze)
Shyy/Daveeys (sentinel)

posted 9 months ago

One player is on a final, the other is out :)

posted 9 months ago

Obviamente los 2 clasificados, pero eso es imposible, EG no estuvo ni cerca de ganarle a fnatic

posted 9 months ago

Soy mas chileno que los porotos con riendas hijo mio

posted 9 months ago

The second best team in this LCQ was furia, was the only team that almost beated KRU
Power rankings of LCQ:

posted 9 months ago

Na que ver con racismo igual el qlo se ríe de los que trabajan en mcdonalds y el qlo despues de este match va por las mismas xd

posted 9 months ago

I forgive her

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

The jinx is reall all of the matches of lev i said that im disappointed and sad when they were losing and they aleays managed to pull a comeback, im so happy :D

posted 9 months ago

Kick nozwerr

posted 9 months ago

Im american as well, i live in the continet america 🤓☝️

posted 9 months ago

Tu país no existe en valorant no tienes opinión

posted 9 months ago

Nunca entendí ese cambio, fue porque el onur se llevaba bien con el nzr y quizo traerlo nomas por amiguismo, porque el adverso brindaba muy buen ambiente al equipo, ahora los veo y son muy "profesionales", ya no hay así como alguien que sea la personalidad del equipo como el adverso

posted 9 months ago

Cierto, pero según yo con iniciador era muy inconsistente, recuerdo solo 2 partidos que topeo como iniciador en lev y fueben la final de kru vs lev y en el prx vs lev, en cambio con centinela le recuerdo muchos más partidos, en lock in amasó, ahora ha hecho muy buenos mapas, etc

posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago

Shyy mejor con iniciador? XD dame de la que fumas porfa, sus mejores stats han sido con centinela, lo que nunca debió hacer lev fue sacar a melser y mazino debió seguir jugando con iniciador

posted 9 months ago

He lost all of his clutches :(

posted 9 months ago

I really believed that with this team we could at least qualify to champions and get a good position there :( so sad

posted 9 months ago

Koi have a lot of fans bro, ibai had 100k of viewers in the match of koi vs heretics

posted 9 months ago

Avegare brazilian fan when keznit destroy a brazilian team

posted 9 months ago

We the quality of players that we have and we are bots :( unclucky, gg :c

posted 9 months ago

Yo me enojo con los players pero me lo guardo pa mi, no me saldría tirar mierda cuando hay gente al lado, y sobre todo andar tirando mierda en una watchparty me parece lo mas penoso que hay, en las watchpartys hay que ir a apoyar

posted 9 months ago

They are not better, lev has to play 4v5 and in m80 all the players are good, but i agree that 100t should pick them

posted 9 months ago

Demon1, runi, S0m or boostio, other answer is incorrect

posted 9 months ago

Pero culaio tu no haz visto el op de keznit? El culiao no pega menos que el taco con ella, eso de que taco es mejor op que keznit es una estupidez, pero ya fue, ojala que el taco despierte por fin y mañana juegue bien, que hasta ahora viene siendo el peor duelista de la liga lamentablemente :(, tiene un mental block o algo así, que no entiendo como juega tan mal en oficiales y en ranked amasa

posted 9 months ago

Propably your are a fat rat kid and you are speaking about the body of keznit xd machucao reculiao

posted 9 months ago

Since chamber got nerfed he stopped being the same player, but its strage cause he was not a chamber one trick, he was good with skye also, its like he lost confidence or something since the chamber nerf

posted 9 months ago

Si aweonao taco buen op no pego ni una hoy dia enfermin, los planes del equipo valen callampa por eso apestan tanto a caca wn, un duelista qlia no tiene que ser tan disciplinado, tiene que ir para adelante todo el rato, mira kang kang, leaf, aspas, siempre van W, por eso matan. Hablai pura mierda

posted 9 months ago

Como no va a ser ur error haber dejado ir a keznit weon si el keznit los está haciendo cagar y el taco está apestando a caca, que wea estai hablando nano

posted 9 months ago

Kingg (flex)
Keznit (duelist)
Mazino (initiator)
Melser (smoker)
Shyy (sentinel)
The team that leviatán could have man, they just trolled

posted 9 months ago

Just lev dont benched melser and pick mazino and keznit :(, imagine this team:
Keznit (duelist:jett/raze)
Kingg (flex/raze)
Mazino (initiator)
Shyy (sentinel)
Melser (smoker)

posted 9 months ago

No dije que es una mierda, dije que está overrated, ea bueno, pero no es un coach top mundial como algunos dicen

posted 9 months ago

Onur ha hecho cosas bien pero en el principio del juego donde nadie sabía nada, donde enseñaba conceptos basicos, ahora el coach es mucho más que eso y onur no ha evolucionado como coach y no me compares el lol con valorant que en lol nunca hicimos nada xdd

posted 9 months ago

You really believe in the brazilians? The brazilians are the most racist people against the spanish speakers from latam. In cs always that a player from latam got something of succes they acused them because of "racism" and the same happend now with keznit

posted 9 months ago

Atom con jugadores en papel más malos que lev llevó a su equipo de un 0-9 a ganar 2 matches seguidos en el lcq y amasar a lev, ese si es un coach, no como onur que le dieron un superteam en bandeja de plata y no ha hecho nada, siguiendo con su ego de que el antistrat no sirve y jugando siempre a lo mismo, sin innovar nada

posted 9 months ago

Onur the most overrated coach in the world, he got carried by keznit, mazino and kingg in all of his succeses in his career, he benched keznit, he benched melser and now melser is destroying his team, also his timeouts are shit. Unlucky for lev. Lev have great players but whit that coach they will never win
Atom > Onur

posted 9 months ago

Kru dont need those shitty people lik of the union, the 9z guys had great firepower and also adverso and delzik are free

posted 9 months ago

A lot of people say that they should kick nagzet and keep axeddy, as the 5 player, but axeddy literally have the worst stats in the regular season with dephh, they should pick a 9z player instead like david or deigara

posted 9 months ago

Thaks to saadhak igling :)

posted 9 months ago

Yes and because BR>LATAM all the brazilian teams got eliminated right? Kkkkkk go cry, we have the same talent than brazil, even with less money invested in esports

posted 9 months ago
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