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Registered: May 28, 2022
Last post: September 5, 2023 at 5:51 AM
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🗿🗿 time to learn Chinese

posted 8 months ago

It's too fucking early for this post tbh 🗿

posted 8 months ago

Holy shit🗿

posted 8 months ago

How is NRG barely winning🗿

posted 8 months ago

Fr their two smokers are ego peeking out of smokes every time💀🗿

posted 8 months ago

Viper has a broken face hiding inside that mask because she plays with poison so she is at the bottom🗿 Harbor is not first, ewww taste🗿

posted 8 months ago

Agree, Semen1 is mad because bro got carried at Tokyo 🗿

posted 8 months ago

Thank you, I clearly don't know this and has been lied to this whole time! You are such a good detective🗿

posted 8 months ago

LATAM doesn't even really have that insane aim🗿

posted 8 months ago

NRG 2-0 BLG🗿
FNC 2-0 Zeta 🗿
EG 2-0 FUT🗿


posted 8 months ago

Nooooo come back pls, bro did nothing wrong 🗿

posted 8 months ago

I have said it before, and I'm still saying it again.. and if you're waiting for me to say it again, remember I have said it before...


posted 8 months ago

Why are his threads keep getting deleted💀🗿

posted 8 months ago

The effectiveness of caffeine can vary widely from person to person due to factors such as genetics, tolerance, metabolism, and individual sensitivity. However, I can provide you with some general guidelines based on common recommendations and research.

For most people, a moderate dose of caffeine, around 100 to 200 milligrams, is typically effective for providing a noticeable increase in alertness, concentration, and energy. This is roughly equivalent to:

One 8-ounce (240 ml) cup of brewed coffee: 80-100 mg
One 8-ounce (240 ml) cup of black tea: 40-70 mg
One 12-ounce (355 ml) can of cola: 30-40 mg
One 2-ounce (60 ml) shot of espresso: 60-80 mg
It's important to note that individual responses to caffeine can vary widely. Some people may feel the effects of caffeine even with smaller doses, while others may require larger amounts to experience the same effects. Additionally, regular consumption of caffeine can lead to tolerance, where over time, the same dose of caffeine might have a reduced impact.

Consuming too much caffeine can lead to side effects like jitteriness, increased heart rate, anxiety, and insomnia. It's generally recommended not to exceed 400 milligrams of caffeine per day for most adults, but some individuals may be more sensitive and need to limit their intake even further.

If you're considering using caffeine for its effects, it's best to start with a moderate dose and pay attention to how your body responds. If you have any underlying health conditions or concerns, it's a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your caffeine consumption.

posted 8 months ago

I have said it before, and I'm still saying it again.. and if you're waiting for me to say it again, remember I have said it before...


posted 8 months ago

Anyone knows how the first 2 days viewerships compared with last year champs🗿 Is this good?

LOUD vs DRX 663 025
Liquid vs NAVI 588 281
NAVI vs DRX 498 213
FPX vs EG 407 758
T1 vs FUT 396 127

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

Tbag is alright, I like it too🗿 but all those tweets are just ego when lil bro got carried and fluke a grand final🗿

posted 8 months ago

Why people like to harm their own health and body🗿

posted 8 months ago

Don't worry, Fnatic won't be using any strats 🗿

posted 8 months ago

Vlr has ad bots now🗿

posted 8 months ago

Ange1 is more funnier because he looks like a rat eating it🐀🐁🗿

posted 8 months ago

First place

Second place

Third place

The way they take it is so funny🗿

posted 8 months ago

Clicked and all my money is gone🗿

posted 8 months ago

Previously we got ad bots posting ad threads, now we got ad bots sending ad dms, vlr 💀🗿

posted 8 months ago

Just got a dm at vlr by which is a new acc 🗿 but since most of us got an ad dm by before I'm afraid this link has something bad🗿

This is the msg:

Yep you were right, he said he's been using "aimfury" aimbot for months and ofc he's still not banned... Literally have a screenshot of him admitting it too. I think this is it; but I'm not sure..

posted 8 months ago

Country: Austria
Registered: March 31, 2023
Last post: August 8, 2023 at 1:19 AM
Posts: 17

posted 8 months ago

I don't like drugs users so Botvi and EG 🗿

posted 8 months ago

Botvi with 2 involvements, truly a team of rules abuser🗿

posted 8 months ago

I'm talking about individual performance with op kills and you are talking about a team achievement, don't change the topic🗿

2021 fluke champs with overpowered Jett and easier meta btw 🗿

posted 8 months ago

KK peak 100+ op kills in one LAN with nerfed Jett, cboob?🗿

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

If Riot say it is then it is, our opinions don't matter🗿

posted 8 months ago

Defense site maybe but at attack site the yoru has really few impact, not even tp to site for entry🗿

posted 8 months ago

Ewwwww 🗿

posted 8 months ago

How much money did Botvi bribe Riot🗿

posted 8 months ago

No one cares about your excuses, Botvi 😹🗿

posted 8 months ago

What is this rivalry if DRX smokes Navi every time🗿

posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

Botvi has 2 daddies Fnatic and DRX😹🗿

posted 8 months ago

Inconsistent 🗿

posted 8 months ago

KK will kill one, repeek and get another🗿

posted 8 months ago

Your point? You just proved that KK clears cboob 🗿cboob hold an angle and still died, who has the advantage here?🗿

posted 8 months ago

Yes yes yes, happy now? same boring repeating thread every day by Botvi flairs🗿

posted 8 months ago

If one map is gonna determine how good a player is then all Botvi players are the same😹🗿

posted 8 months ago

Bro thinks he is on the team😹🗿

posted 8 months ago
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